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    Sunday, March 6, 2005

    home sweet home

    Ahh, the excitement of spring break in Holland!  Holland, Pennsylvania...

    It's been very nice, though, of course.  Not many friends are home, so this weekend I just spent time with mom.  That changes tomorrow though, with the standard trip to Olive Garden with Jen (and possibly a movie afterwards?)  I mentally went on spring break starting last Tuesday, I'd say.  That day my Latin class was cancelled due to the snow, so I had no classes all day.  I went to Choir though.  Wednesday was a pretty normal day, but I handed in two papers, thus ending the workload I had before break.  Also, our theatre department trip to NY was that night.  We saw House/Lights, by the Wooster group, which was very interesting - I won't pretend it didn't go flying right over my head though!  Thursday Latin was my only class as usual, but I skipped Choir, then went to watch The Notebook with Jen, Lori, and Liz.  As Jen says, it wasn't so much a tear-jerker as a tear-STREAMER.  They just kept streaming.  I though they were crazy to want to watch that movie and that it would be too emotional for all of us, but it was a good movie to watch I guess.  I didn't feel like going out for drinks too much afterwards, but we did; went to PJ's, which I've never been to before.

    Friday I left for home around 1, got home at 2:30 and caught up on TIME magazines and sleep til mom got home.  Then we had dinner and rented I Heart Huckabees, which I found very amusing.  It's one of those randomly humorous movies, like one of Wes Anderson's movies, which not everyone finds as amusing as I do.  I don't know why it reminded me so much of one of his movies.

    Saturday included DSW (two new pairs of shoes), Red Lobster, Willow Grove mall, and The Aviator.  Leo DiCaprio was fabulous imho.  I wonder when he'll ever get to outlive Titanic.

    Today, slept in and then finally went to see Million Dollar Baby.  Morgan Freeman is outstanding.  I didn't cry as much as I would think I would, but I think that's because I'd heard so much about the ending before seeing the movie.  It's a shame.  I definitely think it deserved the Oscar, though I'm not a big fan of the whole shooting in really dark/blue tones. Don't know what the technical word for that would be...  And tonight we're having duck for dinner.  Yay!  :)

    So, home has been nice and relaxing thus far and thank goodness we finally get a break!  It's about time.

    A word to the wise:  don't try to get into Red Lobster on a Saturday night unless you're willing to wait an hour+.

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