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    Wednesday, July 18, 2007

    that show I work on

    A review of Misalliance, and a shout-out: 

    Staff swap at APT

    Friday night at American Players Theatre 's performance of "Misalliance, " you will find leading actress Colleen Madden waving you into your parking spot, while actors Jim DeVita and Susan Shunk hawk concessions. Driving the shuttle bus will be production manager Michael Broh. Artistic director David Frank? He 'll be taking tickets.

    Actor Brian Mani came up with the idea of having a "Hill Staff Night Off " where house employees are seated to see a show from start to finish, while the acting company not on stage does front-line jobs.

    "It 's not just for show, either, " says APT 's Sara Young. "The fill-ins will be required to perform all the duties that the regular staff member usually does -- including picking up trash, restocking food, making sandwiches, the works I think our other patrons will get a kick out of it as well. " - State Journal

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