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    Thursday, December 16, 2004

    update soon to come

    First Semester Senior Year, check.  Pictures...

    Another pic from the Semi-formal...  and another of Jen and Lori that I like

    "The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves while wiser people are so full of doubt." - Bertrand Russel

    Sunday, December 12, 2004

    survey time

    1) Using band names, spell out your name: REM, Evanescence, Ben Folds Five, Eve 6, The Clash, Christina Aguilera (I don't care if she'snot a band.)

    2) Have you ever had a song written about you? not that i'm aware of
    3) What song makes you cry? Into the West
    4) What song makes you happy? Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas song

    PT. II

    a p p e a r a n c e

    x. HEIGHT: 5' 9"
    x. HAIR COLOR: blonde
    x. SKIN COLOR: white
    x. EYE COLOR: hazel or green
    x. PIERCINGS: 2 in each ear
    x. TATTOOS: no siree

    r i g h t n o w

    x. WHAT YOU WEARING?: a blue dress from long ago
    x. WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: it's been rainy for far too long
    x. HOW ARE YOU?: annoyed at the paper i should be writing

    x. HAVE A BAD HABIT?: maybe
    x. LIKE TO DRIVE?: yes

    l o v e

    x. BOYFRIEND?: yes

    x. GIRLFRIEND?: so many..  hehe

    x. SEXUALITY?: straight
    x. CHILDREN?: NO
    x. BEEN HURT?: yesm
    x. YOUR GREATEST REGRET?: regrets are stupid

    r a n d o m

    x. DO YOU HAVE A JOB?: not at the moment
    x. YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW?: Christmas music
    x. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON what color would you be?: army green
    x. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: hugs

    Seven things in your room:
    1. my camera
    2. jazz shoes
    4. lavendar beads
    5. a piece of tape that says "PROCRASTINATOR"
    6. Orlando
    7. Pippin production book

    Seven things to do before death:
    1. win an Oscar.  let's be realistic now, k?
    2. sing
    3. sleep
    4. eat
    5. travel
    6. be rich
    7. smile

    Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
    1. oh please

    Top seven things you say most:
    1. true story

    2. you're fun
    3. fucking hell
    4. rarr
    5. will you marry me?
    6. can i bite you?
    7. uh..

    Do You:
    Smoke?: during damn yankees and picasso, i amde the fog machine work

    Do drugs?: are goldfish a drug?

    Read the newspaper? sometimes
    Pray?: sometimes

    Have you ever:
    Been in love?: yes
    Gone skinny dipping?:  i'm too obese to go skinny dipping

    Had a medical emergency?:  i think not
    Had surgery?: does wisdom teeth count?  ;)
    Swam in the dark? yes
    Been to a Bonfire: yes
    Got Drunk: hi, my name is last night
    Ran away from home?: once, i got to the back deck
    Played strip poker?: no
    Gotten beaten up?: not so much
    Beaten someone up?: not so much
    Been on stage?: sure
    Slept outdoors?: ummm... in a tent, yes
    Pulled an all nighter?: not often
    If yes, what is your record?: only 1 this person needs sleep
    Made out with a stranger?: what happens in Jersey stays in Jersey
    Been on radio/tv?: yes
    Been in a mosh-pit?: oh i love punk rock concerts
    Been to a party: sure
    Gotten lost in the woods: i guess so?
    Been in an Undertow: no, but if yo uare, swim PARALLEL to shore
    Smoked a Cigar: i tried that once.  in the blackbox. 

    Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: yes
    Describe your first kiss?: pass

    About You

    Three words that sum you up: emotional dork fun
    Wallet: is duct tape
    Coffee: today the coffee tasted SO GOOD
    Shoes: i widh i had more shoes
    Cologne/Perfume: lavendar is a scent of choice
    In the last 24 Hours have you....:
    Cried: ha.  wow.  yes.
    Bought something: ummm, no?
    Gotten sick: no
    Sang: a LOT
    Been kissed: yeah
    Felt stupid: yeah
    Wanted to tell someone you love them, but didn’t: nah
    Talked to an ex: funny
    Talked to someone you have a crush on: sadly, i did not talk to orlando
    Had a serious talk: i'm gonna go with yes
    Missed someone: yes
    Hugged someone: yes
    Argued with a parent(s): no

    Social Life:
    Boyfriend/girlfriend: i already answered that
    Would you rather be with friends or on a date: depends
    Attend Church: i attended candlelight carols THREE TIMES
    Like being around people: yes, this is why i miss benfer sometimes

    Thing you ate: Bellissimo's
    Thing you drank: coffee
    Place you went: potty
    Person you kissed: jason
    Person you talked to: shmid
    Person you IMed: lori
    Song you heard: umm, "O Come All Ye Faithful"  ;)

    The End?  Guess so.

    last candlelight carols, check...

    This week is still busy though!:

    -Finish model of Hamlet set for Scene Design

    -2 monologue presentations for Speech final

    -Final paper & extra credit for American Writers

    -Paper and revised production book for Independent Study (Pippin)

    -Dinner with my lovies

    Thursday, December 9, 2004

    one week til home!

    Still Left:

    -1 Directing class (John Dunphy's final directing scene)

    -Trip to Curtis' house for scene design

    -Performance day (jazz)

    -Finish model of Hamlet set for Scene Design

    -2 monologue presentations for Speech final

    -Final paper & extra credit for American Writers

    -Paper and revised production book for Independent Study (Pippin)

    -Noah's blackbox

    -3 Choir concerts (dinner w/ mom)

    -MTA Semi-formal

    -Dinner with my lovies

    -All black party (Jason & Tim's) there...Monday...


    I am a dork.

    A theatre dork.

    Sunday, December 5, 2004

    the countdown begins

    Before I can go home for Christmas, here's what I've got left:

    The Classes:

    -2 Directing classes

    -2 American Writers classes

    -2 Scene Design classes

    -2 Jazz classes

    The Finals:

    -John Dunphy's final directing scene

    -My final directing scene

    -Performance day (jazz)

    -Final paper for American Writers

    -Paper and revised production book for Independent Study (Pippin)

    -Finish model of Hamlet set for Scene Design

    -2 monologue presentations for Speech final

    The Extraneaous Stuff:

    -Critical take (paper and presentation) on Portnoy's Complaint

    -Reaction paper on Portnoy's Complaint

    -2 Choir rehearsals

    -3 Choir concerts

    -MTA Semi-formal

    -Dinner w/my lovies??

    -Trip to Curtis' house for scene design

    Monday, November 29, 2004

    three weeks to go?

    It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

    Thanksgiving break was loverly.  Mom and I went to visit Grandma in Lancaster, then watched TV in the basement with our wine and pumpkin pie (our upstairs TV has died).  Other events of the break included seeing Sideways and Finding Neverland with Mom, National Treasure with Shannon, and renting Laws of Attraction with Jason.  Mom and I also went shopping at DSW, Michael's, and in Penn's Village (got me some shoes), and went looking for chandeliers and whatnot.  Went out to Olive Garden with Jen as well, of course!

    I'm feeling a little stressed again, with SO much to do in these next few weeks.  It's that time of year...  In addition to homework, I've got two plays to see, a semi-formal to attend..  At least there's no more mainstage rehearsal!  Hehe. 

    I'll be home from December 16th until Jan. 1st, it looks like, and then back to school for a week (for ACTF), and then I'll spend the following week at home again.  So let me know when we'll play, for those of you at home!

    Oh, and as a little Muhlenberg-is-stupid sidenote:  they told me they'd fix my windows on Wednesday when I went home for break, so that I wouldn't have to worry about that meanie burglar breaking in and taking my computer.  When did they fix my windows?  TODAY, when I got BACK from break.  Argh.  All is well though, and if it wasn't, I'd bite them.  Seriously.

    I need to go to bed soon and wake up on time for Scene Design tomorrow, but if your number 1 thing to look forward to over the Holiday season is the same as mine, check this
     out.  Tear of joy.

    Let it snow, now, please!

    Thursday, November 18, 2004

    random quiz result

    "You must remember this, a kiss is still a
    kiss". Your romance is Casablanca. A
    classic story of love in trying times, chock
    full of both cynicism and hope. You obviously
    believe in true love, but you're also
    constantly aware of practicality and societal
    expectations. That's not always fun, but at
    least it's realistic. Try not to let the Nazis
    get you down too much.

    What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Tuesday, November 16, 2004

    weight watchers

    this amuses me WAY too much to NOT put a link to it in my journal

    Wednesday, November 10, 2004

    bad prom pics and more America is stupid stuff

    Bad Prom Pix!  These took WAY too long to get online...

    Was the Election hacked?

    Jesus and the FDA  Gallery page 80 particularly interests me..

    Sunday, November 7, 2004

    last show of my Berg career, check

    And then Pippin was over.  The run went realllly well, but I'm happy that I can have a life again (sorta).  Yay!  Now I just have a directing rehearsals and two projects to eat my life :)



    Thursday, November 4, 2004

    i'm cold


    Oh, and that reminds me...


    "As for the election, our fight (like Tolkien's road) goes ever on and on, and we must follow where we can. There will be other battles, other elections, and we are legion...  Keep reading, keep thinking, and keep voting." - George R.R. Martin

    Wednesday, November 3, 2004

    USA - way to drop the ball.

    I hope America learns something from its idiocy.  Then again, I don't...


    So, umm, here's some Pippin pictures to enjoy.  Please note how beeee-ay-you-tiful they are!  The weekend was great, particularly Saturday night.

    RIP Grandpa Lindsey :(

    Friday, October 29, 2004

    Another Opening, Another Show

    I'm Sorry, Bears Can't Vote

    So, I guess I haven't updated basically since school started.  That's some crazy stuff - just like my life these past 7 weeks.  Pippin has eaten my life possibly more than any other show ever has.  This excludes summer shows, because in the summer the shows ARE your life.  Well, the same was pretty much true in this rehearsal process.  Things were pretty crazy up through tech, but the show really came together these past few days and I think audiences will really enjoy it.  It's been an invaluable experience working with Robert LaFosse, and Charlie just keeps telling me that now I'm prepared for the real world, which is just as hectic.  Speaking of the real world, the faculty members keep quizzing me on what I'll be doing next year, so once Pippin is over the plan is to start thinking about that and talk about it with all those people who quiz me (Charlie, Devon, Curtis, Beth...).  This weekend should be crazy - the show opens and we have 4 performances this weekend alone, Mom is coming tomorrow, Frankie's mom is taking the cast out to Buca Di Beppo, the theater dept. is having a dinner for us, and my baby interns from the summer are visiting. 

    I have a feeling Opening will go really well.  I'm SO proud of this cast - they've really put up with a lot and kept it together.  Break a leg!

    Monday, October 11, 2004

    People find life entirely too time-consuming. -Stanislaw Lec

    This site is good for seeing which candidate your views align with, if you haven't figured it out yet ;)




    Need some wood?

    Tuesday, September 28, 2004

    not really an update

    No, this is, as always in crazy times, not really an update.  I got out of Pippin early tonight, so I went on a kick of downloading music (Rufus, The Shins, Sinatra, Carbon Leaf...) with my new program, LimeWire, and looking for Spring Break deals.  Any suggestions?  On spring break deals, I mean.  Someplace with a beach and hot and all-inclusive is pretty much what we're lookin' for.  Oh, and I also looked up all the ACTF Stage Management info, which just kinda makes me nervous.  Already. 

    Pippin is going fairly slowly and smoothly - we're done blocking out Act I finally, but it needs lots of review and clean-up work!  A month (when we open) feels like a long time, but there's fall break in there...  so really, it's kinda scary. 

    I need to go do my Speech homework (i.e. make funny noises), but before I go I wanted to point out that I really enjoy it when people I knew in high school do talented things (I really recommend her song "With Everything I Have").


    Wednesday, September 22, 2004

    missing London

    Request your Pippin tickets!


    So, a year ago today I was in London.  I had two classes on Wednesday's, each one whole whopping hour.  And then I'd go see a play.  And then I'd go to the Sandwich.  Sigh..  Week four of the semester seems to be worse than weeks two and three, but possibly better than week one.  Possibly.  Stress continues to accumulate as I've started doing Scene shop hours, have an actual assignment due for Scene Design, have weekly production meetings, and never get quite enough sleep!  Luckily, we're closer to the weekend than we were yesterday, I don't have to do a scene for next week's Directing, and one of my classes for tomorrow is canceled.  Simple Joys.



    RIP Lucy  :(


    Sunday, September 5, 2004

    being political

    The first week of school just about killed me. 

    So I have no desire to update, but perhaps these links will interest you:

    Prince George


    Friday, August 27, 2004

    haha - i love it when the quizzes i take give me an answer that is a blatant lie!

    The Hub
    Category I - The Hub
    You're a 'people person'. Networking runs in your
    blood. Consequently, you can move through most
    social circles with ease.

    What Type of Social Entity are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    P.S.  I'm kinda in love with Zach Braff after seeing Garden State.  Isn't that wierd?

    Saturday, August 21, 2004

    random reminder

    Before you go back to school:

    Go to your local courthouse and find out about applying for an absentee ballot!  No, really.  Let's vote, plea'.

    Friday, August 20, 2004

    there's no place like home!

    So... home.  It's such a different world than being at school for the summer.  The days go by much more quickly...and much more slowly...  And it's certainly lonelier than at school, with my babies across the hall, but solitude is so nice! 

    The first week at home was very busy.  When I got home on Monday I was so tired I felt as if I had been drugged.  Mom was in NYC with our vistors, Gretchen, Adam, and his friend Phillip.  Gretchen was mom's college roommate, whom she's remained friends with all this time.  Her daughter Sarah was born around the same time as Beth, and Rachel was born around the same time as me, so our families were close when we all lived in Pittsburgh.  Adam is the youngest in the family, so he came with his mom to visit my mom, like he did last year, and brought his friend Phil for company.  Anywho.  So they didn't get home til after midnight, so I crashed on the couch from 5, when I got home, until they got home.  I was SOOO sleepy. 

    Tuesday we got up early and went to the beach.  It was a great beach day - I got some more tan, the water was a good temperature with fairly good waves, and it was nice and hot.  We went to our seafood restaurant afterwards, where one of the highlights of the day was Gretchen making me chug my water so she could pour wine in my water glass when our waitress wasn't looking (I had forgotten my ID, but they ordered too much wine for just mom and Gretchen to drink themselves)! 

    On Wednesday Beth got home early in the day (I was, of course, still in bed) and she went with me to see Made in America at the Berg.  Seeing Leah sing "Lost in his Arms" made me really miss my show - after all, this was just the second performance night since our show had closed and after doing a show for so long I certainly felt a sense of withdrawal which I don't normally get! 

    On Thursday we all went to Six Flags, which was super, especially after dinner because the place REALLY cleared out and we could literally just stay on rides rather than having to get off and stand in line.  Medusa was my favorite of the roller-coasters, but the new one, Superman, was good fun and gets bonus points for being so comfortable!  It was the most comfy of the rides we rode that day, which is saying a lot considering it has you riding face and stomach down. 

    Friday...?  I don't know what happened that day.  Gretchen and the boys left...  Oh, I know.  First I went and visited Jason for the first time since his ear surgery.  I had to make it a kinda quick visit b/c we went to visit my grandmother in Lancaster that day, so we just watched some season 4 Friends episodes and his ear looked funny ;)  Grandma's was good - we ate dinner and watched the Olympics Opening Ceremony.  Mom and Beth also went with Grandma to visit Grandpa, but I didn't feel like going.  Seeing elderly people has been making me increasingly uncomfortable for some reason, and moreso when their memories fail.  So going to see Grandpa and having to see all the OTHER people in that unit as well just wasnt something I wanted to do that day.  Everyone understood that, and I felt bad, but there will be other visits. 

    On Saturday we were supposed to go to the beach, but the weather was icky so we decided not to bother and went to the movies instead, to see Spider-man 2.  I had already seen it with Kim and Davey T. this summer, but neither mom nor Beth had and it seemed like a good entertaining choice. 

    Sunday - WICKED!  Oh how I love this play.  Let me set this up for you first, though.  I'm in NYC and it's POURING.  The show is starting in 15 minutes, and I have several blocks left to run (with only one umbrella for the three of us...Mom got to hold it).  I'm wearing my Birkenstocks...  good walking shoes right?  Right.  Good running shoes, right?  Well, when it's pouring they get very wet (duh) and verrrry slippery.  So I really couldn't run with them on, and my beloved show would be starting in 15 minutes, so now just picture me running BAREFOOT with shoes in hand through NYC and with my clothes drenched completely through.  Thus, I arrived at Wicked.  With that said, I didn't notice being wet during the show at all because it's that great.  Idina Menzel was back from her movie stint, and although most of the cast has been changed since last time I saw it, they were excellent.  The new Glinda did a great job.  She really carried the role and I only missed Kristin Chenowith a little ;)  Boq was under-studied that day and the guy was pretty annoying, but I guess it doesn't matter much for his character.  And Fiyero was played by Joey McIntyre (sp?) of New Kids on the Block fame, which weirded me out, but he wasn't bad.  Mom and Beth loved it; that's what important!  Mom already keeps saying she wants to see it again :) 

    On Monday Beth left to go back to Seattle and this week has been pretty slow.  I've rented lots of videos, seen Jason once, last night, went out to lunch with Jen, and been sick with a sore throat/cough thing.  No cough will ever be as special as the one I had during M4M though - coughing until my body thought I was trying to throw up and so decided to do just that was a truly great time!  Oh, and mom bought me a microwave and new phone for this year so that Lydia and I can microwave things and I can actually ANSWER my phone instead of having to let everything go to the answering machine like I did last year!  The plan for this week involves having dinner with Danielle in the city to celebrate 21-ness, going to the beach twice (if weather permits), seeing Shannon, and getting ready to go back to school.  Eek!

    And now...  it's bed time.  Goodnight kitty bunnies.

    Tuesday, August 17, 2004

    random London pictures

    I was browsing Marc's London pics and found a few involving me, so here's the links to 'em, as well as some my sister took when she visited over Thanksgiving:

    Another pic of the community dinner in Jess' flat...  I look kinda weird.

    Yeah, I REALLY don't look good in this one... but it's still a memory ;) 

    A shot of the Globe - I wonder what we're thinking about?

    Beth and me by the Tower Bridge

    Mommy and me at tea

    Spielburg and me.  We're buddies.

    Now, I feel like I have a lot to write about with the past week at home, but...I don't feel like it right now.  Maybe tomorrow!  :-*

    Monday, August 9, 2004

    some SMT memories

    Remember when:

    -Lauren got sick right before the start of the show and we only two children one night?

    -Christy and I named the light cues?  (i.e. LQ70 = Power of Love)

    -Noah went on for Sitting Bull?

    -Alan got stuck in traffic and arrived at 7:59 pm?

    -The tent fabric died during the opening number?

    -Frank had his first pedophile and gay moments and Annie had her first ADD moment?

    -We had to sub in a spot operator on the LAST SHOW?

    -Kim tainted the children?

    -Champeen suddenly became cham-penis?

    -Anything You Can Do ended extremely early?

    -The shooting match was a DRAW?

    -Frank was sweet on Annie every other night?

    -Franklin rolled around the booth in his little ball one night?

    -K.C. was born and remains the longest-living condom baby?

    -Bob the condom baby exploded even more quickly than Dot did?

    -The cards in the deck had porn on them?

    -Kieran and Nick were cowboys in their undies?

    -The Pimps 'n Hos party was better than the Pirates vs. Ninjas party?

    -I had a single until the last 12 days of my stay at the Berg?

    -AIM decided not to work for three weeks?

    -Kim took us to her shore house and it was AMAZING and we all got scorched?

    -Natalie wasn't a costumer way back when?

    -It was Jason's 21st birthday on opening night?

    -We took our "crew picture"?

    -Kim had to go to the hospital to have her finger glued shut?

    -"If you have children, if you know children, if you are children..."

    -Sun in the Morning was my favorite thing ever?

    -The white scrim was randomly in during the ballroom scene?

    -Matt and I created a band named Golden Hamster?

    -I was a mommy, a sister, an aunt, and the owner of a pet turtle?

    -Jon improved to Brian's guitar playing and came up with the brilliant lyric, "Show me your tits, and I'll make you a star - Don't you know that I don't know who the fuck you are?"

    -The audience clapped during Frank and Annie's kiss?

    -The moment in Sun in the Morning when I went, "Skippy skippy skippy skippy skippy skippy skip skip skip"?

    -During a game of Literati Matt pronounced "devious" as "dev-wah"?

    -Zoolander appeared in the Musical Theatre Workshop?

    -It was Surrah Day?

    -Kim and Sarah decided to make a techie Christmas CD?

    -I had to warn people that I was going to stall on that speed bump?

    -The new ATM in Seeger's ate my debit card?

    -I learned from the book that came with the Cowboy Cookie Cutters Kim gave me that Annie Oakley's real name was Phoebe Anne Oakley Mosee?

    -I gave the ten-minute call to the girl's dressing room as "Ten minutes, you have ten minutes left to knit!"

    -Kirk taught us all that five plus five plus five minus five is ten?

    -The spasms happened during Anything You Can Do?

    -We gave all the cast members animal species?

    -We made videos of our sober craziness which included KEEP CALM, pirate faces, pigeon walks, and a whole lot of "What sound does an (insert animal species here) make"?

    -Natalie decided my floor was a good place to do crunches?

    -"She'll PURR like a kitten..."?

    -We did a shot for each mistake made on that one special night when the tent fabric died (21!)?

    -We sang along to Disney songs on the way to the beach?

    -I noted that we didn't have enough confetti to make extra balloons and Marc promptly popped two of them?

    -Matt lied to me about there being cookies?

    -I was asked what I would say if I saw a kitty and a bunny that had been genetically fused together into one entity?

    More to come, maybe...  ;)

    Thursday, July 29, 2004

    11 more to go

    So, Annie is now more than halfway done with all its performances!  We haven't had any major issues thus far, and it's been going fairly smoothly.  Our first preview was definitely a PREVIEW - among the problems we had that night were the fact that half the last song got cut out!  Oops..  Since then, it's been a lot of issues with Annie's mic (not for a few days now though), some issues with traffic, some premature balloon-popping - stuff like that. 

    I love afternoons now that rehearsals aren't happening anymore.  I can sleep til 12 or 1, read and laze around all day, eat dinner, and head over to the theatre around 6:15.  Jason's come to visit on a few weekends, including our opening night, which was also his 21st birthday.  I think he had a pretty good time.  This Monday for our comapny day off, a group of 12 of us headed down to Kim Swaneveld's shore house in Jersey, which was THE best day off ever!  Despite bad weather forecasts, it was gorgeous and sunny, the water was warm, the waves were big and strong, etc.  Her house is right on the shore, so it's a private beach for that group of houses, so it wasn't crowded or anything, and we could go out and frolic on the beach in the middle of the night, too.  Most of us got badly burnt unfortunately, and now aloe is our best friend, but...what a great day.  That night we went to the boardwalk and I ate two huge slices of pizza, some mozzarella sticks, and chocolate frozen yogourt.  We gopt back around 12 on Tuesday, so I napped and showered and relaxed as much as possible before our show that night.  Watching the burnt Indians roll around on the stage floor that night during Defenses are Down was highly amusing that night!

    Today I was fairly productive for once..  I did laundry, went and bought the third book of a series that I absolutely needed RIGHT NOW ;)  , and bought new aloe, shampoo, lipliner, chapstick, and toothpaste.  I also out my pictures on-line, so here they are!

    My AIM refuses to work lately, which seems to be a problem with the network but I'm not rewally too sure.  It's really annoying though!  So anyway, that's why I haven't been on-line to much and why my away messages haven't been anything interesting or creative.  I hope it starts working again soon.  My roomate finally moved in yesterday (Katie Most), so we'll live together for a grand total of 12 days before I move out and head back home again.  Yay home!

    Annie Get Your Gun Pictures

    Wednesday, July 14, 2004

    my show goes up tonight!

    Tonight is our first Preview of Annie Get Your Gun!  What does this mean?  We have an audience, a really big audience full of people who will suddenly make everyone nervous and laugh when we don't expect it!  Last night's dress rehearsal went VERY smoothly, so I'm not too worried.  There were a few tiny hitches and a few things to rehearse earlier today, but tonight should be a good show.  It's been a busy past three weeks.  We've had a grand total of 20 days of rehearsal, which doesn't seem like much at all, but considering that we rehearsed 8 hour days with 2 or 3 rehearsals running simultaneously throughout, it was.  Wish us all luck!

    Saturday, June 19, 2004

    Back at the Berg!

    Theatre Logic
    In is down, down is front,
    out is up, up is back,
    off is out, on is in,
    and of course -
    right is left, and left is right.

    A drop shouldn't and a
    block and fall does neither.
    A prop doesn't and
    a cove has no water.

    Tripping is O.K.
    A running crew rarely gets anywhere.
    A purchase line will buy you nothing.
    A trap will not catch anything.
    A gridiron has nothing to do with football.

    A Strike is work
    (in fact a lot of work).
    And a green room, thank God, usually isn't.
    Now that you are fully versed in theatrical terms,
    Break a leg...
    but not really!


    On that note, buy some tickets for SMT 2004!

    Friday, June 4, 2004

    YAY Harry Potter!

    "The spiders want me to tap dance!  I don't want to tap dance!" -Ron, still scared by a nightmare

    "Tell them that." -Harry

     "Okay, I'll tell them that." - Ron, going back to sleep

    So, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban had the biggest opening day ever (it beat out RotK by 6 million!  What's that about?!), and I was there to see it.  Shannon and I were all ready - she made us popcorn to bring with, I brought a soda with me, she bought a soda and then I got a thing of Milk Duds for a mere $1.  So food in hand, we journeyed to check out the line for theatre #1, which was ENORMOUS.  Now, anyone who's been to Neshaminy's theatre knows how damn big the big theatres are...and these were a LOT of people waiting in line....which we were not yet in.  So, Shan had a word with a manager, and he let us go straight in and get our seats while everyone else continued to stand in line.  It was sweet!  Anyway, I loooooooved the movie.  Maybe it helped that I haven't read the book recently and thus didn't care about all the stuff they cut out?  But I loved the tone of it, and the acting is much improved this time around.  It's a good time, and I can't wait to see it again.

    I don't know what else is new.  I spoke to housing and I'm now officially moving back to Muhlenberg in June 17th - I'm kinda in denial about that though.  I've been learning how to drive stick shift, which is of course very challenging and occasionally stressful.  Last time I went out with mom we made progress though.  I'm getting much better at shifting gears smoothly.  But I only have two weeks to practice in, so I better do some more of that!  I've also gotten some more reading done - I read Howl's Moving Castle in the space of a day, which was good cute fun, and since then I've been reading Perdido Street Station, by China Mieville, which I just finished today.  He's spretty great at world-building.  I've also improved quite a bit at Grand Theft Auto ;)

    I need to catch up on phone calls and do some moreprep work before heading back to the Berg...  so if I haven't returned your phone call, I will soon!  Before I end this entry, some words for the wise:

    -Don't forget to cheer on Wicked at the Tony's!

    -Duplex - bad rental; Welcome to Mooseport - good rental

    Monday, May 24, 2004

    some links that won't interest you but oh well

    My cousin is going to be famous (Caroline Betty)!

    I haven't been able to go out in the sun, or do heavy lifting, (medication and back problems) so instead of helping Mom with the mulch this weekend, I helped clear out the house of Old Stuff and Books.  Good times.

    A word to the wise:  Master & Commander is boring and has no plot.

    Thursday, May 20, 2004

    i hate the eighties

    bold those that apply to you

    1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCH!"

    2. You watched the Pound Puppies. no, but I played with them

    3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air." i think...

    4. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.

    5. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-Sitters Club and tried to start a club of your own.

    6. You owned those little Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.

    7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom.

    8. Two words: M.C. Hammer

    9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock."

    10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.

    11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales."

    12. You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

    13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.

    14. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen.

    15. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.

    16. You played the game "MASH"

    17. You wore a Jordache Jean jacket and you were proud of it.

    18. L.A. Gear

    19. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in Kindergarten.

    20. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing" and all the Ramona books.

    21. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF."

    22. You wanted to be a Goonie.

    23. You ever wore flourescent clothing.

    24. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off.

    25. You have pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.

    26. You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.

    27. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets

    You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence.

    29. You remember Hypercolor T-shirts.

    30. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.

    31. You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up.

    32. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged friendship bracelets.

    33. You owned a pair of jelly sandals.
    more than one pair, my friends

    34. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"

    35. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up!"

    36. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.

    37. You ever got
    seriously injured on a Slip 'n' Slide.

    38. You have ever played with a Skip-It.

    39. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonald's.

    40. You've gone through this list occasionally saying "totally awesome."

    41. You remember Popples.

    42. "Don't worry, be happy."

    43. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights.

    44. You wore socks scrunched down.

    45. "Miss MARY MACK MACK, all dressed in BLACK BLACK BLACK"

    46. You remember boom boxes vs. CD players.

    47. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies.

    48. You knew what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!"

    49. You remember watching Rainbow Brite and My Little Ponies.

    50. You thought Doogie Howser was hot.

    51. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.

    52. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool.

    53. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By the Bell," the ORIGINAL class.

    54. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - "YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME"

    55. You played and or collected "Pogs" that was SO 1994.

    56. You used to pretend that you could transform into a Power Ranger.

    Wednesday, May 19, 2004


    Gotta love it when you wake up in the morning...and you're bored.  Afternoon, actually.  That's been the summer so far (in a nutshell).  Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it, though!  So far since being home, I've gotten some sun, done some reading (Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams and Wicked - books I found in Beth's room, in other words), seen some movies, played some Sims, and now I'm finally getting out of the anti-social mode that plagues me when I go home.  Tonight I went out with Sam and Shan to see Shrek 2, which was funnnny, and tomorrow is lunch with Kristy.  I'm so jealous of these people who went abroad this past semester; I wish I had been in Italy or back in London!  And Jen and I saw Mean Girls last week, which was enjoyable, but it would have been nice if Jen had seen the movie, too, and I wasn't watching most of it by myself!  ;) 

    I've really been enjoying that reading, I've been reading about 3 hours every day, except today.  Wicked the musical is soooooooo nothing like the book, though - I'm a little dissappointed by that, but it's still a good read.  I haven't seen much of Jason cuz he's been off working in NYC so much, but we saw Troy last night (finally), and I enjoyed it despite it's inaccuracies.  My main problems with the movie were: a)the fact that Paris is more beautiful than HELEN is  b)Agamemnon dieing  and c)the hero shots of Achilles.  Yes, he was chiseled and pretty and impressive, but the camera didn't need to IDOLize him quite so much! 

    Next Tuesday I have to head back to reality a bit with the SMT company "picnic", but it's just a few hours of reality before I can come home and live in my boring little bubble for a bit longer.

    On a completely different note, what's with those gas prices, yo?

    Wednesday, May 12, 2004

    almost done!

    Stop the Insanity


    In terms of finals, I just have one more paper to revise and then hand it in tomorrow!  Then it's packity packity home home home.  Hooray!

    Thursday, May 6, 2004

    classes are over, but the work isn't!

    Women Writers - final paper -->Thursday

    History of Drama II - revision of a paper, final paper, prep for final exam essays, final exam -->Tuesday

    Shakespeare II - final take-home exam (two essays) -->Monday

    Beginning Jazz Dance - Empie Emporium performance -->tomorrow

    Extraneous - informal dance show, Friends party, MTA Formal

    Wednesday, May 5, 2004

    only 4 more papers to go *sigh*

    Women Writers - 1 meeting, 1 paper

    History of Drama II - 1 class, 1 paper, 1 final exam

    Shakespeare II - 1 class, 1 paper

    Classical Acting - 1 class, 1 paper

    Beginning Jazz Dance - 1 classes, 1 Empie Emporium performance

    Extraneous - 1 dance show, 1 MTA meeting, 1 Formal

    Sunday, May 2, 2004

    Wicked was awesome!

    Women Writers - 2 classes, 2 papers

    History of Drama II - 2 classes, 1 paper, 1 final exam

    Shakespeare II - 2 classes, 1 paper

    Classical Acting - 2 classes,  1 final scene, 1 paper

    Beginning Jazz Dance - 2 classes, 1 Empie Emporium performance

    Extraneous - 1 dance shows, 1 MTA meeting, 1 Formal

    Wednesday, April 28, 2004

    updated countdown

    Women Writers - 3 classes, 2 papers, 1 rewrite

    History of Drama II - 3 classes, 1 paper, 1 final exam

    Shakespeare II - 2 classes, 1 paper

    Classical Acting - 3 classes,  1 scene workshop, 1 final scene, 1 paper

    Beginning Jazz Dance - 3 classes, 1 Empie Emporium performance, 1 journal entry

    Extraneous - 2 dance shows, 2 plays, 1 MTA meeting, 1 Formal, and a couple blackboxes to attend

    The sad thing is that the number of written pages I need to hand in before I go home for summer totals at LEAST 34.  Poo!

    random survey

    name four bad habits you have:
    1. Stuff that Jen and Noelle like to yell at me about ;)

    2. Eating just because food tasted SO GOOD
    3. Not going to bed early enough
    4. obsessing

    name four things that you wish you had:
    1. all that lottery money
    2. more years before i have to go out into the real world
    3. a great house for next year...oh wait, I DO
    4. some more tank tops

    name four scents you love:
    2. the seashore
    3. fresh flowers
    4. duck!  (the kind that's being cooked for dinner, not the kind that's alive and walking around quacking...)

    name four things you'd never wear:
    1. i'm too lazy to think of anything

    name four things you are thinking about right now:
    1. my laziness
    2. how I'm seeing Wicked this weekend
    3. how I should be writing a paper right now
    4. how my belly is sadly big

    name four things that you will have done today:
    1. gone to a dance concert

    2.  watched Friends

    3.  finished my women writer's paper??

    4.  gone to class

    name the last four things you have bought:
    1. dance concert tickets
    2. lunch  - pizza
    3. stuff for our party on Friday night
    4. lunch yesterday?

    name four people you would like to spend more time with:
    1. my mom and sister
    2. my friends at home..

    3. Orlando
    4. Keanu

    name four bands/groups most people don't know you like:
    1. Five Iron Frenzy
    2. Eve 6
    3. do musicals count?  Camelot
    4. I think they do - Man of La Mancha

    name four drinks you regularly drink:
    1. Diet Coke.
    2.  Sierra Mist
    3. water
    4. wine

    name the last four people you kissed:
    1. Jason
    2. Chris
    3. Jason
    4. Jason

    name four random facts about yourself:
    1. I want to go to Hawai'i and swim like a dolphin
    2. There are chocolate bunny legs on my desk which are not mine
    3. I am Glinda AND Bock
    4.  these are a few of my favorite things - lavendar, wolves, white roses, the ocean, lord of the rings, green

    Tuesday, April 27, 2004

    countdown to summer

    Women Writers - 4 classes, two papers, one rewrite

    History of Drama II - 4 classes, one rewrite, one paper, one final exam

    Shakespeare II - 3 classes, one paper

    Classical Acting - 3 classes, two scene workshops, one final scene presentation

    Beginning Jazz Dance - 3 classes, one Empie Emporium performance, one jounrla entry

    Extraneous - two dance shows, two plays, one MTA meeting, one Formal, and a couple blackboxes to attend

    ...and thus the countdown begins...

    Friday, April 23, 2004

    top 10 movies to look forward to this summer!

    May I just say, I am an EXCELLENT procrastinator...

    10.  I, Robot

    9.  King Arthur  ??

    8.  I'm a big dork...  Two Brothers

    7.  Dogville

    6.  Shrek 2

    5.  The Terminal

    4. Spidey 2

    3.  The Stepford Wives

    2.  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    1. Troy


    Saturday, April 17, 2004

    the hippies are coming.

    Happy Birthday Mel!  Tomorrow, that is.

    So I ended up getting all my first class choices for next semester, which means I'm taking Fundamentals of Directing (Jim), Scene Design I, Basic Speech, American Writers, and Jazz Dance again.  So I have class from 9:30 - 4:15 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but then on Mondays I have class NEVER, and Wednesday only from 9:30 - 11:30 am.  Yay!  Two of those classes are with Lydia, so next semester will be the semester of Lydia. 

    I just remembered I still need to hand in my contract for this summer.  Oops.  Yesterday I saw Bob and he was like, "um, you might want to hand that in soon."  So I'll do that...

    I woke up sick yesterday, and it's NO fun - sore throat, headache, lots of congestion, and possibly a fever as well.  Right now I feel okay except for the heat and the sniffles.  Despite that I'm definitely gonna go out for Mel's birthday tonight - it should be fun.  I haven't gotten much homework done yet this weekend - I need to read Death and the King's Horseman, re-read Hamlet Act I, and write a paper on Othello.  And write a dance journal entry, methinks. 

    Time to go do something else.

    Monday, April 12, 2004

    "Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves." - Gene Fowler

    So, once again time has passed since I last updated.  Easter break was this past weekend, tomorrow I register for classes, and I know what I'm doing this summer.  After quite a lot of complaining and worrying and debating, I decided to stay here this summer again, stage managing the big middle show, Annie Get Your Gun.  I wasn't expecting to be offered that show, so it's great that I was, and now at least I know I have a good job that won't be boring or eat up my entire summer.  Which reminds me, I need to get my contract back to Bob.  I'm not sure who I'll be living with, or even who all is in my cast!  Anyone need a roommate?  ;)

    I went home from Thursday night through tonight for Easter, which was nice but wayyyy too short.  Mom and I went into NYC on Friday to stand in the TKTS line and ended up seeing The Boy from Oz - not high quality, but an entertaining show and Hugh Jackman is great.  On the other days we visited grandma and grandpa in Lancaster, rented Intolerable Cruelty (blah...) and Under the Tuscan Sun (I wanna go back to Italy!), and on Saturday night I spent time with Jason while mom went out.  I played lots of Grand Theft Auto :)

    Since registration is tomorrow, I'm not positive yet which classes I'll get into, but my top choices are Jim's Directing class, Scene Design I, American Writers, Basic Speech, and Jazz dance (again) - I need to take 4.5 credits both semesters senior year in order to graduate, but my independent study (also known as SMing a mainstage next year) will count as at least 0.5 credits.  I'm not sure yet which semester that'll be yet though - I guess it depends on whether I get directing first or second semester, as I wouldn't want to take that and SM a mainstage at the same time. 

    In other news, I recently registered to vote and filed all my tax return stuff, AND Lydia and I have a house for next year.  I feel like a grown-up!  Almost.





    Sunday, March 14, 2004

    let's go to hawaii!

    I don't want to be back here!  I'd much rather go to Hawaii, so anyone willing to pay for that, let me know ;)  I haven't written too much this semester just because I've been pretty insanely busy.  When it wasn't an insane amount of work to do for M4M, it was an insane amount of work to do for class.

    Spring break was pretty low-key and lovely.  I spent a lot of quality time with mom, some with Jason, and visited Lydia for her birthday, the big 2-1!  Mom and I saw The Passion of the Christ - good, and rented Mona Lisa Smile - eh, as well as buying me  anew prom dress, shoes, and a purse.  They're purty.  I had a lot of trouble deciding between two dresses that I really liked, and my mom wasn't much help because she really liked them both, too.  I finally decided on the one that was more "pretty" than "fun" - because I think it'll last longer and I can wear it to more things in life.  So, anyway...  Jason and I saw LOTR again, because I missed it and he wanted to see it again, and we also saw 50 First Dates, which was really cute!  And FINALLY had our Valentine's Day dinner!  Oh, and we watched Lost in Translation, which was good, but didn't impress me as much as I thought it would.  Hmm..  And we visited Lydia for her birthday!  I put make-up on her, hehe, and we went out for dinner and to a few different bars, and then slept over that night and the floor was hard but at least I could sleep because Lydia's house isn't haunted like mine.  No, really.  I also got to see Jen once (we went to lunch at the Olive Garden), and she got to step into my house for the first time in like, two years.  I can't believe it's been that long.    I unfortunately didn't get to visit Danielle and Jeni in NYC, but hopefully we can go up to Richmond to visit Jeni sometime this semester, cuz I want to see her!

    I really need to update my pictures...  Maybe I'll go work on that now...

    Monday, March 1, 2004

    "don't say we have come now to the end.."

    Another show over...  And thus begins the real work load!  4 papers due this week, and a project.  Poo!  Measure for Measure went really well - the cast and crew rock.  Pix!

    And the pictures for The Fantasticks went back up again for some reason, too.  PRETTY.

    Must find a job for this summer!

    Thursday, February 19, 2004


    The show opens tomorrow.  That's all I have to say.


    Wednesday, January 28, 2004

    some real important stuff

    Not really, just some links:

    Measure for Measure site, thanks to Jon


    I also added the Penguin game to my links on the right.  My high score is 593.5..beat that suckas!

    Something to look forward to :)

    Sunday, January 25, 2004

    no no, my life IS too busy

    Muhlenberg is way too much work.  What happened to carefree London?  :(

    Being back at school is really odd.  I can't really explain it, but I know that people who were with me understand, and the people who've been abroad in previous years.

    "Lydia is the essence of sex." - and she wants to go places with me...

    Friday, January 9, 2004

    Back to the Berg

    On Sunday night I officially go back to Muhlenberg.  Crazy!  I went back today to move some of my stuff in, and meet with Beth, and was utterly weirded out by being back.  I got to see some people I really wanted to see and get myself more organized for our first production meeting Monday, but it's just so...oddddddd. 

    Right now the house is really freezing, but I already turned the heat up and put the fire on.  Brrr!  Mom went out to the movies, I guess, and hasn't come home yet, so it's just me and the animals, who like to follow me around when I'm home alone.  Seriously, if I walk into a different room just for a minute, they follow me every step of the way.  They're bizarre, especially the cat.  :)

    Last night I finally saw Keanu's movie (or Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton's...whatever...), which was quite enjoyable.  Watching a movie that talks about that whole age difference thing got me thinking about how Keanu's ONLY 18 years older than me ;) and his band is ALMOST named the right thing...  It's named Becky.  Sigh - Hehehe.

    This past week has been the slowest one ever without my sister home and my mom back at work, worrying about having to go back to school and plunge into stage managing a mainstage. 

    I'M COLD.

    Wednesday, January 7, 2004

    no really, i LOVE this song

    Lay down your sweet and weary head
    Night is falling -
    You've come to journey's end
    Sleep now and dream of the ones who come before
    They are calling from across the distant shore.

    Why do you weep?
    What are those tears upon your face?
    Soon you will see
    all of your fears will pass away -
    Safe in my arms
    You're only sleeping..

    What can you see
    On the horizon?
    Why do the white gulls call?
    Across the sea a pale moon rises
    The ships have come to carry you home

    And all will turn to silver glass;
    The lights on the water,
    All souls pass

    Hope fades into the world at night
    Through shadows forming, out of memory and time.
    Don't say "We have come now to the end"
    White shores are calling;
    You and I will meet again.
    Then you'll be here in my arms,
    Just sleeping..

    What can you see
    On the horizon?
    Why do the white gulls call?
    Across the sea
    A pale moon rises
    The ships have come to carry you home

    And all will turn to silver glass;
    The lights on the water,
    Grey ships pass into the West.

    Monday, January 5, 2004

    I'm 21

    How does it feel to be 21?  Same as it did to be 20, of course.

    I have no desire to go back to Muhlenberg and resume my life there, but I have to as of next week, Monday.  Ick...  That first week better be fun!

    I've been going out with Jason for one whole year now :)

    I finally upated my pics.  The end.