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    Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    speaking of The Da Vinci Code

    "we live in a beautiful world, yeah we do, yeah we do"


    I came across some articles regarding the movie, and how the Catholic Church wants us to boycott it.  Things like this really make me cringe.  And laugh.  And cringe.

    -Exhibit A.  “We must not sleep as the Apostles did while Our Lord suffered in the Garden.” Yes, I'm seeing the comparison.  Good one!

    -Exhibit B.

    -Exhibit C.

    -Exhibit D.  "Cardinal Arinze said The Da Vinci Code was loaded with mistakes that orient people against the church and that "any film produced on the basis of the book is already in error from the word go." "Christians must not just sit back and say it is enough for us to forgive and forget. ... Sometimes it is our duty to do something practical," the cardinal said." And then we learned how to define fiction!  And forgot how to be Christian.  All in one go.

    Okay, I'm bored with this now.  I was procrastinating getting in the shower because Careers USA said they were going to call me as soon as Cindy got back from her lunch break, but I've been waiting an hour now and I need to be clean.

    I forgot to vote today.  And I wouldn't know what I was voting for anyway, without spending time researching.  Bah, I suck at life.

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