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    Wednesday, June 21, 2006

    from Beth

    This is pretty much exactly what Michelle Fleishman and I used to do with Eve 6 songs lyrics in 10th grade.  I kinda miss those days...  It's STILL funny.

    1. Randomly pick a song from your music library.
    2. Find the lyrics for the first four verses/chorus.
    3. Go to Google Translation and translate the lyrics from English into German.
    4. Take the new German lyrics and translate them into French.
    5. Take the new French lyrics and translate them into English.
    6. Post the NEW English lyrics and have people guess the original song.

    Exhibit A
    Hands are not affected, sudden eyes meetings rest, sudden heat jump of heart in vertiginous Whirl could this boy being to him me are however this girl.    Broad not to dream not lose sight of the fact it with which is not you recalls that attacks of the joy it could not be this boy me is this girl Ev' ry to aspire us to so frequently steal itself to the country of was-können-haben-gewesen but which does not soften the pain that we believe, if reality adjusts of return inside Blithe smile, member rankes, winsome is you, gains them golden hair an undulation easier that is the girl than it chose and I do not know skies am this girl…

    Exhibit B

    I do not receive many things the first become time indeed right me that now I know much all rotations of injustice, declared stumbling and fall was caught here and where I before the day were that I initially saw your exciting confronting?  I see maintaining the every day and me know that I am me am me am that happiest, if I had been cinquanteees years born before you in a house on a road, in which you lived?  Perhaps did an outside you exceed would know I about your bicycle being me?


    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    A:  I'm not that girl.  I like the way it tried to translate the "land of what might have been" into German, and then couldn't translate it back out.

    B:  I'm guessing that this is "the luckiest" by... Ben Folds?  I'm getting that feeling from the "I am ... that happiest".