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    Friday, January 9, 2009

    Where is Becca? The 2009 edition

    January: Cedar City, UT
    February: Nevada and Arizona. Two week sit-down in Vegas, baby!
    March: Arizona and Utah
    April: A Nevada/Idaho/Utah combo. I think I shall call it ALL THEMES COMBO. And then I fly to Madison and start work at APT.
    March-September: Spring Green, WI
    October-December: who knows! Hopefully some time at home again in there.

    This tour is going to be VERY busy but fun. We started rehearsals on Tuesday and have already blocked Acts I and II, and by the end of today will probably have blocked III and IV, as well. As I was warned, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with not having the normal amount of time to prep for rehearsals or get to know my surroundings. In fact, I still have not been to the grocery store and thus far have been relying on cafeteria food, the local coffee place, and the kindness of my roomie who makes me hot chocolate at night. And there's no internet at our apartments, so I always feel a need to go into the office at the crack of dawn in order to check e-mail and print off anything I'll need for the day. Life without a printer at home is hard. But yesterday I started to feel like I was getting into the swing of things and finding my feet and I'm looking forward to rehearsal today.

    Okay. Time to go home and put makeup on and get ready for the day. If you want to reach me, texts are best!


    Beth said...

    What are your hours like these days?

    Becca said...

    I'm busy every hour of the day until 10pm it seems. Sunday is my day off.