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    Tuesday, February 21, 2006

    television without pity proves this week that... it's funny because it's true:
    >>On Craphole Island, Sayid is washing himself at some makeshift basin that seems to have been set up as far away as possible from any of the Lostaways' camps for some reason. Ana-Lucia comes running up, and demands to know where Jack is. She's pretty pushy with the guy whose soul mate she Cheneyed not all that long ago.<<
    >>Sawyer says that if Hurley helps him find it, he can "keep on ranch dippin'." Hurley considers this deal, because, once again, the rest of the Lostaways would certainly be on Sawyer's side right now.<<
    >>Sawyer and Hurley go tree-frog hunting. It's just such filler that even recapping it is a waste of time. Hurley gripes that this is how people get killed in scary films. No, this is how people get bored by pointless scenes that don't advance anything.<<
    The timer resets to its customary 108 minutes, and Locke's really relieved. He'd seen last week's previews as well, and was under the impression we'd find out what happens when the timer runs out. But it looks like we're still on schedule to find out what happens sometime around Season 5.<<
    Oh, snap.

    In other news, if you're looking for a job for next year, it has come time for me to recommend that you apply to the Rep's internship program.  It's never too late in life, and I'd definitely recommend it REALLY highly to those wnating to go into stage management, very highly to actors, and just plain highly to those wanting to go into directing.  For SMs, it's a really great bridge between school and the professional world.  You can go into the professional world without crossing this particular bridge, but this'll make you a whole lot better at your job when you do.  For actors, although the main load of work is understudying rolls, you still get the potential to go on, you learn alot because you're working with so many varied professional actors and directors.
    But seriously, DO NOTAPPLY if:
    a) you're lazy.  I am not exaggerating when I say that you would be working 14 hour days 6 days a week for the duration of 9 months.  And I mean WORKING.
    b) your ego is too large for your head.  That just won't work out too well for you.
    c) your life is Musicals.  They do ONE here per year, folks, and it's A Christmas Carol.  Well, and Guys on Ice, but that wouldn't apply to you anyway.
    d) you have a strong aversion to the following:  beer, cheese, the cold, brats, or food stamps
    Okay, now here's a link, and a word to the wise: the part where it says that Carey Lawless is the production manager, and that you should send your stuff to her is a lie.  She is no longer the production manager.  If you're applying for the production internship, send your stuff to Judy Berdan.  SHE would be the production manager.  And say you know me.  And Jordan.  Unless you don't.  The end.

    Good night, and good luck.

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