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    Wednesday, January 28, 2004

    some real important stuff

    Not really, just some links:

    Measure for Measure site, thanks to Jon


    I also added the Penguin game to my links on the right.  My high score is 593.5..beat that suckas!

    Something to look forward to :)

    Sunday, January 25, 2004

    no no, my life IS too busy

    Muhlenberg is way too much work.  What happened to carefree London?  :(

    Being back at school is really odd.  I can't really explain it, but I know that people who were with me understand, and the people who've been abroad in previous years.

    "Lydia is the essence of sex." - and she wants to go places with me...

    Friday, January 9, 2004

    Back to the Berg

    On Sunday night I officially go back to Muhlenberg.  Crazy!  I went back today to move some of my stuff in, and meet with Beth, and was utterly weirded out by being back.  I got to see some people I really wanted to see and get myself more organized for our first production meeting Monday, but it's just so...oddddddd. 

    Right now the house is really freezing, but I already turned the heat up and put the fire on.  Brrr!  Mom went out to the movies, I guess, and hasn't come home yet, so it's just me and the animals, who like to follow me around when I'm home alone.  Seriously, if I walk into a different room just for a minute, they follow me every step of the way.  They're bizarre, especially the cat.  :)

    Last night I finally saw Keanu's movie (or Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton's...whatever...), which was quite enjoyable.  Watching a movie that talks about that whole age difference thing got me thinking about how Keanu's ONLY 18 years older than me ;) and his band is ALMOST named the right thing...  It's named Becky.  Sigh - Hehehe.

    This past week has been the slowest one ever without my sister home and my mom back at work, worrying about having to go back to school and plunge into stage managing a mainstage. 

    I'M COLD.

    Wednesday, January 7, 2004

    no really, i LOVE this song

    Lay down your sweet and weary head
    Night is falling -
    You've come to journey's end
    Sleep now and dream of the ones who come before
    They are calling from across the distant shore.

    Why do you weep?
    What are those tears upon your face?
    Soon you will see
    all of your fears will pass away -
    Safe in my arms
    You're only sleeping..

    What can you see
    On the horizon?
    Why do the white gulls call?
    Across the sea a pale moon rises
    The ships have come to carry you home

    And all will turn to silver glass;
    The lights on the water,
    All souls pass

    Hope fades into the world at night
    Through shadows forming, out of memory and time.
    Don't say "We have come now to the end"
    White shores are calling;
    You and I will meet again.
    Then you'll be here in my arms,
    Just sleeping..

    What can you see
    On the horizon?
    Why do the white gulls call?
    Across the sea
    A pale moon rises
    The ships have come to carry you home

    And all will turn to silver glass;
    The lights on the water,
    Grey ships pass into the West.

    Monday, January 5, 2004

    I'm 21

    How does it feel to be 21?  Same as it did to be 20, of course.

    I have no desire to go back to Muhlenberg and resume my life there, but I have to as of next week, Monday.  Ick...  That first week better be fun!

    I've been going out with Jason for one whole year now :)

    I finally upated my pics.  The end.