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    Monday, April 20, 2009

    final Twelfth Night publicity

    This is what I was doing from 5-9am this morning. I'm only briefly visible in a few of this 10-part series, but they are all worth watching! Except the 8th one, so I'm not linking to it.

    Part 1: Happy Birthday, Brian
    Part 2: Combat Workshop
    Part 3: Boxtree
    Part 4: Quick-changes
    Part 5: Viola & Andrew's Fight
    Part 6: Hi, My Name is...
    Part 7: Load-in
    Part 8: This one is useless.
    Part 9: Zoom in on Vince
    Part 10: Fight Call

    Sunday, April 12, 2009

    my favorite Twelfth Night vid

    This article contains, without a doubt, my favorite PR video for the tour that I've seen thus far. Go watch it!

    Saturday, April 4, 2009

    some linkage

    Another article on our tour...

    This week has been a good and long one. After departing Salt Lake, we performed in a final elementary school, headed to Bryce Canyon National Park for a (wonderful) day off, performed in Tropic and Trout Creek, UT (pictures are forthcoming), then made a stop in Eureka, NV to perform in the Opera House and spend some time in the Owl (a bar with video gambling, pool tables, and lots of food). Next week includes some time in Logan, UT and then we head up to Idaho to live lodge.

    Although I don't yet have pictures up from Trout Creek, my Flickr page is filling up more and more: check it out!

    We have officially performed this show 50 times. Less than a month to go...