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    Sunday, August 17, 2003

    cont'd from below

    This wouldn't fit in my previos entry.  Poo on that!

    Today:  did a lot of stuff which added up to nothing, and slept a LOT!  Tonight Jason and I are going out for dinner and then I;d guess doing something else but I don't know what. 

    This week should be busy but good, since I have people to see and places to go, and of course more Europe stuff to get ready!  I'll be up at Muhlenberg on Monday afternoon following my dentist appointment, and I'll stay through the MTA meeting on Tuesday and drive back home when I feel like it, so make sure you see me while I'm up there if YOU'RE there as well!  Or if you're home, make sure I see you before you go back to school.  Time to go continue getting ready...

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