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    Wednesday, December 24, 2008

    Happy Holidays 2008

    Happy Holidays 2008
    Originally uploaded by rebl1231

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    Facebook is killing my blog.

    I have realized that all the posts I've made of late are basically Tweets. As a result, ever since I joined Twitter and started sharing those posts, as well as any Flickr uploads I make and items I share on Google Reader, on my Facebook page, I never seem to need to update this blog. So, in an effort to try and keep all of these exciting things still accessible and viewable from the blog, I've gradually been adding boxes to the right-hand side of this page, so you can see my Flickr uploads, Tweets/Facebook status messages, and Reader Shared page.

    And to keep things exciting here are some exclusive updates:
    -I'm finishing up season 3 of Bones, and I HATE what they did. Still like the show, HATE the end-of-season plot twist. Have I mentioned that I HATE it?
    -Finally recieved my contract in the mail and sent it back in. Yep, it's official: I have a job.
    -Mom and I continue in our quest of watching Gilmore Girls pretty much every night. We watched way too much of it this past weekend, and as a result, are nearing the end of season 3. If somehow we could make it through season 4 buy the time I leave home, I would be happy.
    -I talked to Sharon last night, and it looks like I may actually for once in my life have fun new year's plans. I'm knocking on wood that it works out.
    -I've been renting stupid movies galore in an effor to try and catch up on all those new releases. The most recent have been 27 Dresses, Tropic Thunder, and Sex and the City. I think the latter was my favorite, mainly because I already know the characters so well.


    Wednesday, December 3, 2008

    See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

    Tuesday, November 18, 2008

    ...a contract will be in the mail soon!

    Yesterday I officially accepted a job with Utah Shakespearean Festival, stage managing their educational tour of Twelfth Night! I head out there January 5th, spend a few weeks in Cedar City, Utah, then hit the road for weeks on end until April 25th - visiting Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and Idaho. It sounds like it'll be a blast and hard work and possibly non-stop fun. And then theoretically on April 26th I'll get on a plane to start work at APT on the 27th.

    So, home and visiting friends and holidays are LOVELY, but I'm very excited to see an end to unemployment. :)

    Wednesday, November 12, 2008

    should i actually... something that has no media content? no? okay.

    Well, I just want the world to know that now I actually have Dr. Horrible songs running through my head. Thanks, Joss. ;)

    This one:

    Monday, November 10, 2008

    Wednesday, November 5, 2008

    a haiku

    Penny and I want
    To take a walk outside now
    But the rain is here

    isn't it nighttime?

    Tuesday, November 4, 2008

    yes, we did.

    After an exciting year/month/week/day I'm so happy the election is over. And proud.

    A blast from the past, 2004:
    Daily Mirror on George Bush's Re-election

    And then there's the reaction from across the pond on tonight's news: They Did It

    Meanwhile, watching twitter is kinda fascinating right now, and I'm concerned about this Prop 8 business.

    I'm glad Jon Stewart was the one to break the news to me.


    Thursday, October 16, 2008

    Evil League of Evil

    So, you've seen Dr. Horrible by now, right? RIGHT? It's available free on Hulu! Here's a 20-second clip I selected to show you how awesome it is:

    Anyway, this link has some Evil League of Evil applications seeking consideration to be on the DVD when it comes out. I stumbled across that information from reading a friend's blog, who happens to have created the second entry mentioned in the link. So, you can imagine how surprised I was to click on the aforementioned link and realize that I ALSO once upon a time knew the writer and star of the FIRST one mentioned! Is anyone else out there holding out on me?


    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    Tuesday, October 14, 2008


    Last night I had a dream that went on for quite some time (I think). First, a bunch of APT people were standing around backstage at an indoor theater waiting to go out and take a company bow, and I, realizing that I was about 4 months pregnant, decided to refer to my belly during the bow Tracy Arnold-style so that the baby could be acknowledged as well.

    Then we were at some sort of function, sitting at tables, and I was sitting with (my boyfriend?) the father of the baby, who was Dean from Gilmore Girls, who I've never really liked. In real life he was Dean, not in the dream life.

    And I had to climb 4 flights of stairs and at some point I thought of Kelly Tallman climbing all those stairs in the Powerhouse while we were doing A Flea in Her Ear... And then she was there and commiserating with me for a minute.

    Then we were at someone's house, and out the large window I saw several funnel clouds coming our way, so we all ran for the basement and his under the stairs and played some crazy game where you weren't supposed to say English words to refer to things, so, to refer to a dance I said "Chilean" and everyone bought that, so I think I won that round.

    And then I realized I hadn't told my mom yet that I was pregnant, so I called her to tell her.

    4 months pregnant and tornadoes....?

    Monday, October 13, 2008


    National Kick Butt Day! Personally, I'm really looking forward to National Grouch Day on Wednesday. I wonder if there's an INTERNATIONAL Grouch Day...?

    EW Weekly, of course, has a countdown. I had an inkling whom their number one might be...

    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    I am a lasagna

    Browsing thru old posts, I found this game and wanted to play again. So I did.

    1. Randomly pick a song from your music library.
    2. Find the lyrics for the first four verses/chorus.
    3. Go to Google Translation and translate the lyrics from English into German.
    4. Take the new German lyrics and translate them into French.
    5. Take the new French lyrics and translate them into English.
    6. Post the NEW English lyrics and have people guess the original song.

    Exhibit A
    If you were
    So I start
    You need a light
    I play a game
    I like the cause, as you say, Bonjour
    And take the path I am
    If you are costs
    Here, take my pullover
    His head is painful
    I will do better
    I like the cause, as you call me baby
    And take the path I am
    I buy you Rogaine
    When you start losing all your hair
    Sewing on patches
    For everything you break
    Cause I love you more than ever, I promise
    And I take the path I'm mmm
    I was here, as I am
    I was here, as I am

    Exhibit B
    So you're on, you're not "
    I knew that if you have said, if you told me they were Leaving
    It is, if I knew certainly,
    But if you try, for my heart
    His plan is a mistake from the beginning
    You can not break my heart, it is unnecessary
    It melted, if I
    And as you return to leave
    No "new to me!
    Do not go back and see if I cry
    I'm not crying

    I'm not crying
    It is just raining
    on my face
    And if you think you can see, some tracks break my cheeks
    Please. Can not say, my mates
    I'm not crying
    No, I'm not crying
    And if I cry
    It is not, for example, because you have
    It is because I think a friend of mine, you do not know who dies
    It's true, die
    These are not tears of sadness, because you leave me
    I just cut onions
    I am a lasagna
    For a
    Oh, I'm not crying
    There are only a little dust in my eye
    This is the path you if you said your Goodbye
    I am not crying because you are not here for my hand
    For your information, there is a crack in my gland inflammation
    I am not angry because I left this way
    My eyes are a little today suant
    You've always dreamed of
    They like you to research
    You've always dreamed of you
    Even if I told them not to
    These are not tears of sadness
    They are tears of joy
    I just laugh
    Ha ha ha ha ha --
    I sit here at this table the name of love
    You rigid fixation on the irony of life
    How we reached this fork in the road
    Yet the cut like a knife "
    I'm not crying
    I'm not crying
    I do not cry-y-y-y --

    Saturday, October 4, 2008

    Thursday, October 2, 2008

    a haiku

    I took my car in

    Then did some paperwork and

    Now I want some beer

    done, hopefully for realsies this time

    After much debating (they tried to tell me I needed a new EGR valve.  Um... no.), the mechanic here determined that Ernie's didn't do a thorough job of cleaning the ports and they were still clogged.  So this time I *should* be in good shape.  He said this i totally unrelated to the catalytic converter, so as long as nothing else goes wrong before Tuesday, when I'm supposed to drive home...

    Excuse me, I have to go find some wood to knock on.


    SIXTH time in three weeks.  Yes, that's right!  I'm back at the Honda dealer today.  Luckily when they told me they couldn't see me before MONDAY and I said pissily, "Oh, just forget it." they managed to fit me in.  At 10, rather than at 8, as they originally offered.  Ha.

    Monday, September 29, 2008


    hey, look, AOL finally added more "mood" options so I can actually select something other than "quiet"!  It's about time...

    So right now I'm at the Honda dealer, having the car checked out for the 5th time in three weeks:
    -engine light comes on, get EGR valve replaced
    -oil change
    -engine light comes on in Milwaukee, stop by dealer to consult
    -engine light still on, take it back in in Spring Green to have clogs from bad EGR valve removed
    -engine light comes on a few hours later, go to dealer in Madison to have this taken care of once and for all.  And by "this", apparently I mean the catalytic converter...$1,100!
    Dear Honda dealer,
    thank you for the wifi.  And coffee.  And hot chocolate, aka "hocho".

    My season at APT is finally winding down.  I say "finally" not because I'm ready for the season to come to an end (one work week left...), but because I'm ready for that time of the season when things get less crazy, less busy, have some sense of finality, etc.  I would have been experiencing this much sooner if it were not for being in rehearsals for the R&J Apprentice project.  Rehearsals started during previews week of Belle's Strat and continued through yesterday, when we put on the performance for a pretty great crowd of just over 250.  I'm proud of all their hard work, and happy it went to well for them, but mostly I'm happy for me being done with rehearsals for the season!  So, this week will be office work - finalizing paperwork, going over documents for the future, etc - cleaning, striking props as the shows close, packing, moving into a new storage unit, continuing on the quest of job apps, closing AW and BEL, attending Midsummer closing, and hopefully spending some good quality time with these friends that I might not see until next April.

    Went to Milwaukee on Friday night after rehearsal with SDH and Sharon to see I Am My Own Wife and have a drink in the Cabaret.  Michael Gotch is fantastic, and I love the cab...

    Aside from my frustration with season 7 of Gilmore Girls ("BAD CHOICES!"), that's probably about it.  For those of us keeping track of my East Coast-age, methinks I will arrive back in PA on Wednesday night.  When you next see me, you should ask me how I feel about black widow spiders crawling around on my mailbox.

    Friday, September 12, 2008


    The amount of e-mail forwards I've gotten in the past few days (not to mention Facebook activity I've viewed) regarding Sarah Palin is pretty staggering.  Here are two articles I found to be worth sharing.

    Palin: wrong woman, wrong message

    Drill, drill, drill

    Saturday, July 12, 2008

    RIP, friend

    Last year on Mother's Day, Joe Bu asked for my mailing address.  I asked him if it was so he could send me a Mother's Day card.  His e-mail response was as follows:

    Dear Mom, I hope you are having a nice time while I am at summer camp.  All the kids are bullies and my undies are on the flag pole,

    That sense of humor will be missed.

    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    Saturday, June 14, 2008

    not drowned

    In the past few days I've filled some sandbags, piled LOTS of sandbags, watched the radar quite a bit, and oh yeah!  We had our first preview of Ah, Wilderness! last night.  Actually, it was the first full preview of the season thus far.  I ran across this snippet today...

    I'd have to disagree with several of the statements in it.  Richard falls for the lovely sophisticated Belle?  Really?  Tracy isn't given much to do in this play?  Huh..  Shrug.  Oh, and that picture is not our set.

    Tonight - happy Opening (and first full performance) to Midsummer!

    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    the fun keeps a'comin'

    To add to this week's excitement, we've had torrential downpours here today, and I spent about 20 mins of my life today taking shelter from a tornado.  Good times!  Methinks there will be still more flooding problems in the days to come...

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008


    More on the floods.  Many people I know have been spending their free time filling sandbags.

    Meanwhile, we finally got to tech yesterday.  Here's what I spent much of time looking at backstage.  Please note that baby skunks are roly-poly and ADORABLE.

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008


    We are in tech for Ah, Wilderness!  And by tech, I mean that on Sunday night's 5-hour call, we managed to get in 45 minutes of rehearsal between pouring rain.

    Meanwhile in the town of Spring Green...


    Tuesday, June 3, 2008

    come drink our Koolaid

    This article goes into many of the reasons I love APT...

    Sunday, May 25, 2008


    I'm about to leave work for the day, but it's been all stormy and we're under a tornado watch and the sky just turned GREEN.  No, really.

    Sunday, May 18, 2008

    a few things

    -My play, Ah, Wilderness! (I almost just typed Misalliance) is great, great, great.  I'm a little in love with it.  I love being back in rehearsals, which I really haven't been since Timon last summer.

    -The mosquitos have arrived in Spring Green.  Because it was such a wet winter and spring, they keep saying this will be a killer mosquito year.  Thus far it seems to be true... the other night we were rehearsing inside, and throughout the course of about 2 hours I killed 24 mosquitos.

    -I love my house.  It's old and cute and I think great for the three of us (four if you count Daphne, which you should).  Steph and Amy decreed one night that Apple Hill should be deemed the Association of Loose Women...we're ALL females out there.  Anyway, the ALW is going to have great fun this summer.  As for my wife (Steph) and Mistress (Amy), they keep me happy by having the coffee made by the time I wake up each day.

    -Currently on my Blockbuster queue: Torchwood (I'm just over halfway through season 1), The West Wing (FINALLY finishing off season 7), and the third season of Slings & Arrows, which is a must-see for theatre folks.  I'm also borrowing Bones from Steph, which has proven highly addictive. 

    I feel really good about how this sumemr has started and how good it will be for me to be in this environment again.  Although I did have a stolen purse dream the other night, which symbolizes a loss of identity, or others forcing an identity upon you.  Slightly fitting, given some conversations I've had recently and my reactions to those conversations.

    Anyway, I better go rehearse a play.

    Sunday, May 11, 2008


    Your Score: Dawn Summers 72% amorality, 63% passion, 63% spirituality, 54% selflessness

    Dawn is a person driven by her love for her friends and her desire to make a difference. Perhaps you are, too. You're willing to do whatever is necessary to do what is right for those you care about, and sometimes this can get you in a little bit of trouble.

    Most of all, however, you have a heart of gold.


    If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:

    Nerds, Geeks & Dorks

    Professional Wrestling

    Love & Sexuality



    Link: The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test written by donathos on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
    View My Profile(donathos)

    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Happy Earth Day

    Being Green is hard, but this one's easy.

    Time to go vote.  For Obama.

    Saturday, April 12, 2008

    A for Effort

    So, I really only use Yahoo! mail for my junk mail (i.e. when I REALLY don't want to give a company my real e-mail address)... but this new video they made gets an A in my book.

    Friday, March 28, 2008

    Thursday, March 27, 2008

    soon to break ground... a rural area near you!

    If by "you" I mean people in Madison.  Or thereabouts.

    Journal Sentinel Online

    Friday, March 21, 2008


    The day has arrived:

    Buffy season 2 is now on Hulu.   Best.TV.Ever.


    P.S.  Um, and Point Break too.

    Wednesday, March 19, 2008

    Saturday, March 8, 2008

    adopt a lizard



    Yesterday I spent half the day trying to get my mom's Windows 98 a bit up to speed with McAfee, to no avail.

    Today I woke up to find that my MacBook won't start, no matter how many different troubleshooting steps I take to try and get it up and working.


    Do I dare try to turn on the computer running XP upstairs?

    Thursday, March 6, 2008

    well, darn

    the post below was supposed to be a radar shot of what ohio looked like when i drove through it and the hail storm it was experiencing.  instead, it seems to just be a radar shot of current conditions.


    Tuesday, March 4, 2008

    a change of theme song

    Today I'm driving home.  Only, it went much slower than it was supposed to, because it's snowing and hailing and raining and icy in Ohio, and the roads are RIDICULOUS!

    This summer I decided my theme song should be "Why Does it Always Rain on Me?" - but surely the title should be changed to "Why Does it Always Precipitate on Me?"


    Thursday, February 28, 2008


    You need to make sure that you're focused and on track today, because otherwise nothing will get done. The good news is that if you push yourself, you should make remarkable progress on any task!

    I don't know about remarkable progress, but focused and on track are things I can be.

    Next week I get to back to this...

    Wednesday, February 27, 2008

    show assignments

    I spoke to Evelyn on the phone this morning, and found out the shows I'll be working on this summer!  First up is Ah, Wilderness, with Jacki as SM and John Langs as director.  Then comes Belle's Stratagem with David Frank directing and Sarah DH SMing.  Could I BE any more excited?

    Plus, now that there won't be tour rehearsals near the end of the season, I'll get to do some organizing of the office and updating paperwork projects; things that I will (very dorkily) enjoy.

    I can't wait to get back to this....

    Saturday, February 23, 2008

    more flickr fun

    Here's how it works:
    1. Go to
    2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
    3. Use only the first page
    4. Copy the html and paste for the answer.

    What's your first name? 

    What is your relationship status?

    What is your favorite color?

    What band are you listening to right now?

    What is your favorite Disney Princess?

    Where is your dream vacation?

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    What do you love most in life?

    One word to describe yourself?

    I was born in:

    My eye color is:

    Blonde or Brunette?

    Night or Day?

    What's your favorite TV show?

    Favorite saying?

    Favorite drink:

    P.S.  Apparently, AOL Journals now will FINALLY let me post my Flickr pictures here.  See?


    Wednesday, February 20, 2008

    no one will participate

    ...but I will do this anyway.

    1. Pick 15 or 20 of your favorite movies.
    2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
    3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
    4. Fill in the film title once it's guessed.
    5. No googling or using IMDb search functions.

    1. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.
    2. What do you know? You build flying machines and you walk on water, and yet you know *nothing* about life!
    3. Thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with love.
    4. I could love someone even if I, you know, wasn't paid for it. I love you, and... you don't pay me.
    4. I can arrange that. You could use a good kiss.
    5. You know that point in your life when you realize that the house that you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? All of the sudden even though you have some place where you can put your stuff that idea of home is gone.
    6. Can I have one last first kiss?
    7. He would get these far-off looks in his eyes and he would say 'Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan'. I just wish I'd realized at the time, he was talking about MY life.
    8. It'll be spring soon. And the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields... and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?  *
    9. Hm. Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you.
    10. Yeah? Well, I'm TALLER!
    11. Big doesn't even sum it up, right? That word big is so small.
    12. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love.
    13. A shepherd must tend his flock... And at times, fight off the wolves.
    14. This is a tale about an unprejudiced heart, and how it changed our valley forever.
    15. "All we are is dust in the wind," dude. **

    *Best movie ever, right?  SOB.  Gasp.  Sniffle.

    ** Dust.  Wind.  Dude.


    Friday, February 15, 2008

    snow, snow go away

    Last week we added another 8 inches of snowfall to this crazy winter in Milwaukee.  Then on Thursday, as we drove to Oshkosh, snowfall in Oshkosh accumulated to around 8 inches.  On Sunday, we'll drive back from Madison to Milwaukee, a region which is expected to get somewhere between 8 and 14 inches.


    We don't need any more snow, thanks.


    Wednesday, February 13, 2008


    I discovered Last FM today... methinks this will prove even more addictive than the once-fascinating Pandora.

    Meanwhile, I continue to love hulu.  Yay no more writer's strike!

    Tuesday, February 5, 2008

    Monday, February 4, 2008

    fun with Flickr

    1) Answer the questions below
    2) Take each answer and type it into Flickr search
    3) Take any picture from the first page of results and post. (click on the picture and copy the HTML code)
    4) You can't copy the persons answers who posted this before you

    1. The age you will be on your next birthday?

    2. A place you'd like to travel?

    3. Your favorite place?

    4. Your favorite object?

    5. Your favorite food?

    6. Your favorite animal?

    7. Your favorite color?

    8. The town in which you grew up?

    9. The town in which you live?

    10. The name of a past pet?

    11. The first name of a current love?

    12. Your nickname?

    13. Your first name?

    15. A bad habit of yours:

    16. Your current job:


    Wednesday, January 30, 2008

    rot roh

    I just realized LOST started up again tonight.  And not only did I not think of it til now (I'm on tour again, officially)...I'm too tired to watch it!

    No one spoil me, please.

    Friday, January 18, 2008

    damn Laura for being in Hawaii right now

    from AccuWeather:

    306 PM CST FRI JAN 18 2008


    Meanwhile, there's gonna be a nice, FREEZING game going on at Lambeau Field Sunday night.  Why do I know/care about this, you ask?  Oh yeah, our show Sunday night got canceled because the PACKERS ARE PLAYING.  Welcome to Wisconsin. :)

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    it's that time again

    What time, you ask?

    The time when I re-start my Tour Blog, so check it regularly!

    In other news, I've started watching Angel season 5, which means that I get to see my Spikey-doo again.  eeee.

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    Are you as excited as I am?

    1.  The Bachelors opens tomorrow night!  Woohoo!

    2.  A mention of APT is always exciting :)

    Thursday, January 10, 2008

    Tuesday, January 8, 2008


    This website was just what I needed to figure out how my views align with those of some of those candidate-y people out there running for office.  Thanks, Jimmy!

    Saturday, January 5, 2008

    familiar faces, familiar places

    Yes, I'm back in Milwaukee.  Being back at The Rep, but coming in halfway through the season for such a short period of time, feels like a strangely removed version of home.  It's wonderful and weird all at the same time.  At least this way random people I pass in the Hub or get on the elevator with are really excited to see me.  Then there's the other half, that doesn't recognize me.  Who ARE these new intern people?

    I'm staying at Briana's, which worked out incredibly well, and I'm pretty ecstatic that I'm picking up a wireless connection just fine, no matter where in her aprtment I happen to be.

    The Bachelors
    prep is moving along, although all this week I worked on SHOW stuff rather than TOUR stuff.  The latter is too overwhelming to dive into without knowing the show at all, first.  I'll start my tour prep tomorrow, so that I can say smart things (ha!) when we have a meeting with William on Monday.  Or at least know some good questions to ask.  And the transition to working constantly hasn't been TOO jarring.  Just back to the grindstone, or back in the grind, or whatever that saying is.

    I miss my family and Penny and Athena in the brown chair and home-cooked meals.  I'm happy I get to go back for a little while in March.

    Oh yeah, and here's an article from the Wall Street Journal.