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    Saturday, June 30, 2007

    Links of Interest

    Another review for 'Misalliance':

    And this survey:   This summer, psychology professor Jeffrey Rudski at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania is doing a research study on the impact of the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on fans of the series.

    Dr. Rudski has a strong interest in addiction, and the level of involvement people have with the Harry Potter series is the perfect opportunity to examine the addictive nature of non-drug related phenomena...

    I start rehearsal for 'Timon of Athens' on Tuesday.  And I'm about to begin season 6 of Buffy! - this is all exciting.


    Tuesday, June 26, 2007

    i'm not complainin'

    Yahoo! Photos is no more, so now ALL my pictures, including all those fun college ones, can be found on my Flickr site.  Cool.  That's really how I wanted it, anyway.



    Party at the Convent! 

    This Sunday night, following Curtain Call of the 6 pm performance of 'Much Ado'.

    There will be beer, there will be games, there may even be a trip up the hill.

    Be there or be square, my friends. :)

    Monday, June 25, 2007

    And now for MY show...

    Here's a pretty awesome review for a production that I daresay deserves it!  :)


    Saturday, June 23, 2007

    another review

    ...for 'Much Ado'


    My show opens tonight!  In case you didn't know, "there was a silent witness in the Turkish Bath."  SDH and I have decided that's the tagline for the show.

    Hopefully it'll be a bit more pleasant than our second preview, which was rained out after ten minutes.  Of COURSE it's going to rain lots during our show, though, since it's the one with all the cushions, upholstered furniture, books, and food!


    Monday, June 18, 2007

    hey, that's pretty random

    Okay, so sometimes when it's time for me to go to bed instead I sit on my computer and surf the web, and leads to IMDB, which leads to google, which leads to whatever catches my eye, which leads to this, an interview with Amy Acker, who although I recognize her from Alias, I do not yet know in the BuffyVerse because... I haven't started watching Angel yet.  And so, this is completely random.

    Amy:  ...and then after I graduated I went and worked at a Shakespeare theater for about eight months.

    BNW: And that was in Dallas, too?

    Amy: That was Wisconsin. It's called American Players Theater. It was amazing. You hike up a hill for a mile and there's this huge outdoor theater in the middle of this hill… with the stars… it's beautiful.

    Hmm.  True story.

    More true stories:
    The Future of APT (and a mention of The Rep)
    Outdoor Theater
    Review of 'Much Ado'


    Saturday, June 16, 2007

    best weekend ever?

    -Friday night: first previwe of my show, Misalliance - it went splendidly!

    -Later Friday night: karaoke!

    -Today: one whole hour of rehearsal

    -Then: Lauren will be in town!

    -Then: opening night of Much Ado, followed by a party!

    -Tomorrow:  tech begins for Merchant of Venice, but then... Sunday night mass at the Convent?

    -Monday: Amanda is in town!!


    Yes.  A good weekend. :)


    Monday, June 11, 2007

    quick update

    I wanted to write out a life update, but it occurs to me that I'm much too tired to actually write full paragraphs.  So, instead, just some thoughts in no particular order on life out in Spring Green.

    -I'm getting much better at reading radar, and knowing when it will start raining on us in rehearsal, and how long it might last.  Much better meaning I don't suck at it now.  The other day we had a "particularly dangerous situation" during tech for Much Ado, and we had fun monitoring the radar and seeing whether the baseball-sized hail would be hitting us.   (It didn' went north).  And yes, we had a tornado warning that night, certainly not my first since being here.
    -One of my favorite things about the performance reports we do out here is that we record under "Miscellaneous" any time we hear a whippoorwill call.  It happens about twice a night.  We also record the mosquito rating (1 - 10).  The SMs have been putting down all ones (meaning not bad at all), but I must say that last night during tech I got eaten alive.  Apparently that was a 1.  Shrug.
    -Another highlight of last night occurred after rehearsal.  I got out of work around 1:15 am to head over to The Shed for a drink.  By the time I had that one drink, they were closing, so I drove home to Plain (a 15-20 minute drive) and arrived around 2:15, thinking I would go to bed.  Instead, seeing a friendly group of people on the porch, I hung out with them until 5:15 am, at which point we realized we could go out for breakfast.  So we did.  And I got home at 7 am.  And it felt like I was back in college, except I don't think I ever stayed up so late/early in college, so REALLY I guess it felt more like Muhlenberg Summer Music Theater.  Sigh.
    -One of the brilliant examples of how unique last night was was how we decided to climb the hill near our conventy home to the chapel... through a graveyard... and sit in the dark chapel with the lights turned off.  That only lasted a really short amount of time, but seriously.... can you picture ME, of all people, thinking that running through a graveyard up to a deserted chapel on the top of a wooded hillat4 am would be a good idea?  And then sitting there in the DARK?  And yes, we RAN up the hill.  My calves hurt today.
    -As for the animal count, I still see lots of creatures both during rehearsal and on the drive home.  One of the beautiful things about working in outdoor theater is that during a run-through of the play onstage, the actors will be joined by butterflies flitting through the scenery.  Or at night, bats.  Or, in the case of yesterday's tech, a huge luna moth.
    -I still don't have as much color as I'd like, although I'm SLIGHTLY tanner than last week.  How is it possible that I work in an outdoor theater yet I'm still so pale?
    -Tomorrow we continue tech for Misalliance, having finished tech for Much Ado.  THEN we tech Merchant of Venice! - I'm exhausted.
    -Buffy the Vampire Slayer is amazing.  Seriously.  I can't wait to start watching sesaon 4.


    Tuesday, June 5, 2007


    From MySpace:

    Some awesome things are just awesomer together. Like, for example, torch singer Rufus Wainwright and the Pabst Theater.

    The best place to witness Wainwright's beautiful bombast is the intimate and immaculate Pabst Theater. Your eyes and ears will thank you! Just be sure you get them calibrated in time for must-see openers The Magic Numbers and A Fine Frenzy.

    "My favorite theater in America!" -- Rufus Wainwright, on the Pabst

    Rufus Wainwright at the Pabst Theater. Monday, August 27 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets on sale now! Call 414-286-3663 or order online.

    Okay, WHO WANTS TO GO WITH ME?  This is super exciting.


    Also super exciting... we begin tech for Much Ado tonight.  It's not my show, but I'll be in tech for it nonetheless!
