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    Saturday, January 28, 2006

    Dear Single-ness,

    You are wierd.  You create wierd situations.



    Review of Sueno:

    Monday, January 23, 2006


    Good times...

    I saw Match Point tonight.  Human race, you suck.  Jonathan Rhys Meyers, you're hot.  Remember Velvet Goldmine?

    Have I mentioned I love

    Intimate Apparel starts rehearsals tomorrow.  Bad Dates continues to be a good time.  And Sueno, which I'm no longer on, opened last Friday.

    You Are a Bloody MaryYou're a fairly serious drinker, who's experimented a lot with different drinks.
    You're a drunk, but a stable drunk. You don't ever let your drinking get out of control.
    What Mixed Drink Are You?

    The Keys to Your HeartYou are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

    In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.

    You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

    You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

    Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

    Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

    You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

    In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.
    What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

    my pet!

    5 guilty pleasures

    The Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic of "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

    1. the Stackner Cabaret (and of course, all things involved with it - alcohol, goldfish, olives, etc.).  Now, seriously, going there ervery night of my week is getting sad.  I would vow not to go there this week, but that would probably be a lie.

    2. LOST.  Duh.  It has filled the void left in my heart by the passing of LOTR.

    3. US Magazine.  It might be the best thing ever to read backstage during Bad Dates.  More so than Entertainment Weekly, believe it or not.  Well, and He's Just Not that Into You, but that is just one book rather than having a new issue every week. 

    4. Sleep.   I would much rather sleep than vacuum or shower or eat or read or...  seriously.

    5. finding people online.  AIM, facebook, myspace...they're all just shiny new ways to stalk people, and I enjoy them wayyyy too much

    Tag: Screw that.  Anyone who wants to do it.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    You Are Buffy the Vampire Slayer"We saved the world. I say we have to party."What Superheroine Are You?

    You are Betty Grable
    The ulitmate girl next door
    You're the perfect girl for most guys
    Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real.
    What Famous Pinup Are You?

    You are a New Age Girl!You're bright, opinionated, and dedicated to changing the world.
    Even if it's one hybrid car at a time, you do you part to make things better.
    In fact, you may be so busy with your causes that you have little time for love.
    Take an extra yoga class or two, and you just might meet New Age Guy!
    What Kind of Girl Are You?

    a survey


    1. Do you snore? only when i'm sick, as far as i know

    2. Are you a lover or a fighter? definitely a lover.  i wish everyone was. 3. What's your worst fear? rejection, as always

    4. As a kid were you a lego maniac? maniac?  no.  i enjoy legos.  they're fun.  but i'm not a maniac.

    5. What do you think of reality tv? TRASH, i tell you.  rollergirls is a good time though.

    6. Do you chew on straws?  nah

    7. Were you a cute baby?  i dunno.  probably average.  the actress in Bad Dates has THE cutest baby EVER.

    8. Is the single life for you? for right now, yes.

    9. What color is your keyboard?  BLACK and i love it

    10. Do you sing in the shower?  not really

    11. Have you ever bungee jumped?  no, it scares me.  i'd rather skydive than bungee jump

    12. Any secret talents?  i have a talent for convinving people to go to the cabaret with me

    13. What's your ideal vacation spot?  hawai'i

    14. Is Jay Leno funny?  not as funny as jon stewart

    15. Have you eaten sushi?  once.

    16. Have you ever seen the movie, Donnie Darko?  only the beginning.  it's on the list of movies i need to see

    17. Do you give a damn about the ozone?  i think so.

    18. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? many

    19. Can you sing the alphabet backwards? i'm gonna go with no

    20. Have you ever been on an airplane? yes, the last time was awhile ago though...when i came back from london

    23. What's your standing on hunting?  i love to eat meat, and i love steve koehler who loves hunting, but i'm not a fan.

    24. Is marriage in your future? i hope so

    25. Do you like your handwriting?  yeah

    27. When was the last time you said "I love you"?  i think last night when i said bye to melissa :(

    28. Is Elvis still alive? hells no

    29. Do you cry at weddings?  i haven't been to one in awhile.  if someone i was friends with were getting married i will bet you $5 million I would cry

    30. How do you like your eggs? hard boiled

    31. Are blondes dumb? no, just ditsy.  my blondness rubs off on becky sometimes.  i get a kick out of it.

    32. Where does the other sock end up? in the dryer

    33. What time is it? 12:27 am.  but 1:47 am EST, which is the REAL time

    34. Do you have a nickname? becca, B. Sazzle, bec, belissa

    35. Is McDonalds disgusting? maybe, but i love it

    36. When was the last time you were in a car? when drew drove us home sunday night

    37. Do you prefer baths or showers? i think showers at this point

    38. Is Santa Clause real? to some people

    39. Do you like to have your neck kissed? certainly

    40. Are you afraid of the dark? i actually am

    41. What are you addicted to? goldfish, olives, lost

    42. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? crunchy

    43. Can you crack your neck? eww

    44. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? yes!

    45. How many times have you brushed your teeth today? once 46. Is drug free the way to be? to each his own

    48. What color are your eyes? green with contacts...

    49. When's the last time you cried? it's been a little while...for me.. 50. Do you like your life? you know what?  i do.

    51. Who's better mac or pc? to each his own

    52. Are you psychic? i used to be

    53. Have you ever read "Catcher in the Rye"? yes

    54. Do you play any instruments? i used to

    55. Have you ever stolen money? no.

    56. Can you snowboard? no.

    57. Do you like camping? sure

    58. Do you snort when you laugh? no.

    59. Do you believe in magic? lil bit

    60. Are dogs a man's best friend? sometimes.

    61. Do you believe in divorce? doing what's right for your relationship is something to believe in.  if that is divorce than that's that

    62. Can you do the moonwalk? nah

    63. Do you make a lot of mistakes? i made some mistakes Sunday night

    64. Is it cold outside today? 24 degrees

    65. What was the last thing you ate? goldfish...duh

    66. Do you wear nailpolish? no

    68. What's the most annoying TV commercial? i dunno

    69. Do you shop at American Eagle? no

    70. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? i like to kiss people

    what happened to the last 15?  5 things on your desk:  peanuts, my cell phone, my other phone, my keys, my camera 5 things you did today:  prepped for Intimate Apparel, went to starbucks with becky, went to the cab with Amanda, ran Bad Dates, and called mom 5 things you are wearing:  new jeans, a black shirt, a hair elastic, my glasses, boring undies 5 things you are looking forward to doing this week: kareoke, the opening night of Sueno, watching Lost, spending time with my hizzies, sleeping  

    Monday, January 16, 2006

    an update

    It's been a while.  A long while.  So, here's an update (of sorts) on my life.

    Work... really good right now.  This past week was especially nice, and actually a bit relaxing for a change.  Sueno is now in tech, which means that my duties on the show ended, and I walked away from it rather happily.  It'll be good, and I love the people, but it was also gonna be a bear in tech and I was happy not to have to deal with it.  Now I'm on Bad Dates, which was in tech last week and opened last night.  Because Melissa is leaving, they put me on the run of the show, which wasn't originally one of my shows, but now it is.  I'm acting as ASM for it.  It's a one-woman show in the Stiemke, with LOTS of shoes, shoeboxes, and clothing.  I get to touch things, and do scene shifts!  Yay.  Next week we start prep for Intimate Apparel, so I'll be in rehearsal for that during the day and then go do Bad Dates at night.

    Melissa is leaving tomorrow.  She's the other SM intern, and decided to leave the program and go back home to Tennessee.  I support her decision and blah blah blah, but I'm gonna miss her so much.  She's definitely my best friend here, so it's going to be weird to shift to NOT having her here.  When I need someone to bitch about work with, unwind with at the Cab, hang out with  late at night, eat breakfast with in the Cafe, walk home with, etc., she's the person I go to.  She's also the person whose door I knock on with huge puffy red eyes and snot and tears and grossness all over my face.  So yeah, she will be missed.  Last night we had a farewell party of sorts for her in the was also the opening night party for Bad Dates, so free beer, and it was fun.  Sigh.

    The Holidays were lovely!  I really meant to send Christmas cards to sooo many people this year, but then I only sent out like 15.  So if you didn't get one and thought you would, sorry!  I really meant to send you one.  Beth got here on Friday the 23rd, then mom got here on Saturday the 24th, and both of them stayed until Saturday the 31st.  I'm so glad they were able to come here since I only had two days off, and it was a nice week.  The dinner we made in my kitchen was pretty impressive despite how few kitchen utensils I actually have, haha.  After we ate on Christmas I got sick and started throwing up though, so that wasn't the best thing ever.  So I laid in bed for two days straight with a fever, and threw up a lot at night, but at least my mommy was here to take care of me!  We watched a LOT of Lost season 1, I skipped a day of work, and Moth had lots of company for once in her life!

    My birthday was fun enough.  The cabaret had free champagne, so we went there; I think everyone had a good time.  Lesley (the Sueno SM) made me truffles (SO YUMMY), and Cristina made me brownies, and I felt generally loved.

    The Golden Globes just came on, and I'd like to watch them, so I'll wrap up with the top five things running through my mind right now.
    -Brokeback Mountain...AMAZING
    -Last week's Lost...not so great, IMO.  But I can't wait for this week's!
    -Being single for the first time in three years is quite an adjustment.  Crazy how much you have to revise the way you think. 
    -I love Becky and Amanda (B Sizzle and AW Dizzle).  I'm so glad I got to work with them on Sueno.
    -Johnny Depp is hot.

    "I’ve missed you, and I really love you a lot.
    But in a sarcastic, somewhat nasty way." - Jimmy Kaplan

    Monday, January 9, 2006

    some quizzes

               You are a        
         Social Liberal    
         (71% permissive)
         and an...    

          Economic Liberal     
         (30% permissive)
         You are best described as a:

    Link: The Politics Test  

    In the year 2006 I resolve to:
            Not lose any pencils.


            Get your resolution here


                                      The Window Shopper   Random  Gentle Love Dreamer      (RGLDf)

    Loving, hopeful, open. Likely to carry on an romance from afar. You are The Window Shopper.          

    You take love as opportunities come, which can lead to a high-anxiety, but high-flying romantic life.  You're a genuinely sweet person, not saccharine at all, so it's  likely that the relationships you have had and will have will be happy ones.  You've had a fair amount of love experience for your age, and there'll be much more to come.          

    Part of why we know this is that, of all female types, you are the most prone  to sudden, ferocious crushes. Your results indicate that you're  especially capable of obsessing over a guy you just met. Obviously, passion like this makes  for an intense existence. It can also make for soul-destroying letdowns.          

    Your ideal match is someone who'll love you back with equal fire, and someone you've grown to love slowly. A self-involved or pessimistic man is especially bad. Though you're drawn to them, avoid artists at all costs.                         
              BEWARE: The Hornivore         

    CONSIDERThe GentlemanThe Loverboy, The Boy Next Door                 

    Your exact opposite:
                 The Stiletto
              Deliberate          Brutal          Sex          Master

    Link: The 32-Type Dating Test

    Sunday, January 1, 2006

    interesting, but, alas, incorrect

                   Joe Normal
          39 % Nerd, 39% Geek, 30% Dork                        For The Record:

    A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
    A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
    A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
    You scored less than half in all three, earning you the title of: Joe Normal.

    This is not to say that you don't have some Nerd, Geek or Dork inside of you--we all do, and you can see the percentages you have right above. This is just to say that none of those qualities stand out so much as to define you. Sure, you enjoy an episode of Star Trek now and again, and yeah, you kinda enjoyed a few classes back in the day. And, once in a while, you stumble while walking down the street even though there was nothing there to cause you to trip. But, for the most part, you look and act fairly typically, and aren't much of an outcast.

    I'd say there's a fair chance someone asked you to take this test. In any event, fairly normal.


    If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback!

    Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in any of the following:

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Professional Wrestling

    Love & Sexuality


    Thanks Again! -- THE NERD? GEEK? OR DORK? TEST                                   

          My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
    free online datingfree online datingYou scored higher than 22% on nerdinessfree online datingfree online datingYou scored higher than 55% on geekosityfree online datingfree online datingYou scored higher than 45% on dork points
       Link: The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test written by donathos on <a  href="">OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test</a >