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    Wednesday, October 24, 2007

    this just in

    My next tour: The Bachelors

    Meanwhile, I'm now in Sauk City, and week two of tour in our fourth hotel room straight is beginning to feel strange.  SO close to Spring Green...yet so far.
    This weekend: Milwaukee!

    Saturday, October 13, 2007

    on the road again!

    It' official; I'm on tour again!  First stop is Wausau - since it's our first top we're teching the show here, so I'm actually ere through Thursday.  Looking t our tour schedule again, I realized that I will be working CONSTANTLY.  No short days on this trip, and no real days off to speak of.

    I had to pack my life away this week and move out of the Convent, so my life is now in my car, parked at APT.  I'll see it again in about 3 weeks.  Have I mentioned that I'm tired of having to move every 6 months?  This is silly.

    Anyway, that's the big news on my side.  YAY TOUR!

    Friday, October 12, 2007

    shout-outs to Class of '05

    Methinks George was one of my favorite people in my Directing class senior year.  Here's an article about him!

    Thursday, October 11, 2007

    unposted entry from Tuesday

    APT season - done, done, and done!  "Timon of Athens" closed last Saturday night, "Misalliance" closed on this Saturday night, and "Much Ado" closed on Sunday night.  Oh yeah, and "Merchant" and "Night of the Iguana" closed somewhere in there, too.  Which means that I now have this week, Monday through Thursday, before I have to work again!  Although I DO have to move my stuff, and stuff.  So today I'm in Milwaukee, having brought a load of stuff to put in a smaller storage unit, and moved what was in my old storage unit into the smaller one as well.  I got to have lunch with the "Christmas Carol" SM team, and tomorrrow I drive to Chicago to FINALLY visit Lauren the way I was supposed to months ago.  And right now I'm sitting in Starbucks, enjoying my laptop.  I was very productive, having officially changed my mailing address, responding to some piling up e-mails, labeling my new Flickr photos from closing weekend, etc.  Now I need to cancel some magazine subscriptions.  I may also go to Borders; we'll see.

    Speaking of books, I've been reading like a fiend recently.  Steph has been lending me books she thinks Ill enjoy, based on my vampire THING.  So she lent me The Historian, which was a good read, although I didn't enjoy it AS much as I thought I would when I was 200 pages in.  However, as soon as I finished that, with one week of shows left, she told me I HAD to at least read the first of Stephanie Meyers' series, which starts with "Twilight" I read all three books in the series that have thus been published, in the course of a week.  And now I'm very MAD that I have to wait for next year for another one of her books in the series to come out.

    I mean, the first book was very enjoyable romantic fluff that dealt with, yes, vampires.  So then I'm eager to read the second book, "New Moon", which actally really pissed me off.  It was SO anti-girl power.  Now, I know these books are for young adults and are mainly fluff, but do we really need to be teaching girls that life is meaningless once your boyfriend dumps you?  Uh, yeah, it made me a bit mad, but there were other parts that I enjoyed and was annoyed at their lack of resolution by the end of the second book, so I HAD to read "Eclipse".  Umm, welcome to my new obsession.  I was HOOKED and very saddened by the ending and cried and now I wan another one to read!  Grr.

    Time to be productive again.  Before I go, though:

    -awesome exit interview with Evelyn last week.  yay.
    -Steph is going to be deck chief next summer!  YAY!
    -Sharon and Jessie got engaged on Saturday night!  YYAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!! (I teared up and shoveled chocolate into my mouth when she showed me her ring)
    -I kinda love an entire company closing all of it's shows within the space of a week and having it be closing for EVERYONE all at once.  it's a lovely sense of community.
    -it's so bizarre being in a city, small though Milwaukee may be.

    Tuesday, October 2, 2007

    things that made me less cranky tonight

    -talking to Steph
    -listening to Regina Spektor and Ingrid Michaelson
    -Jon Stewart

    more of a rage, really

    to say that i am currently cranky would be the world's biggest understatement.  ever.

    Monday, October 1, 2007

    new fluff

    Every once in a while you need some new fluff to be strangely drawn to, right?  Well, my new strange joy comes from Gossip Girl, and my excuse for enjoying it doesn't even have to do with the fact that it's narrated by Kristen Bell... it's candy! 

    But speaking of new TV shows, last night Steph pointed out to me that I should be checking out CBS' new vampire series, Moonlight, because, well, it's about VAMPIRES.  So I headed over the site today to see what I could watch online, clicked a few things, did some general browsing before I decided I will, in fact, watch an episode, and THEN looked more closely at the main picture they have up... and looked again.... and I think there should be a bright green arrow pointing at the fellow on the right, because HI, LOGAN!  I love you.  Will you be mine?  The end.