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    Tuesday, October 14, 2008


    Last night I had a dream that went on for quite some time (I think). First, a bunch of APT people were standing around backstage at an indoor theater waiting to go out and take a company bow, and I, realizing that I was about 4 months pregnant, decided to refer to my belly during the bow Tracy Arnold-style so that the baby could be acknowledged as well.

    Then we were at some sort of function, sitting at tables, and I was sitting with (my boyfriend?) the father of the baby, who was Dean from Gilmore Girls, who I've never really liked. In real life he was Dean, not in the dream life.

    And I had to climb 4 flights of stairs and at some point I thought of Kelly Tallman climbing all those stairs in the Powerhouse while we were doing A Flea in Her Ear... And then she was there and commiserating with me for a minute.

    Then we were at someone's house, and out the large window I saw several funnel clouds coming our way, so we all ran for the basement and his under the stairs and played some crazy game where you weren't supposed to say English words to refer to things, so, to refer to a dance I said "Chilean" and everyone bought that, so I think I won that round.

    And then I realized I hadn't told my mom yet that I was pregnant, so I called her to tell her.

    4 months pregnant and tornadoes....?


    Anonymous said...

    Clearly this dream is about how much you miss me!

    Beth said...

    I had a dream last night that I was running for vice president, and I had to debate Sarah Palin, and I referred to her as "that one". Only really, most of the dream was about getting ready for the debate, and most of that was about finding a place to take a shower. It was very stressful. I didn't want to go to sleep again after I woke up from it, it was that stressful.