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    Wednesday, April 27, 2005

    chastity belt?

    I find this rather important:  click

    I talked to another woman at Milwaukee Rep today...she called and said that the first woman I had talked to had spoken highly of me, so she just wnted to have a little chat and answer any questions I had.  So that excited me...  I think that despite the VERY small stipend, it would be a smart job to take if it was offered to me...  The housing they would put me in is a Plaza Hotel, a little convenience apartment to myself with my own bathroom and kitchenette...that sounds nice...  And they are an Equity company, so I could get my EMC points and plenty of experience with Equity stuff...  She said I'll hear in about a week and a half, so I'm looking forward to hearing something!

    Friday, April 22, 2005

    Graduation is looming on the horizon

    I guess it's been awhile since my last update.  So, let's see.  I went and did forensics one more time to make some money, and while I was there, my mom called to tell me that she was on her way to Alaska because my cousin Fisher had killed himself the previous day.  I really wanted to be able to go visit Aunt Michelle with mom and Beth, but couldn't get away from forensics, couldn't miss classes, really, and couldn't find any plane tickets below $1000.  So, that was very sad and upsetting.  I thought about Heaven a lot and I just hope that

    a) death is not complete blankness, for eternity, which I won't even know is blankness because I just won't have consciousness anymore

    b) that you can look back at those who are still alive and watch their lives happen when you want to

    And I hope Fisher is happy, wherever he is, and feels how much he was loved.

    Gandalf:  Death is just another path, one that we all must take.  The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all changes to silver glass...  And then you see it.

    Pippin: What, Gandalf?  See what?

    Gandalf: White shores...  And beyond, the far green country under a swift sunrise.

    Pippin: Well, that isn't so bad.

    Gandalf: No... No it isn't.

    Okay, sorry for the deepness...

    In other news, I've been sending out the job applications and the interviews are trickling in.  I have one tomorrow for Milwaukee Rep, which Charlie recommended to me, so hopefully it goes well!  Then on Monday, I'm going to the NJ Theatre Alliance Design Showcase, where I'll set up a little stage management display for myself and out my AGYG production book out, and then the 30 or so theatres who attend will all come around and interview me.  Wish me luck!

    Last weekend was Honors Convocation, at which I recieved the Dorothy and Dexter Baker Foundation Award in the Performing Arts.  They give one to a music student, one to a dance student, and one to a theatre student.  I was really surprised and pleased to get it because I don't think these awards, since there's really only one to give in the whole theatre department, normally go to stage managers.  In fact, I'm sure they always go to actors or directors.  So it was extremely nice both just because and because included in the award was $300.  Then, what made it even nicer was that when I ran into Charlie two days later he came over on the front lawn (I was tanning in the beautiful sunlight) and congratulated me, and said he was sorry that he couldn't be there, and then said that it was a unanimous decision among the faculty members that the award should go to me.  I really don't mean to toot my own horn, but it was extremely nice.

    Less than 40 days left til graduation ,and I've got lots of stuff coming -23 days, MTA Formal, the Accapella final concerts, all the fun of senior week, those interviews I mentioned earlier... and of course finals.  Don't my teachers realize that I'm a senior and it's not cool to assign me work?

    This weekend should be fairly chill.  Go see Francine (my Film Acting teacher) in The Interpreter!

    Your Inner European is Italian! Passionate and colorful. You show the world what culture really is. Who's Your Inner European?


    Oh, and things with Jason are going really well.  I'm happy.  :) :)


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