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    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    I am a lasagna

    Browsing thru old posts, I found this game and wanted to play again. So I did.

    1. Randomly pick a song from your music library.
    2. Find the lyrics for the first four verses/chorus.
    3. Go to Google Translation and translate the lyrics from English into German.
    4. Take the new German lyrics and translate them into French.
    5. Take the new French lyrics and translate them into English.
    6. Post the NEW English lyrics and have people guess the original song.

    Exhibit A
    If you were
    So I start
    You need a light
    I play a game
    I like the cause, as you say, Bonjour
    And take the path I am
    If you are costs
    Here, take my pullover
    His head is painful
    I will do better
    I like the cause, as you call me baby
    And take the path I am
    I buy you Rogaine
    When you start losing all your hair
    Sewing on patches
    For everything you break
    Cause I love you more than ever, I promise
    And I take the path I'm mmm
    I was here, as I am
    I was here, as I am

    Exhibit B
    So you're on, you're not "
    I knew that if you have said, if you told me they were Leaving
    It is, if I knew certainly,
    But if you try, for my heart
    His plan is a mistake from the beginning
    You can not break my heart, it is unnecessary
    It melted, if I
    And as you return to leave
    No "new to me!
    Do not go back and see if I cry
    I'm not crying

    I'm not crying
    It is just raining
    on my face
    And if you think you can see, some tracks break my cheeks
    Please. Can not say, my mates
    I'm not crying
    No, I'm not crying
    And if I cry
    It is not, for example, because you have
    It is because I think a friend of mine, you do not know who dies
    It's true, die
    These are not tears of sadness, because you leave me
    I just cut onions
    I am a lasagna
    For a
    Oh, I'm not crying
    There are only a little dust in my eye
    This is the path you if you said your Goodbye
    I am not crying because you are not here for my hand
    For your information, there is a crack in my gland inflammation
    I am not angry because I left this way
    My eyes are a little today suant
    You've always dreamed of
    They like you to research
    You've always dreamed of you
    Even if I told them not to
    These are not tears of sadness
    They are tears of joy
    I just laugh
    Ha ha ha ha ha --
    I sit here at this table the name of love
    You rigid fixation on the irony of life
    How we reached this fork in the road
    Yet the cut like a knife "
    I'm not crying
    I'm not crying
    I do not cry-y-y-y --


    Beth said...

    well, the second one is that song from flight of the conchords. I don't know its name though.

    Anonymous said...

    Exhibit A is The Way I am by Ingrid Michaelson, I believe.

    Becca said...

    correct and correct - the second song would be called "I'm Not Crying". Go figure.