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    Friday, October 23, 2009

    Looking to the future...

    APT announces it's 2010 season

    I'm currently home in the suburbs of Philadelphia after another great season in the woods. Spring Green and the people there, not to mention the work, really do continue to grow on me each year I'm out there. I'm certainly looking forward to getting back ALREADY.
    Meanwhile, I'm taking a breather at home before I head out to Utah in January. I'm looking forward to doing the tour again and apprehensive about not having the same exact group pf people with me.
    So I've got two great jobs to look forward to and am trying to fill up my time at home with interesting things to do. Get in touch and let's make some plans!

    Wednesday, September 30, 2009

    Tuesday, September 22, 2009

    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    Friday, September 4, 2009


    Mini-Vacation has ended, and it's back to work. Speaking of work, here's this year's WSJ article on APT. In other news, looks like Utah in the winter is a go again! I is excited :)

    Friday, August 28, 2009

    They're all open!

    Long Day's Journey into night is damaging, and, I think, amazing. Here are two reviews from last night's opening performance.

    Sunday, July 12, 2009

    30 Years of Summer

    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel talks The Philanderer...

    Today we're celebrating APT's 30 Anniversary, so in between work there are all sorts of fun events going on, and tonight I'll go see Comedy again with Sharon & Jesse, who are in town.

    It's been a looooong week, so I'm glad that this is at the end of it.

    Thursday, June 25, 2009

    yup, me too

    3 Reasons...

    and another lovely article on APT.

    (In case you couldn't tell, I want everyone to come drink our Kool-aid.)

    Monday, April 20, 2009

    final Twelfth Night publicity

    This is what I was doing from 5-9am this morning. I'm only briefly visible in a few of this 10-part series, but they are all worth watching! Except the 8th one, so I'm not linking to it.

    Part 1: Happy Birthday, Brian
    Part 2: Combat Workshop
    Part 3: Boxtree
    Part 4: Quick-changes
    Part 5: Viola & Andrew's Fight
    Part 6: Hi, My Name is...
    Part 7: Load-in
    Part 8: This one is useless.
    Part 9: Zoom in on Vince
    Part 10: Fight Call

    Sunday, April 12, 2009

    my favorite Twelfth Night vid

    This article contains, without a doubt, my favorite PR video for the tour that I've seen thus far. Go watch it!

    Saturday, April 4, 2009

    some linkage

    Another article on our tour...

    This week has been a good and long one. After departing Salt Lake, we performed in a final elementary school, headed to Bryce Canyon National Park for a (wonderful) day off, performed in Tropic and Trout Creek, UT (pictures are forthcoming), then made a stop in Eureka, NV to perform in the Opera House and spend some time in the Owl (a bar with video gambling, pool tables, and lots of food). Next week includes some time in Logan, UT and then we head up to Idaho to live lodge.

    Although I don't yet have pictures up from Trout Creek, my Flickr page is filling up more and more: check it out!

    We have officially performed this show 50 times. Less than a month to go...

    Saturday, March 28, 2009

    oh, elementary schools...

    Video Courtesy of

    I'm visible (very fuzzily) TWICE in the background; can you spot me?

    Two PR pieces from today

    Number one: here
    and number two: click here!

    Sunday, March 22, 2009

    Thanks, bonobo chimps

    ...I wanted to post this in honor of being in Salt Lake City, a block from Temple Square right now...

    Tuesday, March 3, 2009


    Life is too busy and I don't quite even know what to say about the past month. Make that two. So instead, I post some pictures, and am reminded how much I love photography.

    This is what life has been like - if you click on "All Sizes" on any photo page you can see it bigger, or even in original size (huge), which makes some of them quite amazing!

    Thursday, February 12, 2009

    Monday, February 9, 2009

    some links

    -Nevada Public Radio discusses the education tour and interviews two cast members. Unfortunately, you have to download the file to listen to it. Sarah and Brian's segment starts at about 3 minutes in.

    -Here's some pics of my lovely li'l play!

    -I saw KA the other night. It made my brain explode, and I mean that in a good way.

    for those of you who didn't get the e-mail

    Show Your Approval/Disapproval About Senate Anti-Arts Amendment
    Senate Vote Prohibits Arts Recipients in Economic Stimulus Funding

    During their consideration of the Economic Recovery bill, the Senate approved an amendment offered by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) that prohibits funding for "...museums, theaters and arts centers..." This amendment, approved by a vote of 73-24, if included in the final version of this legislation would prevent the economic recovery funding from supporting these areas of the non-profit arts community. We have crafted a customized message for you to send to your Senator based on their vote on the Coburn Amendment. If your Senator vote for this funding prohibition, you can send them a message expressing your disappointment. If your Senator voted against the amendment, you can thank them for their support of the arts. The correct letter, customized to each of your Senators will appear when you enter your zip code.

    Please Follow This Link to Take Action on Important Arts Issues

    Friday, January 30, 2009

    a link for you

    From St. George, where we were yesterday...make sure to watch the video! Hahahahaha. At least my mother will enjoy it...

    Friday, January 9, 2009

    Where is Becca? The 2009 edition

    January: Cedar City, UT
    February: Nevada and Arizona. Two week sit-down in Vegas, baby!
    March: Arizona and Utah
    April: A Nevada/Idaho/Utah combo. I think I shall call it ALL THEMES COMBO. And then I fly to Madison and start work at APT.
    March-September: Spring Green, WI
    October-December: who knows! Hopefully some time at home again in there.

    This tour is going to be VERY busy but fun. We started rehearsals on Tuesday and have already blocked Acts I and II, and by the end of today will probably have blocked III and IV, as well. As I was warned, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with not having the normal amount of time to prep for rehearsals or get to know my surroundings. In fact, I still have not been to the grocery store and thus far have been relying on cafeteria food, the local coffee place, and the kindness of my roomie who makes me hot chocolate at night. And there's no internet at our apartments, so I always feel a need to go into the office at the crack of dawn in order to check e-mail and print off anything I'll need for the day. Life without a printer at home is hard. But yesterday I started to feel like I was getting into the swing of things and finding my feet and I'm looking forward to rehearsal today.

    Okay. Time to go home and put makeup on and get ready for the day. If you want to reach me, texts are best!