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    Wednesday, July 12, 2006

    the countdown is on

    So, home now has a cable internet connection with a lovely wireless router, thanks to yours truly.  We went to Best Buy, and the guy there, who was very helpful, was also fairly pushy about wanting us to come have their Geek Squad or whatever they're called install all the stuff.  Which was going to cost an extra $150 or something.  So, I decided I should just do, and then if I had big problems, I could have them come THEN.
    But I didn't have problems.  Voila.

    I go back to Milwaukee two weeks, actually.  In this time I must see many people, several shows, some doctor-type people of different varieties, finish up my job at Lenox (they love me), have a garage sale, PACK, and stop spending so much time on this shiny new mySpace account I finally gave in to getting.  And help Mom cancel AOL.  And spend as much time with Penny as possible.  I really need to add some music to my ipod, too.  I wonder what I did with the USB hook-up thingie...

    I don't have much to say.  My horoscopes are not nearly as relevant this week as they were last week.  Shrug.

    Hey, wouldn't it be nice if my contract for Milwaukee Rep showed up before I move there?

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