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    Wednesday, January 31, 2007


    I like it when my friends are famous.  AKA, have articles about their projects online that I can post links to.

    I have a week off in Milwaukee.  I love it so, love seeing my friends.... but I want to be on the road instead.

    Wednesday, January 24, 2007


    After seeing Frozen on Sunday it's sticking with me a bit.  It was very powerful.  Anyway, that's why I thought I'd randomly post this review of it.

    I'm in Ladysmith.  You should be watching Veronica Mars, if you don't already.  The end!

    Tuesday, January 23, 2007


    I have a job for the summer!  April through October 7th I'll be in the lovely Spring Green, WI, ASMing at American Players Theater.


    Monday, January 22, 2007

    a break from tour

    Now, I know I was gone for about half a week, but I'm telling you, those few days felt like 3 weeks, at least!  Last night I saw Frozen in the Stiemke... what an intense and amazing play.  It was opening night, so I got to see all the people I felt like I hadn't seen in a long long time, and it was a really nice night.  I love the simple fun I have on nights like last night.  The tour is going well and is crazy and a big learning experience and I must say I'm excited to hit the road again on Wednesday.  It's an intense experience, draining, exhausting.... but I like it.  Tonight I plan to watch some Battlestar Galactica and Veronica Mars, and try not to think about the things that I shouldn't spend time thinking about.

    Tuesday, January 16, 2007

    time to go on a world tour

    Umm, yeah, so we leave to go on tour tomorrow!  Crazy.

    To follow our lovely travels and trials, I'll have a specific tour blog, which can be accessed at


    Wednesday, January 10, 2007

    lack of cold?

    Yesterday it finally got cold in Milwaukee.  However, still not cold enough...

    Oh dear...

    Thursday, January 4, 2007


    Every once in a while, I feel it's time to take pictures of life again.

    the world tour is a'comin'

    So, I leave on my "WORLD Tour" with Guys on Ice in less than two weeks... here's a lovely example of what I have to look forward to...!

    Tuesday, January 2, 2007


    birthday was great.  thanks to all involved.  the end!