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    Wednesday, March 22, 2006

    highs and lows

    I've definitely been having a highs and lows kinda week.  I seem to always be having a really good fun time, or a really yucky not happy time.  Not really any in betweens.  I'm trying to stay as ositive as possible and just enjoy the time I have left here this season, but it's hard having evenings off when others are at work, and I sit at home twiddling my thumbs much more than I should.

    So, exciting as it is to finally have 6-hour days...I'm not so much excited about them.  Evenings aren't much fun for me, and I wish I was working 6 hours in the evening rather than in the afternoon.

    I can tell people are starting to have the "I'll be leaving soon" mentality.  From this point on it's one big stream of goodbyes..  Charlotte leaves tomorrow, Intimate Apparel closes this Sunday, then after next week Becky and Kyle and Jenna will leave, and Mike, and George, and Amanda, and Jeanine, and Moth the kitty, then Chris and Stacy... I don't particularly like this part of the season.  I hope the people I've developed close friendships with will remain close friends, and if not close, at least keep me updated on their lives as things progress.

    Work continues to be great, though.  I really enjoy working on this show and feel proud of myself for the good work I'm doing on a daily basis.  I can tell I've grown a lot this season.

    At the same time, I'm getting excited about warm summer weather, being home with Mom and the puppy, and especially seeing people on the East Coast again. 

    Tonight: a kareoke party for Charlotte's farewell and a new episode of LOST.  What more could a girl ask for?

    "But...eyes are the windows to the soul.  I don't know what color your SOUL is!" -Briana, to me

    "Who's 'Becca'?  Oh, you mean 'LEGS'." - Velma

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