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    Friday, August 31, 2007


    There's no good reading material at the bathrooms at work, so I have to entertain myself by thinking.  Dangerous, right?

    So, I was thinking about the title of my last post, inspired, of course, by LOTR, and thinking... if I ever get a cat with large large paws, I will name him/her Hobbit, and explain that it's because of her big furry feet.  And then I'll point to her tail, and exclaim, "Look, it's A HOBBIT'S TAIL!"

    Get it?  GET IT?  A Hobbit's Tale?  By Bilbo Baggins?  HAAAAA.  I crack myself up.



    there and back again?



    Who's with me?

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007


    And a random blog entry that points out how unknown/undone Timon is.  Shout-outs to APT are good times.

    on "Timon"

    Review from the State Journal, and from Journal Sentinel

    Thursday, August 23, 2007

    there are things...

    There are things that it is VERY, VERY silly to get hurt by.  I recognize this even as it makes me hurt and have a sad feeling somewhere between my heart and stomache.

    This has happened at least 4 times in as many days. 

    VERY, VERY silly.

    Why is that?


    There are many upsides to the past few days.  But still... there are days when your life clouds over.

    Sunday, August 12, 2007

    yay APT

    I'm pretty damn proud of this theatre I work in.  I find new things to be wowed by every week.  Last Saturday, both shows of the day were rained out sometime after intermission... but it's always pretty cool that there's an enormous audience sitting out there patiently waiting, without umbrellas, in the pouring rain, for an announcement to be made about whether or not the show will continue.  And we call 700-member audiences here "small".  Ha!

    Last night Night of the Iguana (not my show) opened, so of course I went to see it even though I watched it all through tech.  And it was BEAUTIFUL.  Practically every actor (especially Bobby Spencer) got applause just by walking on stage and being recognized by the audience.  That's NEAT.

    It was incredibly windy and the cicadas were loud, so it was sometimes a challenge to hear, but the wind in the trees complimented the end-of-Act storm created by lighting and sound perfectly.  And apparently, although I didn't see, at the very final moment when the stage fades to black over Colleen Madden and Bobby Spencer, an amazingly beautiful moment in itself, you could clearly see a shooting star in the background over the woods.

    Sigh.  Makes me pretty excited for the meteor shower tonight, because I've never seen starry skies like these before in my life, so it promises to be amazing out here.

    Timon of Athens opens this next Saturday.  We had our first preview on Friday night, and I'm pretty proud of it and ready for it to open.

    I uploaded new pictures today. 

    The end.

    Monday, August 6, 2007

    YAY geekdom.

    This makes me want to dance with joy.

    Thursday, August 2, 2007