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    Sunday, March 26, 2006

    Thus far, today is great, and I feel like it's going to continue to be great.  Just a feeling I have :)
    Both today and yesterday I got out of work really early.  It's not that we're slacking off in rehearsal, but we're just doing so well.  Every day we come in, talk quickly about things to think about in our run-thru, do a run-thru of the show, have notes, and work notes afterwards.  To do another run would just be exhausting and pointless; no need to kick a dead horse.  So, then we go home.  It's in good shape, and we don't go into tech until NEXT Tuesday.  We've got time to spare.  In fact, this upcoming Tuesday we're not even going to have rehearsal.  Don will be in LA shooting a few episodes of Passions (yes, seriously), so we're just gonna take two days off!  Hooray.  Although I'll go into work on Tuesday anyway...  There's a production meeting, as well as a post-production review for Sueno and Bad Dates.  And I'll get some paperwork done - update my preset checklist, create a shift plot and perishables list, and begin the tech checklist.  Just 'cause I can.
    Last night Lauren and I rented Crash.  I was NOT IMPRESSED.  Good acting, great ensemble in general, good camera-work, but... come on.  You're telling me this won over Brokeback?  I shake my head at you, Academy.  This movie is...well, it's like a bunch of people decided they wanted to make an "Important" movie.  They read the script and went, "Wow, this film is Important." With a capitol I.  But that's the problem with it.  They got so caught up in Theme or Idea  that they forgot to write an actual script that makes any sense.  Yes, prejudice is a problem.  It's a problem that so many people are prejudiced.  That's what this movie said, but it's ALL that it said.  It didn't offer any interesting insights into it, and didn't leave us wanting to discuss anything ABOUT the problem.  And the redemption scenes, if that's what they're meant to be, or perhaps they were meant to be Recognition scenes - ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING.  Great, so asshole cop saved the life of a woman.  That does not erase the fact that on the previous night he inappropriately GROPED her in a gross abuse of power.  And did he realize that groping her had been wrong?  I certainly didn't get that.  Bottom line is, the entire movie made me feel like the were hitting me over the head with a frying pan, with no point.
    So, let's see.  Brokeback Mountain - great script, great acting, great cinematography, great music.  HEARTWRENCHING story.  Subtle.
    Crash - unrelaistic script (do people really talk like this?  Um, no.), great acting, nice cinematography, okay music.  STUPID story.  Frying pan.
    What else is new?  Wednesday night was great fun, Thursday night I saw Failure to Launch (I would have liked this movie in 8th grade), Friday I saw Jimmy Kaplan, and yesterday was Crash.  I also watched part of My Best Friend's Wedding on TV last night; it's dated.  It's weird to see something that I remember going to see in theatres and looking at her cell phone and e-mail and thinking how dated they are.
    Tonight - out for Whitney's birthday to Wolski's...I've never been and I hear it will be fun.  Tomorrow - major cleaning and seeing the interns do a staged reading of Pygmalion at Ten Chimney's.
    Life is good at this moment.  :)
    Also, this will make sense to no one but me, but I'll say it anyway: the carousel is going 'round again.

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