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    Friday, August 20, 2004

    there's no place like home!

    So... home.  It's such a different world than being at school for the summer.  The days go by much more quickly...and much more slowly...  And it's certainly lonelier than at school, with my babies across the hall, but solitude is so nice! 

    The first week at home was very busy.  When I got home on Monday I was so tired I felt as if I had been drugged.  Mom was in NYC with our vistors, Gretchen, Adam, and his friend Phillip.  Gretchen was mom's college roommate, whom she's remained friends with all this time.  Her daughter Sarah was born around the same time as Beth, and Rachel was born around the same time as me, so our families were close when we all lived in Pittsburgh.  Adam is the youngest in the family, so he came with his mom to visit my mom, like he did last year, and brought his friend Phil for company.  Anywho.  So they didn't get home til after midnight, so I crashed on the couch from 5, when I got home, until they got home.  I was SOOO sleepy. 

    Tuesday we got up early and went to the beach.  It was a great beach day - I got some more tan, the water was a good temperature with fairly good waves, and it was nice and hot.  We went to our seafood restaurant afterwards, where one of the highlights of the day was Gretchen making me chug my water so she could pour wine in my water glass when our waitress wasn't looking (I had forgotten my ID, but they ordered too much wine for just mom and Gretchen to drink themselves)! 

    On Wednesday Beth got home early in the day (I was, of course, still in bed) and she went with me to see Made in America at the Berg.  Seeing Leah sing "Lost in his Arms" made me really miss my show - after all, this was just the second performance night since our show had closed and after doing a show for so long I certainly felt a sense of withdrawal which I don't normally get! 

    On Thursday we all went to Six Flags, which was super, especially after dinner because the place REALLY cleared out and we could literally just stay on rides rather than having to get off and stand in line.  Medusa was my favorite of the roller-coasters, but the new one, Superman, was good fun and gets bonus points for being so comfortable!  It was the most comfy of the rides we rode that day, which is saying a lot considering it has you riding face and stomach down. 

    Friday...?  I don't know what happened that day.  Gretchen and the boys left...  Oh, I know.  First I went and visited Jason for the first time since his ear surgery.  I had to make it a kinda quick visit b/c we went to visit my grandmother in Lancaster that day, so we just watched some season 4 Friends episodes and his ear looked funny ;)  Grandma's was good - we ate dinner and watched the Olympics Opening Ceremony.  Mom and Beth also went with Grandma to visit Grandpa, but I didn't feel like going.  Seeing elderly people has been making me increasingly uncomfortable for some reason, and moreso when their memories fail.  So going to see Grandpa and having to see all the OTHER people in that unit as well just wasnt something I wanted to do that day.  Everyone understood that, and I felt bad, but there will be other visits. 

    On Saturday we were supposed to go to the beach, but the weather was icky so we decided not to bother and went to the movies instead, to see Spider-man 2.  I had already seen it with Kim and Davey T. this summer, but neither mom nor Beth had and it seemed like a good entertaining choice. 

    Sunday - WICKED!  Oh how I love this play.  Let me set this up for you first, though.  I'm in NYC and it's POURING.  The show is starting in 15 minutes, and I have several blocks left to run (with only one umbrella for the three of us...Mom got to hold it).  I'm wearing my Birkenstocks...  good walking shoes right?  Right.  Good running shoes, right?  Well, when it's pouring they get very wet (duh) and verrrry slippery.  So I really couldn't run with them on, and my beloved show would be starting in 15 minutes, so now just picture me running BAREFOOT with shoes in hand through NYC and with my clothes drenched completely through.  Thus, I arrived at Wicked.  With that said, I didn't notice being wet during the show at all because it's that great.  Idina Menzel was back from her movie stint, and although most of the cast has been changed since last time I saw it, they were excellent.  The new Glinda did a great job.  She really carried the role and I only missed Kristin Chenowith a little ;)  Boq was under-studied that day and the guy was pretty annoying, but I guess it doesn't matter much for his character.  And Fiyero was played by Joey McIntyre (sp?) of New Kids on the Block fame, which weirded me out, but he wasn't bad.  Mom and Beth loved it; that's what important!  Mom already keeps saying she wants to see it again :) 

    On Monday Beth left to go back to Seattle and this week has been pretty slow.  I've rented lots of videos, seen Jason once, last night, went out to lunch with Jen, and been sick with a sore throat/cough thing.  No cough will ever be as special as the one I had during M4M though - coughing until my body thought I was trying to throw up and so decided to do just that was a truly great time!  Oh, and mom bought me a microwave and new phone for this year so that Lydia and I can microwave things and I can actually ANSWER my phone instead of having to let everything go to the answering machine like I did last year!  The plan for this week involves having dinner with Danielle in the city to celebrate 21-ness, going to the beach twice (if weather permits), seeing Shannon, and getting ready to go back to school.  Eek!

    And now...  it's bed time.  Goodnight kitty bunnies.

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