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    Wednesday, April 28, 2004

    random survey

    name four bad habits you have:
    1. Stuff that Jen and Noelle like to yell at me about ;)

    2. Eating just because food tasted SO GOOD
    3. Not going to bed early enough
    4. obsessing

    name four things that you wish you had:
    1. all that lottery money
    2. more years before i have to go out into the real world
    3. a great house for next year...oh wait, I DO
    4. some more tank tops

    name four scents you love:
    2. the seashore
    3. fresh flowers
    4. duck!  (the kind that's being cooked for dinner, not the kind that's alive and walking around quacking...)

    name four things you'd never wear:
    1. i'm too lazy to think of anything

    name four things you are thinking about right now:
    1. my laziness
    2. how I'm seeing Wicked this weekend
    3. how I should be writing a paper right now
    4. how my belly is sadly big

    name four things that you will have done today:
    1. gone to a dance concert

    2.  watched Friends

    3.  finished my women writer's paper??

    4.  gone to class

    name the last four things you have bought:
    1. dance concert tickets
    2. lunch  - pizza
    3. stuff for our party on Friday night
    4. lunch yesterday?

    name four people you would like to spend more time with:
    1. my mom and sister
    2. my friends at home..

    3. Orlando
    4. Keanu

    name four bands/groups most people don't know you like:
    1. Five Iron Frenzy
    2. Eve 6
    3. do musicals count?  Camelot
    4. I think they do - Man of La Mancha

    name four drinks you regularly drink:
    1. Diet Coke.
    2.  Sierra Mist
    3. water
    4. wine

    name the last four people you kissed:
    1. Jason
    2. Chris
    3. Jason
    4. Jason

    name four random facts about yourself:
    1. I want to go to Hawai'i and swim like a dolphin
    2. There are chocolate bunny legs on my desk which are not mine
    3. I am Glinda AND Bock
    4.  these are a few of my favorite things - lavendar, wolves, white roses, the ocean, lord of the rings, green

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