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    Wednesday, June 25, 2008


    The Philosophy of....

    Buffy's Hair.

    Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    hey there, you with the...

    It's GOOD for you.

    Saturday, June 14, 2008

    not drowned

    In the past few days I've filled some sandbags, piled LOTS of sandbags, watched the radar quite a bit, and oh yeah!  We had our first preview of Ah, Wilderness! last night.  Actually, it was the first full preview of the season thus far.  I ran across this snippet today...

    I'd have to disagree with several of the statements in it.  Richard falls for the lovely sophisticated Belle?  Really?  Tracy isn't given much to do in this play?  Huh..  Shrug.  Oh, and that picture is not our set.

    Tonight - happy Opening (and first full performance) to Midsummer!

    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    the fun keeps a'comin'

    To add to this week's excitement, we've had torrential downpours here today, and I spent about 20 mins of my life today taking shelter from a tornado.  Good times!  Methinks there will be still more flooding problems in the days to come...

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008


    More on the floods.  Many people I know have been spending their free time filling sandbags.

    Meanwhile, we finally got to tech yesterday.  Here's what I spent much of time looking at backstage.  Please note that baby skunks are roly-poly and ADORABLE.

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008


    We are in tech for Ah, Wilderness!  And by tech, I mean that on Sunday night's 5-hour call, we managed to get in 45 minutes of rehearsal between pouring rain.

    Meanwhile in the town of Spring Green...


    Tuesday, June 3, 2008

    come drink our Koolaid

    This article goes into many of the reasons I love APT...