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    Monday, June 18, 2007

    hey, that's pretty random

    Okay, so sometimes when it's time for me to go to bed instead I sit on my computer and surf the web, and leads to IMDB, which leads to google, which leads to whatever catches my eye, which leads to this, an interview with Amy Acker, who although I recognize her from Alias, I do not yet know in the BuffyVerse because... I haven't started watching Angel yet.  And so, this is completely random.

    Amy:  ...and then after I graduated I went and worked at a Shakespeare theater for about eight months.

    BNW: And that was in Dallas, too?

    Amy: That was Wisconsin. It's called American Players Theater. It was amazing. You hike up a hill for a mile and there's this huge outdoor theater in the middle of this hill… with the stars… it's beautiful.

    Hmm.  True story.

    More true stories:
    The Future of APT (and a mention of The Rep)
    Outdoor Theater
    Review of 'Much Ado'


    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Wait, Fred was on Alias?  Holy crap, Fred is Peyton!  How did I miss the fact that Fred is Peyton?  Ack!

    Also, stop reading Televisionwithoutpity.  They make fun of things that I love about Buffy.

    Also of things that deserve to be made fun of.  But still.