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    Wednesday, April 28, 2004

    updated countdown

    Women Writers - 3 classes, 2 papers, 1 rewrite

    History of Drama II - 3 classes, 1 paper, 1 final exam

    Shakespeare II - 2 classes, 1 paper

    Classical Acting - 3 classes,  1 scene workshop, 1 final scene, 1 paper

    Beginning Jazz Dance - 3 classes, 1 Empie Emporium performance, 1 journal entry

    Extraneous - 2 dance shows, 2 plays, 1 MTA meeting, 1 Formal, and a couple blackboxes to attend

    The sad thing is that the number of written pages I need to hand in before I go home for summer totals at LEAST 34.  Poo!

    random survey

    name four bad habits you have:
    1. Stuff that Jen and Noelle like to yell at me about ;)

    2. Eating just because food tasted SO GOOD
    3. Not going to bed early enough
    4. obsessing

    name four things that you wish you had:
    1. all that lottery money
    2. more years before i have to go out into the real world
    3. a great house for next year...oh wait, I DO
    4. some more tank tops

    name four scents you love:
    2. the seashore
    3. fresh flowers
    4. duck!  (the kind that's being cooked for dinner, not the kind that's alive and walking around quacking...)

    name four things you'd never wear:
    1. i'm too lazy to think of anything

    name four things you are thinking about right now:
    1. my laziness
    2. how I'm seeing Wicked this weekend
    3. how I should be writing a paper right now
    4. how my belly is sadly big

    name four things that you will have done today:
    1. gone to a dance concert

    2.  watched Friends

    3.  finished my women writer's paper??

    4.  gone to class

    name the last four things you have bought:
    1. dance concert tickets
    2. lunch  - pizza
    3. stuff for our party on Friday night
    4. lunch yesterday?

    name four people you would like to spend more time with:
    1. my mom and sister
    2. my friends at home..

    3. Orlando
    4. Keanu

    name four bands/groups most people don't know you like:
    1. Five Iron Frenzy
    2. Eve 6
    3. do musicals count?  Camelot
    4. I think they do - Man of La Mancha

    name four drinks you regularly drink:
    1. Diet Coke.
    2.  Sierra Mist
    3. water
    4. wine

    name the last four people you kissed:
    1. Jason
    2. Chris
    3. Jason
    4. Jason

    name four random facts about yourself:
    1. I want to go to Hawai'i and swim like a dolphin
    2. There are chocolate bunny legs on my desk which are not mine
    3. I am Glinda AND Bock
    4.  these are a few of my favorite things - lavendar, wolves, white roses, the ocean, lord of the rings, green

    Tuesday, April 27, 2004

    countdown to summer

    Women Writers - 4 classes, two papers, one rewrite

    History of Drama II - 4 classes, one rewrite, one paper, one final exam

    Shakespeare II - 3 classes, one paper

    Classical Acting - 3 classes, two scene workshops, one final scene presentation

    Beginning Jazz Dance - 3 classes, one Empie Emporium performance, one jounrla entry

    Extraneous - two dance shows, two plays, one MTA meeting, one Formal, and a couple blackboxes to attend

    ...and thus the countdown begins...

    Friday, April 23, 2004

    top 10 movies to look forward to this summer!

    May I just say, I am an EXCELLENT procrastinator...

    10.  I, Robot

    9.  King Arthur  ??

    8.  I'm a big dork...  Two Brothers

    7.  Dogville

    6.  Shrek 2

    5.  The Terminal

    4. Spidey 2

    3.  The Stepford Wives

    2.  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    1. Troy


    Saturday, April 17, 2004

    the hippies are coming.

    Happy Birthday Mel!  Tomorrow, that is.

    So I ended up getting all my first class choices for next semester, which means I'm taking Fundamentals of Directing (Jim), Scene Design I, Basic Speech, American Writers, and Jazz Dance again.  So I have class from 9:30 - 4:15 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but then on Mondays I have class NEVER, and Wednesday only from 9:30 - 11:30 am.  Yay!  Two of those classes are with Lydia, so next semester will be the semester of Lydia. 

    I just remembered I still need to hand in my contract for this summer.  Oops.  Yesterday I saw Bob and he was like, "um, you might want to hand that in soon."  So I'll do that...

    I woke up sick yesterday, and it's NO fun - sore throat, headache, lots of congestion, and possibly a fever as well.  Right now I feel okay except for the heat and the sniffles.  Despite that I'm definitely gonna go out for Mel's birthday tonight - it should be fun.  I haven't gotten much homework done yet this weekend - I need to read Death and the King's Horseman, re-read Hamlet Act I, and write a paper on Othello.  And write a dance journal entry, methinks. 

    Time to go do something else.

    Monday, April 12, 2004

    "Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves." - Gene Fowler

    So, once again time has passed since I last updated.  Easter break was this past weekend, tomorrow I register for classes, and I know what I'm doing this summer.  After quite a lot of complaining and worrying and debating, I decided to stay here this summer again, stage managing the big middle show, Annie Get Your Gun.  I wasn't expecting to be offered that show, so it's great that I was, and now at least I know I have a good job that won't be boring or eat up my entire summer.  Which reminds me, I need to get my contract back to Bob.  I'm not sure who I'll be living with, or even who all is in my cast!  Anyone need a roommate?  ;)

    I went home from Thursday night through tonight for Easter, which was nice but wayyyy too short.  Mom and I went into NYC on Friday to stand in the TKTS line and ended up seeing The Boy from Oz - not high quality, but an entertaining show and Hugh Jackman is great.  On the other days we visited grandma and grandpa in Lancaster, rented Intolerable Cruelty (blah...) and Under the Tuscan Sun (I wanna go back to Italy!), and on Saturday night I spent time with Jason while mom went out.  I played lots of Grand Theft Auto :)

    Since registration is tomorrow, I'm not positive yet which classes I'll get into, but my top choices are Jim's Directing class, Scene Design I, American Writers, Basic Speech, and Jazz dance (again) - I need to take 4.5 credits both semesters senior year in order to graduate, but my independent study (also known as SMing a mainstage next year) will count as at least 0.5 credits.  I'm not sure yet which semester that'll be yet though - I guess it depends on whether I get directing first or second semester, as I wouldn't want to take that and SM a mainstage at the same time. 

    In other news, I recently registered to vote and filed all my tax return stuff, AND Lydia and I have a house for next year.  I feel like a grown-up!  Almost.

