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    Friday, September 5, 2003

    Yesterday was 8 months. Time flies!

    I can't wait for tomorrow - my last trip to Muhlenberg before leaving next week!  The countdown to Europe has begun . Am I ready?  Of course not!  The past few days I've been doing a few things to get ready...  Tim and I have booked our hostels, my credit card is all set up, my computer's at Best Buy (hopefully) being fixed, I started the immense process of cleaning my room...  Let me tell you, I had one HUGE bag of garbage, and my room currently looks messier than it did when I started cleaning it!  A few things I'm selling on ebay, but most of it went to the trash.  I've also been working on a present for a friend, and that's been taking up a lot of time. 

    And I'm not healthy yet!  It's been over a week now, and I STILL have a sore throat.  Not a minor one, but one that really bothers me.  Today, for instance, I made myself tea.  *I* made something *for myself* - *twice*!  It didn't really help though. 

    Tomorrow I hope to get myself an ISIC at the abroad office while I'm up at the Berg, and then, who knows what we'll do, since our original plan of going to Dorney is shot (It's not open tomorrow OR Saturday to the public.  Poo on that).  Can't think of much else to say right now, so I'll stop boring you ;)

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