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    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    "Half Life" at Milwaukee Rep?

    Just so we're all aware...

    This does not describe my play.  At all.  Random!

    Tuesday, September 26, 2006

    SUN IN THE MORNING and the MOOOOOOOOON at night!

    Take the quiz:
    What Musical Are You?

    Annie Get Your Gun
    You're Annie, Get Your Gun! You're talented, but very innocent. You have a tendency to believe lies. You don't always undertand what's going on, but your cuteness makes up for it.

    Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

    Tuesday, September 19, 2006

    ...swimming through curtains...

    Okay, updates are long overdue, so I thought I'd take a minute or three to do that whole updatin' thang.  First of all, Milwaukee is great.  I love the new intern company, love finally having Amanda back in town, love where I live in relation to work, and just love being back here in general.  Except it's already getting cold out.  Boo on that.

    My show, Half Life, opened on Sunday night.  I served as Whitney's ASM on the show, and let me just say, what a fabulous experience.  I could not be happier with the first show of my season.  It's been a while since I've felt so proud of a show I've worked on and felt so completely that I was a vital part of the team that put it together.  It was my first time working with Whit on a show, and I really felt like she trusted me to do my thing throughout the rehearsal process and felt more relaxed as the SM knowing she could count on me and not have to babysit me.  I had a similar great experience working on Tuesdays with Morrie at the end of last season, but this show just required a lot more of me.  The show is only an hour 20 minutes long, but in that time there are THIRTEEN different scene changes, which I was a huge part of putting together.  The backstage life on the show is CRAZY, because we literally have no space into which we have to cram a shitload of furniture, as well as 10 actors, and Zinky, and me.  It's a very choreographed jigsaw puzzle back there, and I was the person in charge of deciding which part would fit where when.  And making sure it happens exactly the same way every night, and that everyone remembers/knows what they need to do, and keep everything safe, AND know what I have to do MYSELF. 

    So, when the show opening went very well, I was proud of it in a way that I haven't experienced for a while.  This was also my first time working with Laura Gordon, who directed it.  She's one of the Resident acting company members here at the Rep, but last season I just didn't work on any of the shows she was in, so we didn't know eachother until rehearsals started.  I loved working with her, and she was so appreciative of everything I did, and I can't wait to work with her again, on ACC (which she's in).  You know your director thinks you're good at what you do when they write a card to you on opening night that starts off, "You are a remarkable woman...".  Sigh, it makes me smile.

    This week I'm catching up on some stuff with Guys on Ice, and doing the understudy run for Half Life.  It'll be good.

    My horoscopes have been SO right on recently.  Everytime I read mine at work, I comment on it, so now Whitney is always like, "You ALWAYS say that about your horoscope, Becca."  It's true, shrug.  I could write about other stuff going on right now, but methinks I'll save that for another day.


    Wednesday, September 6, 2006

    One of the actresses in my show, Jeannie Naughton, just got a bouquet of red roses for her birthday from David Hyde Pierce.


    Tuesday, September 5, 2006

    you oughta know

    I just started to type out a really long entry....  then it got deleted.

    Here's the gist:

    -I'm alive!  Milwaukee = good.  My social life is picking up again now that shows are opening and uh...yeah, that about sums that up.

    -My apartment is small, but nice.  I miss the internet a bit, but I'm doing just dandy without A.C. or Cable right now.

    Yeah, I really don't feel like typing more again.  I will say though, that I had an awesome Labor Day weekend, and my nose is burnt.  And I drank way too much.

    And I'm obsessed with Veronica Mars

    I haven't taken any pictures since I've been here.  Wierd, right?

    The End.

    Does anyone know how to import entries like this into MySpace blogs?  Is there an easy way to just automatically send it there?