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    Saturday, August 30, 2003

    owww my earrrr

    Visiting the Berg was great, but made me very jealous of my friends and their living accomodations and getting to spend all semester with eachother, which is silly, because I'll be off frollicking in Europe and having tons of fun.  I didn't do too much while I was there other than spend quality time with my lovies, but Danielle and I DID go to the gym...twice!  :O 

    This was supposed to be a long journal entry, but AOL won't let me fit the whole thing in :(  So...

    Wednesday night, got sick on the way home.  BAD headache, which turned into a bad headache and sore throat on Thursday, accompanied by a fever.  Friday it stuck around some more.  Saturday, I got an ear ache to go with it...

    Currently, my headache and throat soreness are bearable (especially when not moving and/or talking), and my ear isn't so much a pain as before, although I can't hear out of it.  Mom and I were originally supposed to go to the beach tomorrow, but b/c of my health and the weather forecast, we're gonna go find me a purse and a digital camera instead...

    Lori is sending me drunken IMs which are kinda hard to decipher.  For instance:  psrnhhhgin s i lo8iek ur idon  I took that to mean she likes my new icon.  Shrug.  I'm gonna go to bed soon.

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