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    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    a survey


    1. Do you snore? only when i'm sick, as far as i know

    2. Are you a lover or a fighter? definitely a lover.  i wish everyone was. 3. What's your worst fear? rejection, as always

    4. As a kid were you a lego maniac? maniac?  no.  i enjoy legos.  they're fun.  but i'm not a maniac.

    5. What do you think of reality tv? TRASH, i tell you.  rollergirls is a good time though.

    6. Do you chew on straws?  nah

    7. Were you a cute baby?  i dunno.  probably average.  the actress in Bad Dates has THE cutest baby EVER.

    8. Is the single life for you? for right now, yes.

    9. What color is your keyboard?  BLACK and i love it

    10. Do you sing in the shower?  not really

    11. Have you ever bungee jumped?  no, it scares me.  i'd rather skydive than bungee jump

    12. Any secret talents?  i have a talent for convinving people to go to the cabaret with me

    13. What's your ideal vacation spot?  hawai'i

    14. Is Jay Leno funny?  not as funny as jon stewart

    15. Have you eaten sushi?  once.

    16. Have you ever seen the movie, Donnie Darko?  only the beginning.  it's on the list of movies i need to see

    17. Do you give a damn about the ozone?  i think so.

    18. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? many

    19. Can you sing the alphabet backwards? i'm gonna go with no

    20. Have you ever been on an airplane? yes, the last time was awhile ago though...when i came back from london

    23. What's your standing on hunting?  i love to eat meat, and i love steve koehler who loves hunting, but i'm not a fan.

    24. Is marriage in your future? i hope so

    25. Do you like your handwriting?  yeah

    27. When was the last time you said "I love you"?  i think last night when i said bye to melissa :(

    28. Is Elvis still alive? hells no

    29. Do you cry at weddings?  i haven't been to one in awhile.  if someone i was friends with were getting married i will bet you $5 million I would cry

    30. How do you like your eggs? hard boiled

    31. Are blondes dumb? no, just ditsy.  my blondness rubs off on becky sometimes.  i get a kick out of it.

    32. Where does the other sock end up? in the dryer

    33. What time is it? 12:27 am.  but 1:47 am EST, which is the REAL time

    34. Do you have a nickname? becca, B. Sazzle, bec, belissa

    35. Is McDonalds disgusting? maybe, but i love it

    36. When was the last time you were in a car? when drew drove us home sunday night

    37. Do you prefer baths or showers? i think showers at this point

    38. Is Santa Clause real? to some people

    39. Do you like to have your neck kissed? certainly

    40. Are you afraid of the dark? i actually am

    41. What are you addicted to? goldfish, olives, lost

    42. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? crunchy

    43. Can you crack your neck? eww

    44. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? yes!

    45. How many times have you brushed your teeth today? once 46. Is drug free the way to be? to each his own

    48. What color are your eyes? green with contacts...

    49. When's the last time you cried? it's been a little while...for me.. 50. Do you like your life? you know what?  i do.

    51. Who's better mac or pc? to each his own

    52. Are you psychic? i used to be

    53. Have you ever read "Catcher in the Rye"? yes

    54. Do you play any instruments? i used to

    55. Have you ever stolen money? no.

    56. Can you snowboard? no.

    57. Do you like camping? sure

    58. Do you snort when you laugh? no.

    59. Do you believe in magic? lil bit

    60. Are dogs a man's best friend? sometimes.

    61. Do you believe in divorce? doing what's right for your relationship is something to believe in.  if that is divorce than that's that

    62. Can you do the moonwalk? nah

    63. Do you make a lot of mistakes? i made some mistakes Sunday night

    64. Is it cold outside today? 24 degrees

    65. What was the last thing you ate? goldfish...duh

    66. Do you wear nailpolish? no

    68. What's the most annoying TV commercial? i dunno

    69. Do you shop at American Eagle? no

    70. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? i like to kiss people

    what happened to the last 15?  5 things on your desk:  peanuts, my cell phone, my other phone, my keys, my camera 5 things you did today:  prepped for Intimate Apparel, went to starbucks with becky, went to the cab with Amanda, ran Bad Dates, and called mom 5 things you are wearing:  new jeans, a black shirt, a hair elastic, my glasses, boring undies 5 things you are looking forward to doing this week: kareoke, the opening night of Sueno, watching Lost, spending time with my hizzies, sleeping  

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