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    Sunday, April 29, 2007

    speaking of movies...

    Here's some more to look forward to!

    PotC: At World's End

    Harry Potter and the OotP

    my daemon (The Golden Compass)

    Click to see (or change) my pretty daemon Zotius!

    Friday, April 27, 2007


    it would seem that my camera has died.  this is a sad, sad day.  i think i'll call kodak tomorrow and cry at them...

    this is certainly turning into a costly week.  i probably forfeited getting my apartment security deposit back because of the stupid plumbing problems i had before i left, getting locked out of the car cost $125, gas is expensive, and moving inevitably involves buying new things!  now i need a new camera.  not having one is not an option.  sigh.

    Thursday, April 26, 2007


    Perfect for me on moving day #2 (1 more day of moving OUT to go! - then I move IN):

    The end results may not be clearly visible to you right now, but have faith and stay the course. If anyone can turn these odds to a big advantage, that person is you. Just keep moving ahead one step at a time.

    One step at a time.  Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....  right?

    I fit my purses into one very very large brown paper bag.  Except the purses that are being used as transportation for other things (one, for instance, is carrying all of my framed wall pictures...).

    Moving makes me tired.

    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    random information

    It's 30 degrees outside (with windchill).... in Philly this past weekend it was 80 and sunny and beautiful.

    I dislike packing and it dislikes me.  I made my first trip to the storage unit today, which is great, but I feel like my apartment doesn't look like it has any less stuff in it even after that.  Hopefully tomorrow it will; the plan is to move out my desk and bed, as well as bedding, kitchen-y stuff, and uh, whatever else needs to be stored rather than coming to APT with me.

    I have WAYYYY too many shoes.  I packed all my clothes today, in one suitcase.  Then I took a larger suitcase, and managed to fit all of my shoes except two pairs in it.  This is sad.  That's TOO MANY shoes.  And yes, there is one pair in storage, and three pairs in my closet in PA.  Sigh.

    I'm seeing Tartuffe tonight.  Hooray.

    Monday, April 23, 2007

    why, oh why, oh why-o

    Why did I leave my hairbrush home when I'm overnight-ing in Ohio?

    Holiday Inn has a little comb for me to use.  This is not of much help to me, nor would it be to anyone except, perhaps, an elderly gentleman with male-pattern baldness.


    I'll be back to MKE and my bounty of hairbrushes sometime tomorrow...

    Sunday, April 22, 2007

    "Time to be hitteen' the old road, now!" - Rick Steadman, The Nerd

    After a very restful and nice few days home in PA, it's time to make that special 13-hour drive back to Milwaukee tomorrow.  The plan is to leave around 11 tomorrow and drive for 8 hours or so...or however long it takes me to get tired of driving, and then sleep in a hotel wherever I am, and continue the drive on Tuesday.  Then pack pack pack, go to karaoke, pack pack pack, and depart for Spring Green on Friday.  I start at APT on Monday.  EEE!

    This will be the longest I've ever driven anywhere by myself... I think the longest drive I've ever actually made by myself was 4 hours or so?  And on the way out here, I was on a plane (two even) by myself for the very first time.  A week of firsts.

    ALSO, the first of my friends announced her engagement last week - Jess Ball - and then tonight I saw on facebook that Beth Bliel, my best friend from summer camp before kindergarden is now engaged too!!  That's two engagements in one week; third one's a charm, right?  Who's next?  Anyway, that's all very exciting.

    As I mentioned, home has been great - I got to see Jen V., Lydia, Noelle, and I also managed to get all the little chores done that I needed to, as well as go to DSW with Mom and let her buy me two pairs of shoes ;)  Lydia introduced me to a great band whose show we went to at an Irish pub on Saturday night... they're called Greenwich Meantime and I really enjoyed the show... I wish they would play at Irish Fest in Milwaukee!

    I'm sure I'll be posting many pictures of Penny on my Flickr site once I'm all unpacked and all that good stuff, so be sure to check that out, and in the meantime, you can check out all my gorgeous pictures from the opening of The Nerd.  Good show, good times...

    Wish me safe travels!

    Friday, April 20, 2007


    I found this amusing and thought I'd share.  Today I was at the post office mailing my sister her cell phone, and the guy behind the counter...probably 30 or so...was very helpful and friendly, etc. etc.  So, just as I'm leaving and saying thanks, he says, "Happy Holidays!"  I truly stared at him blankly for a good long second before it clicked that today is 4/20 and the guy behind the counter working at the post office was telling me to enjoy a drug-addled weekend.  FUNNY.

    Thursday, April 19, 2007

    new Cell phone

    Actually, I don't have a new cell number; it's remaining the same.  So this message has no purpose for you, except to new cell phone is new and shiny!

    Wednesday, April 18, 2007

    Nerd Review

    ...because I'm proud of it, even though I'm not there!

    From the Journal Sentinel

    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    and then it was time to leave again

    As of tomorrow, The Nerd will be open, and I will be off-contract at The Rep!  My apprentice year is officially over, and I fly home on Tuesday.

    I'm not ready to leave but READY to leave.  I'm not ready to move onto new projects but READY to move onto new projects.  One thing is for sure: I'm ready to go home and see Mom and Penny.

    P.S. The Nerd is really AWESOME.  You should go see it, and wear a diaper when you do.

    Friday, April 13, 2007

    first preview for "The Nerd"

    I am so excited to have an audience for the first time in The Nerd tonight.  It's going to be fuuuuh-nny.

    Here's an article on the show, which Jim Pickering, a Milwaukee Rep resident company member, and THE ORIGINAL nerd in the world premiere of the show here at the Rep, directed.  I like the pictures - I was making coffee in the rehearsal hall while they were taken.  And I ESPECIALLY like that the cover shot in the newspaper (which is not online) just shows a close-up of Gerry with his rehearsal prop notebook, which clearly says in my handwriting on the front: "NOTEBOOK".  Hahaha...

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    mid-April in Milwaukee

    It's effin SNOWY outside.  From




    Tuesday, April 10, 2007


    For those of you who know him, a review of Jordan's play, Tartuffe, in the Powerhouse right now. :)


    Personal side note: I have ONE WEEK of work left at The Rep.  Then I'm home for a few days... get in touch if you want to see me!

    Let's go to Rome

    If only I had more endurance when swimming!

    Friday, April 6, 2007

    ..guess I should go back to High School...

    Your English Skills:
    Grammar: 100%
    Spelling: 100%
    Punctuation: 80%
    Vocabulary: 80%

    Wednesday, April 4, 2007

    The Onion Senator Forms Subcommittee For The Watching Of Lost

    WASHINGTON, DC—Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) announced the formation of a new Senate subcommittee for the Watching of Lost and appointed...

    "Happiness is my default position." - Toby, West Wing

    So, I finished Six Feet Under on Monday night.  It was everything I thout it would be; I watched the ending 7 times in a row.  It's worth watching the entire depressing series to have that ending mean something to you.

    Next up is some Buffy and some X-Files.  And continuing West Wing, of course.

    My departure feels very imminent.  Saturday is our first on-stage rehearsal, Tuesday is tech, Sunday is opening, Tuesday is flight home.  That's SOON, and time will especially fly by since we'll be in tech.  Eek.

    Last Monday it was in the 80's, today it's effing COLD and flurrying.  And incredibly windy.  Blech.

    Today I read something online that made me think Enya was dead.  Then Wikipedia informed me that it's lies, all lies.  So, if you think Enya is dead, she's not.

    Thankfully, there were no april fools jokes this year, aside from the fact that Briana and I put the following in the Production Notes for the day, under Props:

    2.  Please ADD: Live Goat (#2234a) to be sacrificed in the hideous pagan ritual as described on pg. 73.

    Jim Guy wrote back and asked if we had a color preference. :)

    In other april fools news:


    Sunday, April 1, 2007

    ditto what i said on friday.