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    Monday, January 16, 2006

    an update

    It's been a while.  A long while.  So, here's an update (of sorts) on my life.

    Work... really good right now.  This past week was especially nice, and actually a bit relaxing for a change.  Sueno is now in tech, which means that my duties on the show ended, and I walked away from it rather happily.  It'll be good, and I love the people, but it was also gonna be a bear in tech and I was happy not to have to deal with it.  Now I'm on Bad Dates, which was in tech last week and opened last night.  Because Melissa is leaving, they put me on the run of the show, which wasn't originally one of my shows, but now it is.  I'm acting as ASM for it.  It's a one-woman show in the Stiemke, with LOTS of shoes, shoeboxes, and clothing.  I get to touch things, and do scene shifts!  Yay.  Next week we start prep for Intimate Apparel, so I'll be in rehearsal for that during the day and then go do Bad Dates at night.

    Melissa is leaving tomorrow.  She's the other SM intern, and decided to leave the program and go back home to Tennessee.  I support her decision and blah blah blah, but I'm gonna miss her so much.  She's definitely my best friend here, so it's going to be weird to shift to NOT having her here.  When I need someone to bitch about work with, unwind with at the Cab, hang out with  late at night, eat breakfast with in the Cafe, walk home with, etc., she's the person I go to.  She's also the person whose door I knock on with huge puffy red eyes and snot and tears and grossness all over my face.  So yeah, she will be missed.  Last night we had a farewell party of sorts for her in the was also the opening night party for Bad Dates, so free beer, and it was fun.  Sigh.

    The Holidays were lovely!  I really meant to send Christmas cards to sooo many people this year, but then I only sent out like 15.  So if you didn't get one and thought you would, sorry!  I really meant to send you one.  Beth got here on Friday the 23rd, then mom got here on Saturday the 24th, and both of them stayed until Saturday the 31st.  I'm so glad they were able to come here since I only had two days off, and it was a nice week.  The dinner we made in my kitchen was pretty impressive despite how few kitchen utensils I actually have, haha.  After we ate on Christmas I got sick and started throwing up though, so that wasn't the best thing ever.  So I laid in bed for two days straight with a fever, and threw up a lot at night, but at least my mommy was here to take care of me!  We watched a LOT of Lost season 1, I skipped a day of work, and Moth had lots of company for once in her life!

    My birthday was fun enough.  The cabaret had free champagne, so we went there; I think everyone had a good time.  Lesley (the Sueno SM) made me truffles (SO YUMMY), and Cristina made me brownies, and I felt generally loved.

    The Golden Globes just came on, and I'd like to watch them, so I'll wrap up with the top five things running through my mind right now.
    -Brokeback Mountain...AMAZING
    -Last week's Lost...not so great, IMO.  But I can't wait for this week's!
    -Being single for the first time in three years is quite an adjustment.  Crazy how much you have to revise the way you think. 
    -I love Becky and Amanda (B Sizzle and AW Dizzle).  I'm so glad I got to work with them on Sueno.
    -Johnny Depp is hot.

    "I’ve missed you, and I really love you a lot.
    But in a sarcastic, somewhat nasty way." - Jimmy Kaplan

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Mom and I saw Brokeback yesterday and really liked it.  Despite that, I was really pulling for George last night.  Also, dad and I saw Munich and I was really struck by what an amazing filmmaker Steven Spielberg is, so I kinda wanted him to win.

    Mom just called and said she hit a bonaza: she went to the video store and got The Constant Gardener, 40 Year Old Virgin, Junebug, and I think the fourth was Crash.  We may have a snow day tomorrow, so guess what I'll be doing. :-)