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    Thursday, April 27, 2006

    9 days til home!

    ...and counting...


    My Keanu is back!  :)

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    Boring review.  Yay, fun.

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    oh, yeah

    I kinda forgot to mention this in the previous entries, but in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'll be back in Milwaukee for the Rep's '06-'07 Season.  It begins July 31st and my time here will be done mid-April of 2007.  I'm really excited about the tentative line-up, and now I must start apartment-hunting.  I'll make some actual money next year, with a 40-hour work week with TONS of overtime, and it looks like my title will be Stage Management Apprentice (not Assosciate like Amanda was this year...shrug..).  Basically, it's their way of keeping me around another season without me having to pay any Equity dues just yet ;)

    Monday, April 17, 2006

    "See you next Tuesday." - Mitch Albom

    Mondays are so weird.  I mean, I'm better at relaxing than anyone on earth I think, but then when the day is over I feel like it disappeared so quickly.  Shouldn't I feel relaxed and well-rested?

    I don't have much to say today... I'm gearing up mentally to leave, while meanwhile tons of people have already left Milwaukee.  Jeanine left today, and Amanda is the next to go.  BOO on that!  I'm so ready for summer, and so, it seems, is everyone else.  I think all we interns are done being interns mentally.  It's been a great ride, but a long one, and summer can't come quickly enough at this point.  Our last opening night party was on Friday (Sherlock Holmes opened that night), and this week marks our last two Understudy runs (Morrie's is tomorrow).  It's one of those weird months where everyone is very aware that it's their last few weeks here in this internship and things seem to be very condensed and happening much more quickly than they did before.  Last August, meeting these people for the first time, working on Flea, seems like a LONG time ago.

    In the tradition of this entry from August 2004, I think I'll do a Intern Year Memories entry come May.  So look forward to that. ;)  In the meantime, many memories can be found on my picture site.

    This week I've watched In Her Shoes (I liked), The Squid and the Whale (I liked), and Rent (I kinda liked).  I think I'm about to watch Syriana right now, too.

    Almost done with A Feast for Crows!  Finally.  Next up: Shadow & Claw, by Gene Wolfe.

    Happy Belated Easter. 

    Review of Tuesdays can be found here.  I'll choose not to blame it on the author of the review that the title of the article not only has the play's name wrong (Tuesday with Morrie...only one?) but has misspelled Repertory Theater.  C U Next Tuesday!

    Tuesday, April 11, 2006

    Saturday, April 8, 2006


    I'm about to go through a reading spurt again.  I can tell.  I have soooo much free time backstage during Morrie; all I'll ever do is read and knit.  So, I've got a pile of books ready to go, the one on top being, of course, A Feast for Crows, which I STILL haven't finished. 

    This week (tech and first two previews) I read Lipstick Jungle, which Charlotte randomly gave me (along with the tequila, mozarella sticks, margherita mix, and single red envelope).  I thought, "ooh, fluff, that will get me through tech nicely", and it did, and it was indeed fluff, but it kinda pissed me off at the same time that I enjoyed reading it.  I mean, how does an author like her (of Sex and the City fame), become so highly regarded?  The characters were NOT very likeable, not believable, there was no plot, and in terms of a fluff book, the "romance" scenes weren't too interesting.  So why does she sell so many books?

    Then I randomly got to thinking about GOOD books tonight, and thought of Robin Hobb, and how when I finished reading her final book in the Tawny Man trilogy I felt such a sense of loss that it was over.  I think I cried, not just because the end was touching and whatnot, but because I wasn't going to get to read any more about those characters or that world.  And she's such a good writer.  So I was depressed.  I need some more books like that to read.

    Don Mackay has been lending out all his SAG "For Your Consideration" movies to us interns.  He's like a lending library.  I'm saving the really good stuff for later and am just trying to keep a steady stream going of movies that are worth watching just b/c they're free!  So far I've watched Proof (the play is better), Sexy Beast (disturbing), The Prize Winner of Definace, Ohio (random), and The Affair of the Necklace (not so great).  The ones I'm really looking forward to getting to are, of course, Munich, Syriana, and Squid and the Whale.  And Rent, I guess. 

    Speaking of Don Mackay, it's a small world, because Jordan and I realized that he went to UCSD, which is where Devon and Jim went, so we asked him, and he knows Jim Peck AND Devon Allen AND Beth Schachter.  Welcome to the social circle of theatre, where anyone slightly successful must know all the other slightly successful people out there.

    Anyway, got to take my sick body to bed.  Tomorrow's opening, and I'm looking forward to yet another opening night party.

    Thursday, April 6, 2006

    nope, not an update

    George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are flying on
    Air Force One.
    The President looks at the Vice President, chuckles, and says, "you
    Know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out the window right now and make
    somebody very happy."
    The Vice President shrugs and says, "Well, I could throw 10 $100 bills
    out the window and make 10 people very happy."
    Not to be outdone, the Secretary of Defense says, "Of course , then, I
    could throw 100 $10 bills out the window and make a hundred people
    very happy."
    The pilot rolls his eyes and says to his co-pilot, "Such arrogant asses
    back there.  Hell, I could throw the three of them out the window and
    make 190 million people really happy."

    Morrie is going great; we had our Invited dress tonight.  I'm currently the sickest bunny - thank you for the farewell present ;)