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    Friday, May 19, 2006

    Milwaukee Intern year Memories

    Remember when:


    ~We had our first Intern meet and greet crowded into Cat’s room at the Plaza?

    ~Everything was new and shiny?

    ~Melissa and I spent our first Thursday night in Milwaukee with two bottles of wine?

    ~We used to annoy the Plaza Café people by adding more and more people to our breakfast tables on the patio?

    ~I chased Briana’s cat around her house after a night at the Y Not II?

    ~All of the interns used to go out together on Saturday nights back when Sunday was the day off?

    ~All the males ran around shirtless during the game of kickball at the Company Picnic?

    ~Irish Fest was awesome?

    ~I originally wasn’t going to do the run of A Flea in Her Ear?

    ~Jason came to visit me in my new city?

    ~Kelly gave me three boxes of Easy Mac when Flea opened?

    ~I feather-dusted that center unit as it moved offstage during the first scene shift during Flea?

    ~And had awesome shoes?

    ~Glenn and I learned that “Toroidial” means “donut-shaped”?

    ~I walked up to Erica backstage during a show and meowed?

    ~Sam dubbed me “Bridget” so I wouldn’t get confused when he said “back up” over headset?

    ~And then re-named me “Miss Perfect” because I liked to put the furniture on it’s spike marks?

    ~Sam gave me a third of Poche’s baguette to eat every night?

    ~We had a girls’ night at Katherine’s room at the Knick…and then the boys showed up?

    ~Lauren and I became friends over a terse “fine” during that awful game of Trivial Pursuit?

    ~Briana wanted to go to the Cab on the night it opened but I found it boring and left her there?

    ~Jeanine dubbed the Rachel’s “Crayola” and “Light Brite” so as to distinguish between them?

    ~The Flea understudy run was on-stage?

    ~I got me some food stamps?

    ~We played Scrabble in the Plaza lobby for the first time?

    ~Jeremy Dubin and Sam convinced me to go see Serenity even though I had never seen Firefly?

    ~I accidentally hit on Jimmy by trying to bond with him over the difficulties of long-distance relationships?

    ~The paint shop had a costume party on Halloween?

    ~I told Jimmy how Steve, who had just walked out of the room, likes how I say the word “spoons” and Jimmy said, “Who’s Steve?  Is that your boyfriend?”

    ~A kitty named Moth came to live with me?

    ~Jimmy got me and his daughter Sarah confused?

    ~Jimmy tried to take a picture of me?

    ~Matt and I became LOST buddies?

    ~Peoplewho thought I was Jenna told me I was good in Clean House and Laughing Stock?

    ~We read Whitney’s Anne Rice books when Val had us over for Thanksgiving?

    ~In Madison, Jimmy and the Culver’s guy were clearly a match made in heaven?

    ~In Madison, Doug told me to come hang out with him in the middle of the night?

    ~I worked on A Christmas Carol for three days?

    ~Amanda called Becky and me “B. Sizzle” and “B. Sazzle” for the first time?

    ~During Sueno, I spent most of the rehearsal period listening to "Fuck me running"?

    ~Karaoke became a weekly fixture in my life?

    ~I wasn’t originally supposed to do the run of Bad Dates?

    ~Amanda spilled coffee on my boob during rehearsal?

    ~Mom and Beth came to visit for Christmas?

    ~Lesley made me truffles for my birthday and we went to eat at Yaffa?

    ~The Intern Angels took us Ice skating and bought us Starbucks?

    ~Jenna discovered the joy of the gecko in Melissa’s room?

    ~On Melissa’s last night in the Cab, I let my tongue flap a little too much?

    ~A Kiwi named Charlotte waltzed in and out of our lives?

    ~I sounded like a man when I was sick?

    ~I didn’t think that “symbology” was a word?

    ~Amanda had Wine nights at her amazing apartment?

    ~We had a crazy night out on Valentine’s Day at Mo’s?

    ~Kyle drove us home and Rachel and I wouldn’t stop pushing all the buttons in his car, which eternally said “Change Oil Now”?

    ~The paint shop had a Luau party when it was –30 degrees outside?

    ~Amanda and I couldn’t get any work done if we weren’t using our iPods?

    ~Intimate Apparel line notes ate my life?

    ~Jeanine was trapped in her room at the Plaza for over an hour?

    ~I started watching Garden State at 3:50 am after Whitney’s Wolski’s birthday?

    ~Cat had a Clothes trading party and I gained more clothing than I got rid of?

    ~Lauren threw a party with all the alcohol leaving Interns had given her?

    ~Lauren and I ate a cherry cobbler all by ourselves in one sitting?

    ~Don Mackay called me the MacGuyver of ASMs during Morrie rehearsals?

    ~Sahba took me out on a motorcycle ride and we stayed out for two hours?


    Well, I remember it, at any rate :)  I miss that city and those people.  And that beer.

    Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    speaking of The Da Vinci Code

    "we live in a beautiful world, yeah we do, yeah we do"


    I came across some articles regarding the movie, and how the Catholic Church wants us to boycott it.  Things like this really make me cringe.  And laugh.  And cringe.

    -Exhibit A.  “We must not sleep as the Apostles did while Our Lord suffered in the Garden.” Yes, I'm seeing the comparison.  Good one!

    -Exhibit B.

    -Exhibit C.

    -Exhibit D.  "Cardinal Arinze said The Da Vinci Code was loaded with mistakes that orient people against the church and that "any film produced on the basis of the book is already in error from the word go." "Christians must not just sit back and say it is enough for us to forgive and forget. ... Sometimes it is our duty to do something practical," the cardinal said." And then we learned how to define fiction!  And forgot how to be Christian.  All in one go.

    Okay, I'm bored with this now.  I was procrastinating getting in the shower because Careers USA said they were going to call me as soon as Cindy got back from her lunch break, but I've been waiting an hour now and I need to be clean.

    I forgot to vote today.  And I wouldn't know what I was voting for anyway, without spending time researching.  Bah, I suck at life.

    Friday, May 12, 2006


    As I mentioned, I read Angels & Demons when I got home.  Like The Da Vinci Code (yes, I'm looking forward to the movie), I really enjoyed reading the book, but at the same time didn't have tooooo high an opinion of it.  The ideas all seem stolen (play Gabriel Knight 3 instead of reading The Da Vinci Code...seriously...), and the writing is NOT outstanding.  So, anyway, I found this blog entry on Dan Brown's writing kinda fitting.

    Episodes of Firefly are now available on ITunes.  You should watch it, then go watch Serenity.  Seriously.  Let's raise them some money so they can resurrect these characters again in a new TV show.  Please?

    Technology is wierding me out lately.  I love my Nano, but I can download Podcasts and all sorts of stuff to it and I find that wierd.  I embrace it, but it's spooky.  And on the turnpike now in some states, they have new EZPass/I-Pass stations where you don't have to slow down AT ALL.  You have your own special lane to drive in and there's just this thing hanging 20 feet in the air over the lane that collects your information as you continue driving.  No tollbooth, no slowing down, no green light telling you they got your information. 

    Yes, this is what I spend my time thinking about.

    Tonight I'm going to watch Shop Girl.  I had a free Blockbuster rental.  Yay free movie.  Yesterday when I walked into the video store I was actually stressed out by the number of movies I want/need to watch this summer.  Stressed out in a good way, but still!

    Thursday, May 11, 2006

    "Well, I'm back." - Samwise Gamgee, Return of the King

    Home again, home again, la la la.

    In true "the grass is always greener" form, I miss Milwaukee.  Home will be great and by the end of the summer I'll be sad to leave again, but right now I'm going through a bit of withdrawal.  For instance, last night after Lost was over, I just thought, "in about an hour I SHOULD be going to kareoke.." 

    I know I'll be going back, and SOON, and that I will see many/most of the same people again in life, if not soon.  There was something about saying goodbye to this intern group that was as upsetting as graduating, though.  When you go to college, you know that you'll be there for four years and then you'll have to say goodbye.  But most people try to find a job after graduating that they can stick with for a while, climb the ladder, etc.  In my life, though, I'm going to be saying goodbye to people every season, if not every few months.  Realizing that next year when I come back I won't have my intern group there, and that that same group of people will never be working at the same place at the same time again was saddening in a way that even graduating was not.  So, while I can't wait to go back next season with Briana and Whitney and Amanda and Becky, etc., and make new friends among the interns, I will miss Lauren and Jordan and Jeanine and Rachel and Mike and Matt and George and Venessa and etc.

    Now, good news.  I just got the phonecall that I officially have an apartment to move into on July 30th or whenever I go back.  Yay!  It's in a building called Lakeside Apartments, which is owned by the same people as the Plaza.  It's a cheap efficiency apartment (aka teeeeeeeeeny tiny), but it's fine for just me.  I'll need to find some furniture to put in aforementioned apartment, though.  Also some money to buy the furniture with.  As much as I told people like Jordan and Matt that they're welcome to crash at my place until they find somewhere to live in the Fall (they'll both be back in Milwaukee working on shows for a few months), I'm seriously wondering whether I'll have any space for them to crash in...  Ah well, we can worry about that later.

    Home is nice.  I read Angels & Demons - an enjoyable read.  I'm gonna call Careers USA tomorrow and get a temp job, and mom is gonna find us a puppy soon.  Tonight I'm going out with Jason - first time I've seen him since last September.  Wierd.

    I lost 7 pounds since last I was home.  I would think an intern's income could do even better than that!  I'll blame it on the food stamps.

    Wednesday, May 3, 2006

    best day ever!

    Reasons today is the best day ever (but in no particular order..):

    -Went out for lunch and coffee with Kelly and her baby, Annie down by the lake

    -Going on my first motorcycle ride with Sahba later today

    -It's over 70 degrees for once

    -New LOST tonight!

    -I'm 80% sure I found an aprtment for next year (I'll know for sure after the open house on Sunday)

    -Kareoke tonight...always a good time, but tonight EVERYONE is coming, since it's both me and George's last one

    -I'm about to go be productive for an hour before Sahba shows up

    -Next week at this time I'll be HOME!

    Yay, life.