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    Sunday, December 11, 2005

    Year in Review (kinda)

    Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005.
    Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your Year In Review:

      yeah, but you're not a ninja
    February:  Found this on Neil Gaiman's blog and it made me laugh...
    I put together a bunch of quotes that seem to go along well with what I've been feeling recently.
    I guess it's been awhile since my last update.
    AOL Journals need cut-tags
    more pre-graduation pictures; Courtesy of Lori (similar to mine, but good!):
    I love it when captions are all screwy.
    Hi all, I'm alive and well and Milwaukee is great so far. September:  I realized that under "About Me" I'vew had the wrong number listed as my Apartment phone number for a long time now.
    October:  Another review for A Flea in Her Ear... methinks this one was written for the UWM paper, so not the most thruilling read ever,
    November:  The most beautiful dog ever passed away early Tuesday morning. 
    December:  After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Osama is still
    alive," Osama himself decided to send George Bush a letter in his
    own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game.

    That was an interesting representation of my year.  I bet it would work better if it was like, the third entry for every month instead of the first one.  Or choose ONE (any one) from each month..  Yeah, that'd work better.  What a weird year, really. I think I'm gonna go shadow Briana during ACC today, but I don't feel well so I really don't want to.  Sueno begins rehearsals on Tuesday!
    Oh, I saw Narnia last night.  I liked it lots.  I think they did a really great job with Aslan.  Now, I know we all know that Aslanis Jesus and the White Witch is Satan, but did you know:
    -Father Christmas = Galadriel?
    -Dude with the White Witch all the time (Ginarrbrik) = hobbit scale double?  No, really though.
    I'm not sure how I felt about this movie being rated PG.   I mean, I guess it's okay for kids to watch, although if *I* were a kid I'd be traumatized.  I mean, when they make it so clear that the bad guys are being killed and having their faces bitten off, it seems a little weird that they try and pretend it's okay for kids to see because they don't show blood and their swords stay shiny and clean to the last moment.  And of course, I can't help but compare how the movie was done to LOTR, and think that although LOTR is DEFINITELY not suitable for kiddies, it was somehow more okay for me to see innocent little hobbits kill orcs in self-defense than it was for me to see innocent teeangers kill things-that-look-like-orcs in self-defense.  Why?  Well, LOTR was scarier and therefore the stakes were heightened and I felt that my darling little hobittses needed to kill in order to survive.  Perhaps I felt in this case that really Aslan coulda kicked bad-guy butt without them and all good-guy deaths were reversible anyway so perhaps the kiddies shoulda kinda not...killed things.  Umm, yeah.  Also,
    Dear C.S. Lewis,
    Teenage boys should not be able to ride unicorns.  Do you know nothing?!  And wolves aren't so bad; it wasn't very nice of you to give them such a bad rep.  Finally, I'm a little disturbed that the kids grew up in Narnia without remembering home or their parents.  If Narnia is a good place, why does it erase their memories of people they love?  Sigh.  I miss Frodo.
    Frodo lives.


    Anonymous said...

    Ummm, to be fair, the boys should be able to ride unicorns as long as they're still virgins.  Which I really hope they are.  (Aren't they both pre-puberty?  I know Peter is supposed to be 12 or 13, but I don't remember honestly if the actor's voice had broken or not.  I think he still had his little-boy voice...)

    Anonymous said...

    I could be wrong about it, but I really think that all the earlier unicorn stuff (mythology or what have you) specifies it's supposed to be that only a virgin *maiden* can tame or catch a unicorn.  I think it was later that it was amended to include male virgins as well.  
    At any rate, I like the maiden virgin bit better.  ;)