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    Tuesday, November 22, 2005

    short but sweet

    Happy Thanksgiving...soon, anyway.

    If you've never been to, I recommend that you visit it before forwarding on any more e-mails.  Plus, it can be very amusing.

    A Christmas Carol is making my life tiring at the moment, but the Rep's production of it is truly good.  It brought tears to me eyes, it did.

    Your Geek Profile: Music Geekiness: High; Movie Geekiness: Moderate; SciFi Geekiness: Moderate; Academic Geekiness: Low; Fashion Geekiness: Low; Gamer Geekiness: Low; Internet Geekiness: Low; Geekiness in Love: None; General Geekiness: None How Geeky Are You?

    The above I find to be rather incorrect.  TRULY, my dorky-ness (I object to the word geek in reference to myself.  I'm a DORK) is as follows:

    Movie, Internet: High

    General, Love, Gamer, Music: Medium

    Academic: Low
    Fashion: None

     cleolinda TGIWednesday!  Speaking of dorks..;)

    Monday, November 21, 2005

    Harry Potter

    Just got back from seeing Goblet of Fire...  heavy.  The movie is heavy.  It earned that PG-13.  I really enjoyed it - I'm always a fan of these movies for what they are, which is not a direct screen translation of the books, which would NOT be good, but an adaptation, which CAN be good.  The first and second succeeded as nice bits of fluff, the third was GOOD, and this one is as well.  I really think these movies only work really well if you incorporate the darkness.  (With that said, I'm not particularly looking forward to Order of the Phoenix, which will struggle to be anything BUT dark.)  So, anyway, where was I going with this? 

    My thoughts on the movie:  these kids keep getting better, as well as good-looking.  Good casting...I mean, who really thought that Daniel Radcliffe would turn out to be a looker when they first saw him at 11 years old?  Not I.  Dumbledore, good.  Cedric, good.  Voldemort, good.  The beginning of the movie, ON SPEED.  I don't recommend seeing this movie if you haven't read the book.  What's stopping you at this point?  Really?  Yule ball, good.  End, heavy.

    As Orson Scott card says, "Goblet may deserve some weird kind of award for having created the funniest and sexiest scene with a ghost in a bathtub ever made."  True that.

    So long, and tanks for all de fish

    This week has been somewhat uneventful, and yet really not at the same time.  So, Guys on Ice closed last night.  Pretty good closing week, good audiences and all that; it was kinda funny/bad when one night for some inexplicable reason we got some mic frequency from Andrews Brothers in our speakers.  Umm, yeah, that was weird.  I'm sad because I really liked the show and de guys, but not as sad as when Flea closed.  I know I'll keep in touch with some of these people, it wasn't AS memorable of an experience in general, and for the most part because I'll be going with them to Madison next week.  Jimmy mentioned that they'd feel better with someone around on stage management who knew the show and that it would be helpful if I was there, after talking to Whitney and figuring out a few things (place to stay, transportation, etc.) I figured this'll be really fun and good.  So, next week I'll be in Madison from Sunday night through their first preview on Wednesday night. 

    This week, I had made plans with Whitney to do some departmental stuff since prep for Sueno, my next show, doesn't start until December 6th.  But that plan kinda died when Whitney found out she needed to go home for a funeral, sooooooo now I'm going to be helpfing A Christmas Carol out with their last two days of tech this week.  It's gonna be CRAZY.  ACC has a crazy reputation in general - it's such a huge production that has been going on for so long, takes place in the Pabst rather than one of the Rep's three theaters, etc.  So, Amanda, who was already on the show, will fill in for Whitney backstage, and I'll fill in for Amanda sitting next to Joe (the SM) and helping him with whatever he needs, collecting valuables, keeping track of breaks, etc.

    Today I think I'm FINALLY going to see Harry Potter atGoF.  It's about time!  Speaking of dorky fantasy things, I would like to point out that my two favorite authors who write my two favorite fantasy series who both came out with new books this month have both been NYTimes #1 Bestsellers in the past few weeks.  Dorks unite.

    Sunday, November 13, 2005

    let's discuss

    A few things:

    1) Further proof that people in Europe are wierd ;)

    2) Andrews Brothers opened last night.  Hence, I am done with it.

    C) Guys on Ice closes on Sunday.  tears.

    4) A Feast for Crows, George R.R. Martin's latest, finally came out.  I must go read it now.

    5) Are you in love with me?  Let's discuss.  Just say yes and make my ego happy, 'kay?


    You scored as Simon, the Doctor. Simon Tam, a former well-to-do young surgeon and bachelor extraordinaire. You gave up everything to help your sister, which I respect. However, you are also pompous and talk too much, which I also respect.

    created with

    Tuesday, November 8, 2005

    My blog is worth $564.54.
    How much is your blog worth?


    Andrews Brothers is in tech now.  The end.

    Thursday, November 3, 2005

    :( Rest in Peace Stacey

    The most beautiful dog ever passed away early Tuesday morning.  Mom called me at work to let me know, and unfortunately I was in a show so then I was sitting there crying backstage.  It was probably just her time to go, but gosh, I was sad.  Stacey is the one pet who I am able to say at this point in my life was a part of my family for the MAJORITY of my life thus far.  And she really was a family member.  She kept us company in the house or outdoors, was always happy to see me come home, especially when she hadn't seen me for awhile because I was away at school.  She always made me feel better when I was sad, and she was just "such a nice doggie," as Mom always said.  I didn't get to say bye to her when I left for Milwaukee because we were running so late and I wanted to get on the road (Mom had offered to stop at the kennel before we got on the highway when she realized how upset I was that she had brought her to the kennel before I woke up that morning), but I spent LOTS of time with her this summer when I was all alone in the house.  I'm sure this is slightly melodramatic for people who don't have pets or don't really connect with their pets - but this is like losing a family member to me, and I just can't picture our home without her.  I know she was great company for Mom all alone in that big house all by herself, and I hope it truly doesn't feel as empty as I think it will.  I hope Stacey knows how much she was loved and how much she meant to us and what a truly wonderful companion she was.  And I hope her heaven is snowy with a nice deck to lay on, plenty of people to play with, a park to take nice walks in, a comfy car seat for car rides, and plenty of string cheese, egg yolks, and walnuts in the corners of rooms.

    That last part made sense to me, so just go with it.

    I have a cat.  Her name is Moth.  She's calico, sweet and cuddly, and extremely rambunctious at night.