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    Wednesday, December 24, 2008

    Happy Holidays 2008

    Happy Holidays 2008
    Originally uploaded by rebl1231

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    Facebook is killing my blog.

    I have realized that all the posts I've made of late are basically Tweets. As a result, ever since I joined Twitter and started sharing those posts, as well as any Flickr uploads I make and items I share on Google Reader, on my Facebook page, I never seem to need to update this blog. So, in an effort to try and keep all of these exciting things still accessible and viewable from the blog, I've gradually been adding boxes to the right-hand side of this page, so you can see my Flickr uploads, Tweets/Facebook status messages, and Reader Shared page.

    And to keep things exciting here are some exclusive updates:
    -I'm finishing up season 3 of Bones, and I HATE what they did. Still like the show, HATE the end-of-season plot twist. Have I mentioned that I HATE it?
    -Finally recieved my contract in the mail and sent it back in. Yep, it's official: I have a job.
    -Mom and I continue in our quest of watching Gilmore Girls pretty much every night. We watched way too much of it this past weekend, and as a result, are nearing the end of season 3. If somehow we could make it through season 4 buy the time I leave home, I would be happy.
    -I talked to Sharon last night, and it looks like I may actually for once in my life have fun new year's plans. I'm knocking on wood that it works out.
    -I've been renting stupid movies galore in an effor to try and catch up on all those new releases. The most recent have been 27 Dresses, Tropic Thunder, and Sex and the City. I think the latter was my favorite, mainly because I already know the characters so well.


    Wednesday, December 3, 2008

    See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die