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    Sunday, February 27, 2005

    do you have the Oscar blues?

    Courtesy of TORn, here are some things to do during the Oscars to enjoy them as much as you did in previous years :

    • Dress in your most expensive dress or suit, head out your front door and wait by your front porch for several hours. Complain about the massive lineups to anyone who walks by.
    • Grab your copy of Emerald Rose, World Without Sundays...and why not, some Led Zeppelin and put them on rotation in your CD player. As the songs change you can pretend you are walking through various venues at the Oscar Party, pretend to clap for the bands. Hooting and hollering are also acceptable.
    • Order in some roasted chicken, veggies, pasta and desserts, place them on a large table decorated with flowers and sprinkles. Walk out of the room and walk back in and say 'wow! what a feast!'. Proceed to eat the food.
    • Turn all your TV's on to the Oscar telecast, blast them really really loud in every room. If the neighbors complain, ignore what they say and reply with witty party conversation.
    • Hoot and holler when any LOTR related person is caught on camera, this may be difficult since no LOTR movies are in contention. You can also glue photos of Orlando and Elijah to flash cards and occasionally take a look at them and holler.
    • Pretend that every category has LOTR in it, no matter who wins pretend they won for LOTR, this may lead to exhaustion since there are many winners. Keep water handy.
    • After the show is over line up your LOTR action figures on a shelf in a room, walk about 20ft away and crab your camera, try snapping photos of the 'actors' on 'stage'. Complain to no one in particular that you wish you were closer.
    • Stand in front of the mirror and take photos of yourself, if you have someone with you, you can take photos of eachother. On the computer insert images of the stars and print them out, tell your friends.

    I have confidence that there small activities will capture that magic from years past!

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