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    Tuesday, September 9, 2003

    One day (soon) I'll fly away...

    One more day at home, then I'm off to London (quick stop to drop off a bag!) and Italy.  Eeek!

    My trip to Muhlenberg last week didn't exactly go as planned.  For one thing, I was STILL sick from the week before (the sore throat just wouldn't go away).  For another, I woke up on Friday morning with pink eye.  Yes, the day I'm going up to school to visit my friends, I happen to get pink eye, which of course is the worst possibe thing to have when you plan on spending time with Lydia!  So, I went to the doctor, and he gave me prescriptions for both my eye and for my throat (finally), and then I decided to still go up to school after all after talking to lydia on the phone.  Of course, I didn't get here til 5 because of the whole doctor/pharmacy/traffic thing, and for a few minutes at least I thought maybe I shouldn't have bothered coming up.  But it ended up being a nice fun night (as some of the new pics I have online show) and I'm glad I went.

    So, the next day Jason, Lydia, and Lori came over for dinner, and that was nice as well (although Jason was being VERY odd...hehe).  Then I said bye to Lydia and Lori and that makes me sad, and Jason and I spent the rest of the night playing SNES, good times.

    Sunday mom and I went to the beach!  It was a beautiful day, but very windy, so if you weren't just laying in the sun it was chilly (and later on in the day it was chilly even if that's all you were doing).  I caught up on sun and naps and just being at the beach though, and later that night went over Jason's house where we watched a movie and, of course, played PS2.  And then I had to say bye to him too :(

    Monday was pretty boring, but Danielle left for Europe (!!) and mom and I picked up my dead computer.  It looks like I'll be buying a new one come December, minus the stuff that still works.  It's nothing special because we had to go for cheap, but it's just as good as my old computer with a few updates and its a Dell Dimension 4600, so it's pretty nice. 

    Today I got ready all day - yeah.  Packing is such a daunting task!  Wish me luck.

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