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    Wednesday, October 22, 2003

    just another manic... Wednesday

    I'm getting really excited for the trip of this weekend - Paris! Danielle and I FINALLY have our hostel booked - more expensive han I'd prefer, but a bed is a bed. Yesterday I saw a production of Midsummer Night's Dream with my Shakespeare class, and it was excellent and funny and we all enjoyed. Today is my day 'o class, but all I have left is London Theatre, so that's lovely. We're seeing a play tomorrow night for that, so tonight is free for Club Sandwich as it should be!
    I feel much better this week (knock on wood), hooray for that! Tomorrow I don't have class, but I have a trip to go on with the Shakespeare class, and of course I'll need to pack and whatnot for Paris - we leave after class on Friday, and come back Monday NIGHT :)

    Sunday, October 19, 2003

    the sickest bunny

    This week was boring, mainly because I spent the majority of it in bed. Thursday and Friday especially, I just slept my life away and tried to not be sick anymore. I'm getting there, I guess. Yesterday I spent most of the day up and moving around and it wasn't a problem, and today I just have some congestion, no sore throat or fever or headache...
    Anyway, Amy was here visiting this weekend, so that was cool. We went out for dinner on Friday night with two of Jen's friends who were also visiting - we coudn't find Wagamama's though, so we ended up going to an Italian place which wasn't half-bad. On Saturday we went to Portobello Market, which is HUGE, but I liked it. We couldn't decide whether to see a show or go eat or find Mel and Lesley, so we ended up eating at Garfunkel's, which WAS half-bad, then wandering and coming upon the Reduced Shakespeare Company just in time to see a show. I wasn't so keen on seeing it at first, but I laughed the whole time and enjoyed it (Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged). THEN we found Mel and Lesley, as well as Jen and her friends and Cynthia, so we headed back to eat cake and go to the Union. It was no Club Sandwich, but fun anyway. Afterwards Jen made us all go eat chips and Jeni made it off the waiting-list and is now accepted to Muhlenberg for finishing hers ;)
    And today I slept in then came here. Good times.

    Monday, October 13, 2003

    I bet you thought I'd never get around to it...

    But I did. Sorta.

    PIX! -->
    WHEN I can get this computer to upload pictures to the on the Junior Year album to see selected pictures from Italy, London, and Scotland. Out of the 115 I took I'm putting about 50 online, but if you want to see some more of a specific place send me an e-mail saying so (ex. "Hey Becca, I want to see more of your Rome pictures" or "Hey Becca, I want to see more of your Jason visit pictures" or "Hey Becca, I want to see the pictures that turned out badly") I don't know why you would want to see that last bit, but whatever floats your boat I guess. So check out the pics as I slowly add them to my new album. :)

    continued from below

    This past weekend Danielle, Jeni (Danielle's flatmate - she's an adopted Berg student) and I went to Edinburgh, Scotland, which was a wonderful weekend trip. We left after class on Friday and got back around 1 (13:00, that is) today. The train ride was about 4 hours going and 5 hours coming back, so we got in Friday evening and dropped our stuff at the hostel, then found us some food and went to a pub called Shakespeare's to try some Scottish beer. We're not huge fans, but that's ok. On Saturday we spent a good part of the day at Edinburgh castle, which has some great views and we got a tur with the price of admission so that was cool. Afterwards we walked down the Royal Mile window shopping and stopping in some sights along the way (the chapel and the Children's museum (crack baby!)). Then we met Jeni's H.S. friend and her friends for dinner and nightlife. Sunday: Holyrood Palace, which is where the Queen stays when she goes to Edinburgh, and where we got an audio guide with the price of admission; The Queen's Gallery, where they had a Faberge exhibit going on; The National Gallery - free!; a Ghosts & Ghouls tour, where hey told some ghost stories and historical stuff and took us down into the vaults below the city - of course I was a bit spooked. Anyway, I highly reccommend it as a weekend trip,and the scenery on the trainride is breathtaking at points.
    Today I need to find a hostel for Danielle and I when we go to Paris for a weekend and figure out some more Austria stuff for Jen and I when we go during Reading Week. It's a hard life...
    Send me e-mails! I like e-mails.

    update time

    I'm sleepy. Now that I have that out of the way, I suppose I should update everyone on my life. Since last time I wrote, I've seen two plays for London Theatre. The first was called After Mrs. Rochester and was about the life of the author of Wide Sargasso Sea (a prequel to Jane Eyre). It was very interesting and well-done, and I liked. The second was called The Happiness Compartment, which was playing in a fringe theatre in Greenwich smaller than Theatre Outlet, but it had a nice restaurant/bar downstairs. The play was actually written by my London Theatre teacher, but I found it meh. I love the teacher though, and I also love my Shakespeare's London teacher. They're both opinionated and funny and seem to know some stuff; always a good thing.
    On Friday Jason came and we had a WONDERFUL weekend and I miss him now. We walked around and saw some general London sights (including David Blaine and the London Eye), saw a great Lord of the Rings exhibit at the Science Museum, saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, walked through Greenwich, and had a really nice time. And then on Tuesday morning he left :( So that was last weekend. TBC.