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    Monday, September 24, 2007


    Tuesday, September 18, 2007

    NY Times article...

    ... on Robert Jordan.  I found this article through - go figure.

    And then George RR Martin weighed in on his blog, too.

    Monday, September 17, 2007

    "May you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand...

    ...and may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home." - Robert Jordan

    Once upon a time, I wrote this journal entry.
    Well, it's happened; Robert Jordan died yesterday.

    His Wheel of Time series has been a... very large... part of my life.  I started it in 5th grade, reading books 1 through 5 as we moved from Pittsburgh to Bucks County.  I used to read it to my mom on long car rides.  I was reading the series when I started high school, still reading it my final year of high school, and still reading it my first year in Milwaukee.  He was working on book 13 of the series, the final book, when he passed away.  I don't have words to describe the impact those books have had on my life, really.

    R.I.P., RJ.  Thank you for writing these books.

    -Neil Gaiman on RJ's death
    -Yes, there will be a final book

    On a much lighter note, I had a really wonderful visit to Milwaukee this weekend, and came away with a LAPTOP.  And now I must go play with it.

    Friday, September 14, 2007

    some more Timon stuff

    "funny, irreverent stuff": Vital Source

    "Mani gives what will be the defining performance of his career": Shepherd Express

    dear weather gods,

    ALERT 1 - Freeze Warning

    Event Start: 1:00AM CDT, Saturday Sep 15, 2007
    Event End: 8:00AM CDT, Saturday Sep 15, 2007

    Some of us are still tryin' to do some outdoor theater over here in Spring Green; this 30-degree weather is WAY unacceptable!

    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    i say i'm from philly...


    You are 89% Pittsburgh.

    Great job! There's nooooo doubt about it.  You're from Da Burgh.  You deserve a reward, so go have an Ahrn City or two.  And GO STILLERS!

    How Pittsburgh Are You
    See All Our Quizzes

    I guess something from those other 9 years stuck.

    Saturday, September 8, 2007

    new news

    So, turns out I'm going on tour with APT's production of Merchant of Venice after all.  A crew person dropped out, so I'm stepping in as basically a PA.  Not usually my job description, but methinks touring with APT will be enormously helpful in thinking about tour managing for the Rep again.  So the news is yay, because touring is fun and I love per diem and I love spending more time with people I love... and boo because now my face won't be seen on the east coast again until sometime after November 5th.

    There's the news, and here are some pictures.  :)  The newest ones are at the bottom.

    Friday, September 7, 2007

    musical theater is the key

    What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For?
    You would fall for the sensitive guy. You'll find your future man wherever turtlenecks are sold. He will have depth, introspection, and a disturbing knowledge of musical theatre. And he may be a little weird. But hey, while your girlfriends cry over broken hearts, you'll be having Shakespeare read to you every night.
    Find Your Character @