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    Tuesday, October 25, 2005


    This is the best thing I have ever seen in my life.

    Thank you, Amy.

    Back in performances, this time for Guys on Ice.  I loooooove it!  Also, in rehearsals for Andrews Brothers.  Life is busybusybusy.  But I'm doing well, bought some new boots that I love and can't wait to wear, and I finally finished the Robert Jordan book, which was awesome.

    That's really all I got at the moment.  See you on de ice.


    Only not really.


    Monday, October 17, 2005

    stole the general idea here from a friend of a friend's away message

    If your name is not Josh Holloway, and you don't play Sawyer on Lost, just send me an e-mail to say hi, because I'm busy prepping for the first week of tech and rehearsals for my next two shows.

    If, however, you ARE Josh Holloway and are ready to fly me to Hawaii to be your mistress, feel free to dial my number.

    Saturday, October 15, 2005

    i would swallow my doubt, turn it inside out

    I am so famous.  I just kinda stumbled across that and thought I'd share.

    Prep week went well; now I'm looking forward to the day off on Monday.  I kinda have tomorrow night off as well, but I'm baby-sitting Deb Staples' daughter, Mira, so I'm still working...  Any addition to my stipend will be nice though.

    Don't really have much to say, otherwise.  I loves me my food stamps, as well as Knife of Dreams.  Good book so far.

    Some good quotes this week:

    Mike: I had the beer and cheese soup..
    Me: Beer and cheese soup?  That's like... Wisconsin in a bowl.


    Mike: I got lots of food and it was all paid for by my friend WISCONSIN.


    Me:  I'll do buses, I'll do cars, I'll do anything that moves. 


    Mercutio144 (2:10:12 AM): goodnight goddess

    Thursday, October 13, 2005

    no shows

    Becca in prep week means I've had my nights off this week.  This is WEIRD...hasn't happened since early August.  And after this week it will happen again in late November, which I find impressive!  Yesterday I actually got to watch Lost LIVE.  And I've been able to actually read the latest Robert Jordan book a bit each night!  Things are nice and I'm enjoying fall.

    With that said, I miss Flea.  I miss the comfort of running such an enjoyable show; knowing what will happen next, what I need to do next, who I will see every night, etc.  Today I saw Glenn, one of the IA guys for the Powerhouse, who I haven't seen since Sunday, and I was just sooo happy to see him.  Sigh.


    Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    Wall Street Journal

    A dude from Wall Street Journal saw our production of Flea, and had some good things to say about theatre in WI.  I can't post a link to the article itself, but here's a rundown of what he says:

    Sunday, October 9, 2005

    "That's just like life, isn't it?" - Baptistan, A Flea in Her Ear

    A Flea in Her Ear has closed.  I'm sad.  I haven't been so sad about a show closing since Annie Get Your Gun...  The rest of the run was interesting.  One of the resident actors slipped on the Act II stairs on Saturday night's performance and tore a tendon in his knee.  His Understudy had to go on 10 minutes later, and our closing performance today was done by his understudy.  Chris did a great job with it, everyone handled things very well, and it was a learning experience!  Peter seems to be doing fine, too, so all in all, not a bad closing. 

    And I have plenty of things to work on in the coming weeks, so I won't be bored at ALL; the opposite in fact.  But I'm going to miss this show.  During the scene shift today, it registered that that would be the last time I'd get in my costume and feather dust the chairs and run that damn curtain across the stage and move the escape stairs.  Last hand-off of the champagne bottle, last intermission shift with Sam and Glenn, last baguette piece to be eaten.  I'll miss the crew, who I will see again during Sueno but not actually ever run a show with again.  I'll miss Kelly and Briana, the WONDERFUL SM and ASM.  Briana of course will be in the office every day with me, but I don't think we're working any more shows together.  And Kelly will go away and have her baby.  I won't work with any of these actors again until Sueno either, and some of them it'll be longer, and some of them already left Milwaukee for good. 

    This was a great first out-of-college experience.  I learned a lot, had a lot of fun, got thrown right into the thick of things (where I love to be), and I'll miss this show!  Next up:  a week of prep for Andrews Brothers and Guys on Ice, then the following week GOI goes into tech and Andrews Brothers starts rehearsals.  Sigh.

    Friday, October 7, 2005

    burn the land, boil the sea

    You can't take the sky from me...


    Here is what you should do this weekend.  Rent Firefly.  Watch it.  Go see Serenity.  It doesn't have to be in that order.


    Go to and type "(your name) needs", then pick the 5 funniest ones there.

    If your name is James, you would put this in to the search engine: "James needs". Then copy and paste this into your journal with your answers filled in.

    Becca Needs To Back The Fuck Off My Man

    Becca Needs Cock!!!!! (no, I did not add the exclamation points.)

    becca needs paper of some sort to draw.

    Becca needs to know she won’t always be deserted

    Becca needs minimal -- if any -- maintenance.

    Monday, October 3, 2005

    Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"

    You have green eyes. Green is the color of balance. Your eyes symbolize your ever need to learn. Green brings peace and harmony into our lives, as you may be a very optimistic person. At times you may be placid, lethargic, lazy, and slow, to the point of becoming moody and depressed. You may also be apathetic and have a fear rejection. Do not feel bad though, for what you may lack, you can in your ability to heal and bring hope to people. Some words to describe you: growth, fertility, harmony, healing, refreshing, peaceful, contentment, satisfaction, confidence, prosperous, hopeful, lucky, and beautiful.

    Saturday, October 1, 2005

    more Flea stuff

    Another review for A Flea in Her Ear... methinks this one was written for the UWM paper, so not the most thruilling read ever,

    Only a week to go.  Wow.

    I'm gonna miss the show, being in the Powerhouse (I won't be back in that theatre until the very end of the season), and of course the non-Resident actors who I won't be seeing again.. :(


    Oh.  The John McGivern Late Night show went well.  I got compliments on my performance report from the higher-ups, and I get paid extra for doing it, so these things make me happy.