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    Friday, May 12, 2006


    As I mentioned, I read Angels & Demons when I got home.  Like The Da Vinci Code (yes, I'm looking forward to the movie), I really enjoyed reading the book, but at the same time didn't have tooooo high an opinion of it.  The ideas all seem stolen (play Gabriel Knight 3 instead of reading The Da Vinci Code...seriously...), and the writing is NOT outstanding.  So, anyway, I found this blog entry on Dan Brown's writing kinda fitting.

    Episodes of Firefly are now available on ITunes.  You should watch it, then go watch Serenity.  Seriously.  Let's raise them some money so they can resurrect these characters again in a new TV show.  Please?

    Technology is wierding me out lately.  I love my Nano, but I can download Podcasts and all sorts of stuff to it and I find that wierd.  I embrace it, but it's spooky.  And on the turnpike now in some states, they have new EZPass/I-Pass stations where you don't have to slow down AT ALL.  You have your own special lane to drive in and there's just this thing hanging 20 feet in the air over the lane that collects your information as you continue driving.  No tollbooth, no slowing down, no green light telling you they got your information. 

    Yes, this is what I spend my time thinking about.

    Tonight I'm going to watch Shop Girl.  I had a free Blockbuster rental.  Yay free movie.  Yesterday when I walked into the video store I was actually stressed out by the number of movies I want/need to watch this summer.  Stressed out in a good way, but still!

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