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    Thursday, September 29, 2005

    it's so much easier posting e-mails here than FWDing them

    Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing.  He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

    "OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

    His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.


    Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"

    Wednesday, September 28, 2005


    So, on Friday night I'm Stage Managing a special event in the Stiemke Theatre, part of a late night comedy series that's going on at the Rep through December.  I SM the first and third ones, then Melissa does the second and fourth ones.  There may be some in the second half of the season, too, but we won't find that out til later.  And, we get paid a little extra to do it!  Yay...  It should be fairly stress-free, because it's going to a very simple thing with a general wash of light and 2 or 3 sound cues.  Definitely not a biggie, but it'll be on the fly since this is not the kind of thing you rehearse for.  The only part that makes me a teeny stressed is that I haven't yet worked in the Stimeke (only the Powerhouse), so I'm not too well acquainted with it, and we all know that every individual theatre has its own special little quirks. 

    Also looming on the horizon...  Flea will close in two weeks, and then I go straight into Guys on Ice tech.  I'm basically the ASM on the show, but it's a returning/traveling show which is up performing in Door County right now, so there are no rehearsals here until tech, nor will I meet the SM until then.  So I need to do all the prep week stuff for that (pre-show checklists, callboard info, shift plot, etc.) before tech just based on the info they have from doing it here last year.  Should be interesting!

    Meanwhile, as soon as Guys on Ice goes into tech, prep week for my next show, Andrews Brothers begins.  I'm ASMing that.  Now, Andrews Brothers is in the Cabaret and therefore by definition should not be a big show, but this director apparently is big on props, so because I'll be in tech for Guys while I should be doing fun things like preparing a prop plot for Andrews Brothers, I basically need to do all this in the next week and a half before Flea closes.  Once Guys on Ice opens I'll be running it (there for all performances) and whenever I'm not at a Guys performance I'll be in rehearsals for Andrews Brothers, and trying to keep a handle on all the things that (in the real world) an ASM needs to keep a handle on.

    Life is about to get crazy again.

    Tuesday, September 27, 2005

    wrong on so many levels!

    Take the quiz: "Which LOST character are you?"

    You are Charlie You are an ex-rocker trying to kick a drug habit. While on the island you have met a very nice girl Claire.

    Okay.  Maybe not "so many" levels. But a few.


    You scored 53% kindness, 23% courage, 21% seedy past, and 15% secretiveness!

    "Don't talk to me about the baby. I'm sick of everyone telling me what to do."

    You are Claire. You are a very kind and caring person. You're not the bravest on the island, but you will stand up for yourself when the need arises. Compared to the other survivors, you have a pretty clean past and you're open and honest about most things. It's a good thing, too - Turniphead needs you to be nurturing and caring in order for him to grow up and NOT become the antichrist. Luckily, Charlie seems more than happy to assist you.

    Good to know I have a crush on myself.





    Monday, September 26, 2005

  Becca took the free personality test!

    "Longs for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a ..."

    Click here to read the rest of the results.




    Wednesday, September 21, 2005

    my internet is working!

    ...It hasn't been the past few days.  So while I'm able to get online, let me say several things.

    Lost.  Tonight.  Watch it!

    If I haven't been in touch recently, I really do plan to be soon.

    My shower has an annoying habit of dousing me with cold water before I turn it off.  This makes me sad.  And cold.

    TVs in bedrooms really ARE a bad idea.

    That last one is the wisdom of the day.  Take it or leave it!

    Thursday, September 15, 2005

    wrong phone number

    I realized that under "About Me" I'vew had the wrong number listed as my Apartment phone number for a long time now.  I have remedied the situation.


    Life is good.  A Flea in Her Ear is now open, we finished up the Understudy Run of it, and now I just have performances of the show to deal with until October.  Then I go into rehearsals for Guys on Ice.  That'll be good times.

    One of the great things about work is that the Cabaret is now open.  It's one of the theatres of The Rep, but it also has a bar, so after shows we can simply walk next door and have a few drinks in the privacy of our own work-place.  :)


    So... here's a cool Harry Potter preview.

    Shoot me an e-mail.  Let me know what's new and exciting.