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    Thursday, August 7, 2003

    3/19 to go!

    "Where do snakes pee?" - Zoe, as Katie's snake slithers around in her lap

    "In your lap." - me

    Actually, Zoe wanted to know where they actually pee FROM... but I feel that makes it an even better answer :)

    So, today.  I woke up later then I meant to, and fifteen minutes later Lydia arrived.  We went out for coffee (at Northern's a bit sketch), drove around a lot, and then went out for dinner at Outback and Katie joined us.  I ate LOTS.  Katie is leaving me all alone in the room tomorrow, which obviously makes me real sad.  Poo on that.  Zoe says I need to expand my vocabulary (I refer to too many people as "interesting"), so let me rephrase.  My roommate, Katie, is evacuating the premises of Martin Luther dormitory to relocate to her home in New Jersey tomorrow afternoon, while I will be left all on my lonesome for the remaining nights here at the college.  The thought of being alone makes me mournful, distressed, depressed and cheerless.  This is an unfavorable situation.

    Moving on.

    The show went well again tonight, the result of which was our first standing ovation.  Finally!  Meanwhile, I started knitting a nice ribbed scarf.  Oh, and the Lav Lounge now has computers in it.  What's with that? (The Lav Lounge, BTW, is the Green Room for the theatre I'm working in.  It's Lavender, not green.)

    After the show Katie and I went over to Zoe's apartment and talked and played with Voldemort (the snake) and Poe (Zoe's cat).  Good clean fun :)  Sleepy time!

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