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    Sunday, August 31, 2003

    I'm not a thief

    Lori has this song in her away message tonight, but I lovelovelove this song and used to have it in MY away messages at the end of Freshman year, and now I'm putting it here too because it always applies in my life (and yours too).

    I don't get many things right the first time
    In fact, I am told that a lot
    Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls
    Brought me here

    And where was I before the day
    That I first saw your lovely face?
    Now I see it everyday
    And I know

    That I am
    I am
    I am
    The luckiest

    What if I'd been born fifty years before you
    In a house on a street where you lived?
    Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike
    Would I know?

    And in a white sea of eyes
    I see one pair that I recognize
    And I know

    That I am
    I am
    I am
    The luckiest

    I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you

    Next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties
    And one day passed away in his sleep
    And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days
    And passed away

    I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong
    That I know

    That I am
    I am
    I am
    The luckiest

    ~The Luckiest, Ben Folds

    Saturday, August 30, 2003

    owww my earrrr

    Visiting the Berg was great, but made me very jealous of my friends and their living accomodations and getting to spend all semester with eachother, which is silly, because I'll be off frollicking in Europe and having tons of fun.  I didn't do too much while I was there other than spend quality time with my lovies, but Danielle and I DID go to the gym...twice!  :O 

    This was supposed to be a long journal entry, but AOL won't let me fit the whole thing in :(  So...

    Wednesday night, got sick on the way home.  BAD headache, which turned into a bad headache and sore throat on Thursday, accompanied by a fever.  Friday it stuck around some more.  Saturday, I got an ear ache to go with it...

    Currently, my headache and throat soreness are bearable (especially when not moving and/or talking), and my ear isn't so much a pain as before, although I can't hear out of it.  Mom and I were originally supposed to go to the beach tomorrow, but b/c of my health and the weather forecast, we're gonna go find me a purse and a digital camera instead...

    Lori is sending me drunken IMs which are kinda hard to decipher.  For instance:  psrnhhhgin s i lo8iek ur idon  I took that to mean she likes my new icon.  Shrug.  I'm gonna go to bed soon.

    Sunday, August 24, 2003

    Happy Birthday Sam!

    I am SO ready to go visit Muhley-world tomorrow.  I'll be back maybe Tuesday night, or maybe not!  It might be kinda boring to not have classes while everyone else does, but their classes seem to be few and far between and there are enough people I need to spend time with that it won't matter.  Plus, there's Danielle, for example, who won't have classes like me!  It's going to be weird having to PAY for meals!

    Yesterday mom and I went to the beach.  It was THE perfect beach day, hot and beautiful with nice water temperature... still coulda been more waves though.  It was a real nice day, and we went to our seafood restaurant afterwards and it was yummy :) 

    Today I did stuff which added up to a whole lotta nothing again, but then at night Jen H. came over and we watched Zoolander and enjoyed it muchly, as always.  I can't wait for tomorrow!  Well, except that whole dentist thing..  Ick.

    I'm gonna go to bed soon since I have to wake up early.  Let's hope there's no spooky white light in my room tonight...  :(  :(

    "I wanna fly, never come down, And live my life, And have friends around."

    Saturday, August 23, 2003

    a deep conversation

    deathbycstand: am i not special?
    deathbycstand: do i not deserve mention?
    deathbycstand: when you cut me, do i not bleed?
    deathbycstand: when you poke me, do i  not laugh?
    RebL1231: when i poke you you'd probably yell and slap my hand away, lol
    deathbycstand: this is true

    And I am right once again.  :)

    Friday, August 22, 2003

    hooray! :D

    From Variety:

    Just two weeks before the Dec. 17 release of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" -- the final installment of the Peter Jackson-helmed epic trilogy -- the first two "Ring" entries will be unspooling worldwide.

    In memoranda sent to exhibitors on Wednesday, New Line laid out a game plan to promote the third film by refreshing filmgoers' memories with "The Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Two Towers."

    Starting the week of Dec. 5, the extended DVD cut of "Fellowship of the Ring" will be released in some 100 or so theaters in the U.S. and in 20 theaters in Canada.

    Then, the week of Dec. 12, sequel "Two Towers" will unspool, just a month after having preemed on DVD, leading up to a worldwide Dec. 16 daylong marathon, during which all three films will be shown back-to-back. Exhib guidelines call for a 3 p.m. showing of "Fellowship" followed by a 7 p.m. screening of "Two Towers" and then an 11 p.m. screening of "Return of the King," which will carry over into Dec. 17 -- the day of its global release.

    What's your pirate name?

    Your pirate name is:

    Captain Bess Rackham
    Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!  What's yours?

    Thursday, August 21, 2003

    there is no sleepy mood option, but that's what i am

    This week has been nice and relaxing and stressful all at once.  Stressful because of all the things I need to do before leaving, and relaxing because, well, it's home.  Since my last entry I've seen Jen Herman (hence the quotes from the other day), seen Jason a bit since he's leaving me for school :(   (might I add - I discovered on his brother's PS2 that grand theft auto Vice City is a GREAT game!), gotten together an Italy itinerary and Italy plane tickets with Tim, gone to the beach with Jen V, and played The Sims a lot (what else did you expect?!)

    Some good stuff: ~Pasty and the children at the beach~ Sydney Krupnick ~the insane man stealing the umbrella in Le Divorce~ the random ending of Four Feathers ~living longer than 5 minutes while playing Vice City~ memorable quotes ~Jason's new car~ scooping melty ice cream for old people ~

    And some not-so-great ones, including the three-day long fight with mom, Stacey's attack on my leg and my subsequent attack on HER, having a piece of glass pierce my foot, the fly that wanted to be a vampire, and... scooping melty ice cream for old people 

    On the plate:  get my credit card, book hostels for Rome, Florence, and Venice, set up the exercise thingy and USE it and lose some weight, clean my room (i.e. throw stuff out), find a digital camera (any suggestions?), knit and decoupage (sp?) my life away :)

    Tuesday, August 19, 2003

    Left is the opposite of right, believe it or not

    "Right." - Jen Herman

    "Right." - me

    "Right.  Correct." - Jen

    "Left." - me

    "What's left?"  - Jen

    "The opposite of right." - me

    My wisdom astonishes even me!


    "You said right, then I said right, then you said right, then you said correct, then I said left, then you said what's left?, then I said the opposite of right." - me, a bit later

    Try saying that one three times fast!

    random things that make me laugh

    "I bet the main reason the police keep people away from a plane crash is they don't want anybody walking in and lying down in the crash stuff, then, when somebody comes up, act like they just woke up and go, 'What was THAT?!'"

    Sunday, August 17, 2003

    cont'd from below

    This wouldn't fit in my previos entry.  Poo on that!

    Today:  did a lot of stuff which added up to nothing, and slept a LOT!  Tonight Jason and I are going out for dinner and then I;d guess doing something else but I don't know what. 

    This week should be busy but good, since I have people to see and places to go, and of course more Europe stuff to get ready!  I'll be up at Muhlenberg on Monday afternoon following my dentist appointment, and I'll stay through the MTA meeting on Tuesday and drive back home when I feel like it, so make sure you see me while I'm up there if YOU'RE there as well!  Or if you're home, make sure I see you before you go back to school.  Time to go continue getting ready...

    my first week at home :)

    I love being home!  A run down of my week:

    Monday: went to my gradparents' for lunch and had a nice visit, followed by a stop on the way home in Lydia's coffee shop...  Her face when i walked in the door was PRICELESS!  Tuesday: Headed down the shore (Silver Lake - very nice).  It was, of course, cloudy and cold, so we didn't spend too long at the beach that day, but we had a nice dinner in the hotel restaurant, then drovearound the area a bit and went for a walk on the boardwalk.  Wednesday: a BIT of sun and warmth, followed by clouds and cold.  We spent a while at the beach though, then went out for dinner at a seafood restaurant (very good), then went to see Pirates of the Carribean (my third time).  Johnny Depp is great :)  Thursday:  Sunny and hot!  Spent the day at the beach and pool, and got a nice tan, finally.  We stopped at Pizza Hut on the way home, and by the time we actually got home I was exhausted, so my sister and I just played Princess Maker 2 for awhile.  Friday:  Went to see Seabiscuit with Jason, which I really liked, then out to dinner with mom, Beth, and the Davidsons (my cousins) at Mrs. Robino's in Delaware.  Afterwards, my sister and I again spent our time playing Princess Maker 2.  Saturday: drove Beth to the airport with Mom, then Mom and I shopped at REI and bought me a travel backpack and towel.  Afterwards, I hauled out some travel books from the basement and researched Italy.  I can't WAIT, but there are soooooooo many places to go and not enough time.  Tim and I are gonna hafta get toegther real soon to actually plan out our itinerary.  But, I found out all the cell phone info I need, as well as where the Ryan Air flights are available in Italy.

    Sunday, August 10, 2003

    Happy Birthday Jen! :)

    Last show done, strike over, and I'm home :)

    Gushing is not my style. 

    The end!

    That would be sad, but not, like, banana sad.

    Yesterday was quite the interesting day.  As I was getting out of the shower, Katie was leaving me - loading all her stuff into the car and moving out :(  I had told Anna I would help her return the finale costumes from Chorus Line to the place in Bethlehem, so we had a little adventurous journey into Bethlehem, where we learned that 4th Ave. is NOT the same place as 4th St., and we should have in fact been looking for 3rd St.  Bah!

    And then there was the show.  Let's just say it was a great show and the audience loved it, and they were also very understanding when we started at 8:30 rather than 8.  The adrenaline was rushing though, lemme tell ya.  After the show I went to Dr. K's.

    Today I packed, and then packed some more.  The show was "eh", which is a shame since my mom and sister were here to see it today.  acting-wise, it was great, and it was a good audience, but we had some issues with the Harlequin drop (and therefore the moon), the harp, missed props, an added line, and a (rightfully so) furious harpist.  After the show, I went to Friendly's, of course, with Beth and mom, and it was lovely and happy and I can't wait to go home. Packed some more, got a call from Lance around 1:30 saying to come hang out, so I did and it was nice... and we discussed the demise of bananas.  (Hence the above quote, said by a certain Steve Hoppe)

    Tomorrow - show, strike, free food, HOME!

    Happy Birthday Danielle!  :)

    Thursday, August 7, 2003

    3/19 to go!

    "Where do snakes pee?" - Zoe, as Katie's snake slithers around in her lap

    "In your lap." - me

    Actually, Zoe wanted to know where they actually pee FROM... but I feel that makes it an even better answer :)

    So, today.  I woke up later then I meant to, and fifteen minutes later Lydia arrived.  We went out for coffee (at Northern's a bit sketch), drove around a lot, and then went out for dinner at Outback and Katie joined us.  I ate LOTS.  Katie is leaving me all alone in the room tomorrow, which obviously makes me real sad.  Poo on that.  Zoe says I need to expand my vocabulary (I refer to too many people as "interesting"), so let me rephrase.  My roommate, Katie, is evacuating the premises of Martin Luther dormitory to relocate to her home in New Jersey tomorrow afternoon, while I will be left all on my lonesome for the remaining nights here at the college.  The thought of being alone makes me mournful, distressed, depressed and cheerless.  This is an unfavorable situation.

    Moving on.

    The show went well again tonight, the result of which was our first standing ovation.  Finally!  Meanwhile, I started knitting a nice ribbed scarf.  Oh, and the Lav Lounge now has computers in it.  What's with that? (The Lav Lounge, BTW, is the Green Room for the theatre I'm working in.  It's Lavender, not green.)

    After the show Katie and I went over to Zoe's apartment and talked and played with Voldemort (the snake) and Poe (Zoe's cat).  Good clean fun :)  Sleepy time!

    "I'm ready anytime; if you'll take me, I'm ready to go!" - Luisa, The Fantasticks

    There really need to be more choices for mood.  Sad, annoyed, content...these would be good additions to AOL's list of moods.

    So today I slept LOTS.  Got up, went to the computer lab, made myslf Ramen, watched a Lifetime movie (The Man with Three Wives or something...quality...), got dressed, went to work, then came back and knitted in Kim's room.  And now I'm back in the computer lab and it's time for bed.  The show went rather well tonight, everyone seemed pretty happy with it, although Kim and I almost had a heart attack at one point when she couldn't get the trap back open.  This would have been a bad thing, trust me.  But she eventually did get it open, with plenty of time to spare, and we could all breathe again backstage, in the trap, and in the booth.  Oh, and a certain actor told me he can't be at strike, which is funny since it's IN THE CONTRACT.

    Lydia's coming up tomorrow, so we'll do dinner and I don't know what else before then.  Something nice and exciting, I hope. 

    Then Friday comes, which means I'll help Anna move her stuff to Bethlehem and then do a show, and on Saturday I'll pack and then do a show which mommy and Beth will see, then go out for ice cream, and then it will be Sunday so I can do a final show, strike for the second time this summer, go to the closing night party, load up the car, and GO HOME!  I' m excited, can you tell?  Only 4 more shows (out of 19) to go!

    Tuesday, August 5, 2003

    ...and the computer is dead again

    So, my computer died again...  Surprise, surprise.

    Tonight's show was ok - not great, but not bad.  Dinner at Hunan Springs was good, but very filling.  I love Wonton soup.  After the show I watched Virgin Suicides with Kim, David, Zoe and Anna, and then Phil Levesque came in after the movie was over I think.  It's so nice when you realize that there actually IS human life in the dorm - you just have to go searching for it.  I also saw human life just a few minutes ago - a bunch of T-rashed interns.  They make me smile though :)

    The "e" key on this keyboard does not work very well.  Ugh.  

    I don't have anything lined up yet for tomorrow.  Maybe I'll work on my computer some more, or sleep some more.  Now that Mel has ALSO left me (as of this afternoon) I'm even MORE alone, poo on that.

    Yesterday I spoke to Regina online, which was odd since we speak so rarely that when we do speak we have years to catch up on.  Faina's engaged, Nate and Sarah are married as of Sunday I believe.  Weirdness in my life.

    What to do next spring?

    I forgot to add this in my entry earlier: I recently ran into Bill Sanders (actually, he came to see the show) and he asked if I'd like to SM Jesus Christ Superstar under his direction at Civic Theatre in Allentown next spring. I would be paid $800, I believe. So, do I go for that or go for a mainstage like Measure for Measure at Muhlenberg? There are pros and cons to each, I suppose. I don't have the energy to list them all right now though. Bah.

    My computer is working

    So, my computer is strangely deciding to work today, but I'm sure it will stop soon.  I decided to do the whole journal thing finally, especially since I'm barely ever online anymore and can't talk to people on AIM constantly. 

    The Fantasticks is going really well, and closes on Sunday, so if you want to see it, you better hurry up and buy tickets cuz it's selling out for the end of the run.  Chorus Line ended yesterday, so the dorm is pretty lonely right now.  :(

    Due to the fact that my digital camera is dead, I've decided to discontinue my pictures page on Yahoo!  I'll still keep the link to it, but from now on I'll just add any digital pics I have to this journal.  Other than that, I just can't wait to go home!  Lori and Jen were here this weekend, so that was a good time, and Tim and I bought our tickets for London last week (we leave Spt. 11th), and Lydia might visit me on Thursday!

    I better go get dressed now - I think Kim and David and I are gonna go to Hunan Springs for dinner, just because.