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    Monday, November 17, 2003

    the past week...

    Hmm, let's see what's new.  On Friday I saw His Girl Friday with Jen and Phil which was really good and light fun - Zoe Wanamaker (Madam Hooch in HP1) was great, and so were most of the other actors.  And a good deal - we got to sit instead of doing standing room for only 5 quid ( we stood in the returns line).  On Sunday as I had mentioned Jen, Jeni and I went to see Matrix Revolutions, which I quite enjoyed, so don't listen to the reviews.  I'm not saying it's the best thing ever, but if you've seen the first one or two you should see how it ends.  Monday I don't really remember so I assume I did work all day - I have two papers and a big project due in the upcoming weeks, as well as a scene for Shakespeare - I'm sure I'll have one for Acting, as well.  So it's getting a bit more stressful.  The rest of the week was class and work and a trip to the theatre, of course (Loyal Women - v. good - wrote my London Theatre paper on it), as well as a trip with Shakespeare and out to dinner with Danielle's parents, at a very good Italian place called Galileo's.  I ate a lot.  Yum.  :)  On Friday I went to Covent Gardens to try and get some Xmas shopping done, but I wasn't very successful, and then went to Matrix again, but Tim treated so its okay, and then hung out various places at night.  Okay, Saturday.  I worked on my paper by day and watched Bend it Like Beckham for the first time by night.  Sunday.  More worky worky on papers, then to the Love Actually premiere at night, and then to see the movie itself.  The premiere was pretty cool.  We had nice close (but short) clear views of Hugh Grant and Colin Firth, and also saw Alan Rickman, Keira Knightley, Bill Nighy, and Simon Cowell as well.  Hugh Grant signed a lot of autographs, but unfortunately not ours - he paid the most attention to the fans though.  Today I've been working on my paper all day so this is what I like to call procrastination! 

    Sunday, November 9, 2003

    continued from below

    On Tuesday we left for Salzburg, where we stayed in a hostel that was much more like a B'n'B - very homey and nice, and we had eggs with our breakfast on Friday! We went on a Sound of Music tour, toured the fortress and the Residenz staterooms, saw a rock-ballet (GOOD but confusing), toured Mozart's home, and spent a lot of time just shopping and eating and doing all that touristy stuff. I love Salzburg.
    Now I'm back in London. Last night Jen, Phil and I saw My Girl Friday with Zoe Wanamaker which was a great light play, and today Jen and I are seeing Matrix Revolutions. Go Keanu! In fact, it's time to get going for that. Mwah!


    Okay, umm, this seems to be a LOT to update... So let's see. Paris was wonderful and Danielle and I had a great time seeing everything (Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, the Pantheon, the Arc de Triomphe, Moulin Rouge, etc.,....we even passed by the Lapin Agile), and we especially enjoyed that whole eating thing ;) It was pretty col, especially when we were stuck on the 2nd level of the Eiffel Tower for an eternity, but a great long weekend.
    Back in London Tuesday through Saturday morning: saw an AWFUL production of Romeo + Juliet by an Icelandic company who apparently thought the show was a circus on Tuesday with my Shakespeare class, but on Thursday I saw an EXCELLENT prodoction of a Howard Barker play called 13 Objects with my London Theatre class. Club Sandwich was, as always, a good time, and on Friday night for Halloween I went to a party at Tim's (not Gross) with Danielle, Jeni, and Nick. Classes were good, although on Friday I was late for Shakespeare by accident and no one showd up to my Directing class except like, 4 of us. No one seemed to care though. Such is life (in London). Oh, and I registered for classes, so I'm taking History of Drama II, Shakespeare II, Women Writers, Classical Acting, and Beginning Jazz Dance. Cool.
    Reading Week: On Saturday Jen and I set off for Austria! We started in Vienna, where our hostel was situated on a hill overlooking he city (great view), and right next to a 5 star hotel which we liked to joke was where we were staying. It was nice - we had a 4 person room all to ourselves... Ahh, the joys of traveling off-season! So we spent a lovely day with Liz and her family - they showed us around Baden bei Wien, then for the rest of our time in the city we saw an opera at the city opera for €4 (!!!) which was AMAZING, toured two castles and the opera itself, climbed to the top of Stephansdom, and saw all the other sights of the city, of course!